Anonymous ID: bf7d01 July 2, 2023, 3:33 p.m. No.19112890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2896 >>2935

2 Jul, 2023 21:36

Families of fallen Ukrainian soldiers hold rally to demand more cemeteries

The protesters urged authorities to create a national war memorial


(The human, child and body parts trafficking capitol of the world doesn’t have enough cemeteries, I wonder why?)


A small-scale protest, staged by families of fallen Ukrainian soldiers, including members of the notorious neo-Nazi Azov regiment, was held at the heart of Kiev on Friday. The protesters gathered in the Independence Square (the Maidan), urging Ukraine’s authorities to build more cemeteries.

The protesters carried portraits of their fallen relatives, as well as displayed several banners. One of them read “Government, where’s the Ukrainian Arlington?” while another said “Military cemetery cannot wait.”One large banner also stated “National military cemetery must emerge in Bykovnya in 2023,”referring to promises to create such a site in the aforementioned Kiev suburb, previously voiced by top Ukrainian officials.


The construction of the national military cemetery, promised by the authorities this year, has not even started. The authorities must hear us and understand that the cemetery for the soldiers who died in this war cannot wait,” one of the event’s organizers, the head of civic group ‘Heart Out,’ Vera Litvinenko, said during the rally, as quoted by local media. Litvinenko’s son has been killed during the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which has been raging on since February 2022.


Lack of space to bury fallen soldiers has apparently been an issue for Ukraine for some time already. Multiple videos circulating online show rows of fresh graves emerging at the burial sites all across the country.


In some locations, authorities have to exhume old graves to make room for the newly deceased, the New York Times reported last month. For instance, a groundskeeper at one of the cemeteries told the newspaper that the management of the site had decided to exhume unmarked graves from World War I, as it ran out of space.


Both Ukraine and Russia have been tight-lipped on their frontline casualties, each claiming that their opponent has sustained significantly more than they report. Moscow has repeatedly accused the collective West of pushing Kiev into waging war “to the last Ukrainian,” warning that the continuous flow of military aid to the country is only bound to increase the cost of war for Ukrainians.

Anonymous ID: bf7d01 July 2, 2023, 3:40 p.m. No.19112914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2924 >>2928 >>2936 >>3198 >>3326

2 Jul, 2023 21:05

US Congress may need to impeach Supreme Court judges – AOC

The Democrat lawmaker has claimed recent rulings reflect an authoritarianism and abuse of power


US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) has accused the Supreme Court of abusing its power with “authoritarian” rulings on such issues as abortion, LGBTQ protections, and race-based college admissions, arguing that lawmakers should consider impeaching justices for breaking laws.


She told CNN on Sunday that if Chief Justice John Roberts does not voluntarily testify in a congressional probe of alleged ethics violations by Supreme Court judges, lawmakers should consider issuing subpoenas to demand answers. The New York Democrat also called for imposing more stringent ethics guidelines to help maintain a proper balance of power among the nation’s three branches of government.


“There also must be impeachment on the table,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “We have a broad level of tools to deal with misconduct, overreach, and abuse of power.”


The congresswoman made her comments after a string of rulings last week in which the nation’s high court struck down President Joe Biden’s plan to wipe out $400 billion in student loan debt, blocked colleges from admitting students based on skin color, and upheld the free-speech rights of a Christian graphic artist who refused to offer her services for same-sex weddings. She also cited last year’s decision overturning Roe v Wade, a landmark 1973 ruling that had protected abortion as a constitutional right.


“The courts, if they were to proceed without any check on their power, without any balance on their power, then we will start to see an undemocratic and, frankly, dangerous authoritarian expansion of power in the Supreme Court, which is what we are seeing now,” Ocasio-Cortez said.


For instance, the court’s ruling on refusing services for same-sex weddings stripped away “the full personhood and dignity of LGBTQ people,” she said. “These are the types of rulings that signal a dangerous creep towards authoritarianism and centralization of power in the court.”


Ocasio-Cortez and other members of the far-left “Squad” group of Democrat representatives have called for expanding the court to 15 justices, arguing that “democracy is in crisis” because six of the nine current judges were appointed by Republican presidents. Biden, who would get to appoint six left-leaning justices in such a scenario, said on Thursday that expanding the court would harmfully politicize the judicial branch.


(Super Dumb Democrat Congresswomen first!)

Anonymous ID: bf7d01 July 2, 2023, 4 p.m. No.19113004   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A ceasefire is never acceptable to the US. Well, if you had any question these people in power dont mean “to the last Ukrainian”, thats really what they mean!

Anonymous ID: bf7d01 July 2, 2023, 4:52 p.m. No.19113188   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 Jul, 2023 20:22

Titan disaster caused by ‘microcracks’ – expert

The doomed submersible’s carbon-fiber hull is believed to have failed under deep-ocean pressure


The implosion of the tourist submersible Titan shortly after its descent to the Titanic last month was likely due to microcracks in its carbon fiber hull that caused it to fail under repeated pressure, Plymouth University mechanical and marine engineering associate professor Jasper Graham-Jones told Business Insider on Friday.


While Graham-Jones has also considered that the small front viewport of the 21-foot sub could have given way as it descended to the wreck, he said recently-published photos and footage of the Titan's remains supported his initial theory, noting an absence of any large hull pieces among the debris. He said this was consistent with thehypothesis that repeat trips had created tiny cracks in the material, weakening it graduallywhile explaining how it had visited the Titanic in 2021 and 2022 without incident.


While the Titan’s choice of materials was already controversial, OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush allegedly told the editor of Travel Weekly thathe had used cut-rate carbon fiber sourced from aircraft manufacturer Boeing to save even more money, insisting it was safe because the shelf-life dates for the material were “set far before they had to be.” While carbon fiber is lightweight and cheap, titanium is more typically used in deep-sea operations for its ability to better withstand the extreme pressures of the deep. Boeing has denied selling the material to the company or its CEO and rejected a claim previously featured on OceanGate’s website that it had collaborated on the design of the vessel.


TheTitan’s viewport was only certified to withstand pressure up to 4,200 feet (1,300m) even though the sub intended to descend to 13,100 feet (4,000m). The Titanic rests 12,500 feet (3,800m) below sea level on the ocean floor off the coast of Newfoundland. When he learned of the discrepancy, former OceanGate employee David Lochridge said he urged his employer to pay for a more robust viewport and have it appropriately certified with a reputable agency, only to be fired for – he claims – blowing the whistle.


Debris from the wreck was brought ashore by the Canadian Coast Guard in Newfoundland earlier this week, giving experts and other observers a closer look at marine tourist company OceanGate’s doomed craft.


The Titan lost communications with its mothership less than two hours after its launch on June 18, though the Canadian Coast Guard did not begin searching for it until the next day – by which time the sub had already imploded, as was later determined. Pieces of the submersible were finally located four days later by an underwater drone. All five passengers on board Titan were killed in the implosion, including Rush, who served as pilot, andfour others who paid $250,000 each for the dive to the wreck of the Titanic.


(This guy is gonna be sued for millions and millions, and his insurance company won’t pick up the tab due to his statements)

Anonymous ID: bf7d01 July 2, 2023, 4:56 p.m. No.19113205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3215 >>3236

2 Jul, 2023 16:25

HomeRussia & FSU

Value of Wagner state contracts revealed by Russian media


The private military company was paid almost a trillion rubles ($11.4 billion) in government tenders, TV presenter Dmitry Kiselyov has claimed

Evgeny Prigozhin’s holding, which includes the Wagner Group, has enjoyed substantial benefits from working for the Russian government, securing contracts worth hundreds of billions of rubles, Dmitry Kiselyov, the head of the Rossiya Segodnya media group, said on Sunday.


Speaking on air during his weekly news program, Kiselyov said that Prigozhin’s Wagner private military company “has received a little more than 858 billion rubles ($9.8 billion) under the contracts it signed with the state.”


He added that under other contracts, Prigozhin’s holding Concord, which is also engaged in the catering and media business, had provided services to the tune of 845 billion rubles.


“This does not mean that they have earned so much, but it is still indicative of the scale of the business and the scale of ambitions,” Kiselyov noted.


He went on to point out that Prigozhin’s company had a strong media clout, adding that some people might have had the impression that the Wagner Group was the most capable frontline unit Russia had.


Stressing that he did not want to “detract from anybody’s merits,” Kiselyov recalled that regular Russian units had been faster in capturing the heavily defended city of Mariupol than Wagner troops were in seizing the Donbass stronghold of Artyomovsk (known as Bakhmut in Ukraine).


His remarks come after Russian President Vladimir Putin noted on Tuesday that the Wagner Group was completely dependent on state support. He claimed that for the last year the Russian authorities had allocated 86 billion rubles to pay wages and provide incentives for Wagner fighters.


At the same time, according to the Russian leader, Prigozhin’s Concord company received 80 billion rubles from the state in a year for supplying food products to the army.


Last month, Prigozhin accused the Russian Defense Ministry of staging a deadly missile strike on a Wagner camp, and vowed retaliation. The ministry denied the allegation. His troops proceeded to capture several military installations in the southern city of Rostov-on-Don, with some forces driving on towards Moscow.


However, Prigozhin stopped his advance as part of a deal mediated by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. According to the agreement’s conditions, the Russian government consented to drop a criminal case against the PMC leader, and permit him to relocate to Belarus.

Anonymous ID: bf7d01 July 2, 2023, 5:01 p.m. No.19113216   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 Jul, 2023 15:52

Biden’s Iran envoy under investigation – CNN

Rob Malley had his security clearance revoked earlier this year for allegedly mishandling classified documents


US President Joe Biden’s special envoy to Iran, Rob Malley, has been placed on unpaid leave while he is being investigated for alleged mishandling of classified documents, CNN reported on Thursday. Little is known about the investigation, butMalley’s sidelining could imperil efforts to revive the Iran nuclear deal.


His absence was first noted in May, when he missed a Senate briefing on Iran. At the time, the State Department explained that the envoy was on personal leave due to an illness in his family.


However, an unnamed US official told CNNthat Malley had his security clearance suspended earlier this year and was being investigated for possibly mishandling classified information. Another anonymous source said that Malley was placed on unpaid leave on Thursday afternoon.


He confirmed the reports later that day, telling multiple US media outlets that he was on leave, but had not been “provided any further information.”


Malley was one of the key architects of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or Iran nuclear deal, which saw Tehran agree to limit its uranium enrichment in exchange for limited sanctions relief. Although the deal was scrapped by President Donald Trump in 2018, Malley was appointed special envoy to Iran by Biden in 2021, and has since led back-channel negotiations aimed at restoring the agreement, or coming to some alternate arrangement.


Israeli officials, who vehemently oppose a return to the 2015 deal, have long accused Malley of being a soft touch on Tehran. Among other complaints, they have pointed to his willingness to meet with figures like Amir Saeid Iravani, Iran’s ambassador to the UN who has repeatedly stated the Islamic Republic has a right to respond with force to Israeli drone attacks.


In the US, Republican lawmakers have also opposed a return to the deal, favoring stiffer sanctions and military threats over diplomacy with Tehran. On Friday, Republican House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul wrote to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, demanding further information on Malley’s suspension so his panel could conduct “oversight on Iran negotiations and policy.” In his letter, McCaul referred to Malley’s outreach to Tehran as “troubling.”

Anonymous ID: bf7d01 July 2, 2023, 5:12 p.m. No.19113266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3275 >>3288 >>3296 >>3331

France Burns While Media Demand We Pretend Not to See the Origin of the “Crisis”…

July 2, 2023 | Sundance |


For years, decades even, we have watched as European cultural elites, rich white people, literally chose to accept a path to their own inevitable destruction.


Yet now, even as stores are looted, buildings that withstood World War II are destroyed, and rampant violent mayhem erupts, we are supposed to pretend this had something to do with a 17-year-old named Nahel Marzouk who was shot dead by French police for trying to use his vehicle to kill them.


A Twitter account put together video from recent events in Europe,transposed with a speech given by Enoch Powell 55-years-ago, to highlight the insufferable cultural marxist pretending that is now rampant. {Direct Rumble Link}.Watch closely and see the future of the United States. WATCH:


Rivers of Blood

[Full “Rivers of Blood” Speech Here – YouTube]


[FRANCE] – … “France burnt for a fifth night as rioters rampaged through major cities, torching cars and trashing buildings – prompting the drastic deployment of French special forces in an attempt to stop the mayhem from escalating.


Up to 7,000 police were deployed into Paris overnight – joining a nationwide force of 45,000 officers – as the civil unrest deepened following the killing of Merzouk.


The worst trouble overnight on Saturday to Sunday was in Marseille, where police fired tear gas and fought street battles with youths around the city centre late into the night. A beefed-up police contingent arrested 55 people there.


In Paris, police increased security on the Champs Elysees and on the Rue de Rivoli after calls on social media to gather there.


[…] Mass police deployment has been welcomed by some frightened residents of targeted neighbourhoods and shop-owners whose stores have been ransacked – but it has further frustrated those who see police behaviour as the core of France’s current crisis.


The unrest took a toll on Macron’s diplomatic standing. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s office said Macron phoned Saturday to request a postponement of what would have been the first state visit by a French president to Germany in 23 years. Macron had been scheduled to fly to Germany on Sunday.


Hundreds of French police and firefighters have been injured in the violence that erupted after the killing, though authorities haven’t released injury tallies of protesters.


In French Guiana, an overseas territory, a 54-year-old died after being hit by a stray bullet.


On Saturday, France’s justice minister, Dupond-Moretti, warned that young people who share calls for violence on Snapchat or other apps could face legal prosecution. Macron has blamed social media for fuelling violence.


The violence comes just over a year before Paris and other French cities are due to host Olympic athletes and millions of visitors for the summer Olympics, whose organisers were closely monitoring the situation as preparations for the competition continue. (read more)

Anonymous ID: bf7d01 July 2, 2023, 5:20 p.m. No.19113288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3294 >>3307 >>3494


When Merkle wanted 100s of 1000s more immigrants that was the key. She didn’t want smart citizens challenging her, or them. Europe has fallen. Every country in EU that invite more in, get chaos, hate and distain from terrorists. How do the elite think they will still rule? They won’t but thats what they want.

Anonymous ID: bf7d01 July 2, 2023, 5:32 p.m. No.19113331   🗄️.is 🔗kun


France will not get the Olympics unless the money paid is worth it. And people WW will not attend. Macron is just about the worst perve and he’s not a brilliant person! Whatever is coming for him he deserves it. LaPenn is right stop the mass migration.


France used to be beautiful and a tourist country, it was when he allowed the burning of Notre Dame it should have been a sign, it will only get worse from there.


I honestly don’t understand their motivation for doing things like this. Some twitter person said 1 catholics churches burned and and 10 muslim worship centers are built per week. (Or vice versa 10 Catholic churches to 1 muslim worship center)


It’s literally sick. The French are not smart leaders

Anonymous ID: bf7d01 July 2, 2023, 5:39 p.m. No.19113362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3376


That’s where they are wrong, it will lead back to the leaders and they won’t survive a 1,000 blood thirsty muslims.


Obviously I’m not talking about all muslims. But when they allow terrorists to stay, and allow illegal immigration its crazy.


The only two countries in the EU that don’t allow it is Poland and Hungary but the still have to pay for them. The EU is fucked including the UK that is intentionally failing to be let back in. That is why Farage was debanked, he’d be elected in a heartbeat

Anonymous ID: bf7d01 July 2, 2023, 5:49 p.m. No.19113384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Representative Byron Donalds Tells Townhall Audience an Important Point…


July 2, 2023 | Sundance |


Representative Byron Donalds (MAGA – SWFL) brings an important point to the audience at a local townhall. The issue of institutional corruption, and the total lack of faith and confidence in the institutions of our government, are at the forefront of the electorate. Representative Donald’s is challenged about the intent of the MAGA republican legislators and what must be done about the transparency of corruption we all witness and know to exist.


During his response, Donalds notes a key distinction. The MAGA coalition saw what the 2010 Tea Party conservatives went through. The MAGA coalition saw and sees what President Trump has gone through. The MAGA coalition is delivering a message to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and others,that those who stand on the principles of anti-corrupt influence are not concerned with the perks, benefits, affluence and legislative influence that DC uses to diminish their opposition.


As noted by Donalds sharing his discussions with Kevin McCarthy, the MAGA coalition is in place -in their face- to effect change and remove the corruption, not participate in the process to give the illusion of change. WATCH: