It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Then it's hilarious.
>The Pig persona never ever has contributed ANY digs or research
How do you know? Do you think Pig would put his moniker on his research?
>Hate has no place here.
Are we not allowed to hate the globalists and the deep state?
Are we not allowed to hate human traffickers and pedophiles?
Are we not allowed to hate shills like you?
>No you are not, per Q
Q loves everyone, including the people he's fighting against? Tell me another big fat lie.
>Jim Watkins is a pedo and Mossad has so much dirt on him
He lives on a pig farm in the Phillipines. What kind of dirt could be worse than that?
The difference is between a critical service like banking and an elective service like baking a cake or designing a website. You can always bake your own cake or design your own website. You can't provide your own bank account or do your own surgery.
Just bring it on. I'm tired of all these threats of nuclear war for the past 50 years. If nukes are real then just fucking nuke us. Not afraid anymore (never was actually).
>made the (((jews))) text inside the parethesis turn blue and white
I really hated that. Stuck out like a sore thumb. It distracted instead of providing emphasis.
Kennedy wasn't always clued in about vaccines either but he figured out the scam when he started doing his own research. Perhaps he'll figure out that you can't fight racial discrimination with racial discrimination.
That vid is from the time Jim forced his stupid Android APK on us, followed by the little spy-vs-spy episode with GatorAnon. Fun time.
What do you call a belt made of watches?
A waist of time.
>We can't expect God to do all the work
Why not? God can just command the universe to do whatever He wants. No effort involved.