Anonymous ID: c8ca9f July 8, 2023, noon No.19145333   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resetting the Great Reset: Dutch WEF Government Falls, Populists to Gain in Fall Elections


The Dutch government collapsed Friday amid disagreement over how to deal with illegal migrants flooding the country. The populist opposition looks to make significant gains when elections are held in Fall.


RINO Prime Minister Mark Rutte (People’s Party VVD) tendered his resignation to King Willem-Alexander in The Hague and discussed forming a caretaker administration until new elections can be held, presumably around November. The King had to return to Holland from his vacation in Greece to accept the resignation.


Massive protests by Dutch farmers against government efforts to abolish artificial fertilizer in the name of “climate” have rocked the tiny nation of 16 M, which is the world’ second-largest agricultural exporter after the United States. RINO PM Mark Rutte is a member of the World Economic Forum and made the Netherlands headquarters of the WEF Food Innovation Hub which has destroyed countries like Sri Lanka.

Anonymous ID: c8ca9f July 8, 2023, 12:18 p.m. No.19145420   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING: Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Reinstates Tennessee Law Protecting Children From Horrors of Hormone Therapy


The United States Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals last night stayed a lower court’s injunction of a Tenneseee law that punishes medical professionals who provide hormone therapy to minors.


A Saturday morning press release from America First Legal explains that the law was challenged by ACLU attorneys — prompting a federal district court to issue a preliminary injunction just three days before the law’s effective date.


On Monday, America First Legal filed a brief in support of the Tenneseee legislature.


s a result of the Sixth Circuit ruling, the bipartisan law will go into effect as scheduled — protecting numerous Tennessee children from the horrors of chemical castration and genital mutilation.

Anonymous ID: c8ca9f July 8, 2023, 12:55 p.m. No.19145594   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We are in the Corbomite maneuver.

The strain on all systems as resistance increases

Soon a breakaway push will begin

Anonymous ID: c8ca9f July 8, 2023, 1:40 p.m. No.19145863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Seven AGs Send Target a Letter Warning Pride Displays May Have Violated Laws That ‘Protect Children From Harmful Content Meant to Sexualize Them’


Seven Republican Attorney Generals have sent a letter to retail giant Target warning that their Pride month displays may have violated state laws that “protect children from harmful content meant to sexualize them and prohibit gender transitions of children.”


The letter was penned by Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita and signed by his counterparts from Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and South Carolina.


“As the chief legal officers of our States, we are charged with enforcing state laws protecting children and safeguarding parental rights,” the letter stated. “State child-protection laws penalize the ‘sale or distribution . . . of obscene matter.’ A matter is considered ‘obscene’ if ‘the dominant theme of the matter . . . appeals to the prurient interest in sex,’ including ‘material harmful to minors.’ Indiana, as well as other states, have passed laws to protect children from harmful content meant to sexualize them and prohibit gender transitions of children.”


In light of these responsibilities, the letter continued to say, “we wish to communicate our concern for Target’s recent ‘Pride’ campaign. During this campaign, Target wittingly marketed and sold LGBTQIA+ promotional products to families and young children as part of a comprehensive effort to promote g and sexual identity among children.”