>Who are the puppet masters?
The Prime Movers
The foul beast from the earth moves many of them.
>Who are the puppet masters?
The Prime Movers
The foul beast from the earth moves many of them.
Do they have air-conditioned theaters in Columbia?
i've been here for like 5 years and am so retarded that I just figured it out, you guys don't just "not like" anon, you fuckinhateanon, like with a sick passion.
Seek help.
Or don't.
its funny either way
Get a cabin with a balcony. The higher up, the better. All you can reasonably afford. Don't fall for the $500+ worth of onboard add-ons like photos and crap. Stuffy dinners are "meh", so I'd miss them.
Enjoy the view
(Watch the water)