Anonymous ID: fbc206 July 10, 2023, 12:42 p.m. No.19157028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7030 >>7051

Amid rampant retail theft across the county, supermarkets in New York have resorted to locking up pints of their high-end ice cream offerings, with lids that must be removed at checkout.

The New York Post reports that the Fairway supermarket in the Upper West Side is one such store, taking precautions with plastic tops on top of $6 cartons of Häagen-Dazs. On the freezer, they posted a sign that reads, "To help maintain the lowest possible cost, a protective lock has been placed on some units of ice cream."

"This lock will be removed at checkout by a store associate. We apologize for any inconvenience," it said about the plastic lock device.

In a video on Twitter, an employee at the store said the ice cream is a "high theft item." He added, "People come, take 10 and run out of the store."

One customer at the store said, "This is the age we live in now, unfortunately. This is the New York that we know.” He continued, “This has nothing to do with anything other than people coming in and ripping off places that are trying to make money.”

“Before you know it, all our groceries will be locked up and we’ll have to go through a security check just to buy food,” another shopper said.

An employee at another store, which locks its freezers with chains, said, "People used to come with garbage bags and fill up the garbage bags with ice cream. Clear out our freezers." The employee explained, “We had to put the locks on because people kept stealing our Red Bull and ice cream out the fridge."

Retail theft has been skyrocketing across the country. The report notes that there have been 13,738 reports of retail theft in New York City in the first quarter of 2023 compared to 8,750 quarterly in 2019. In NYC alone, thefts were up 45 percent with 63,000 incidents in 2022.

A viral video showed a thief using a blowtorch to break into a skincare cabinet at a Queens, NYC Walgreens before making off with $448 worth of products.

The National Retail Federation conducted a study that showed about 75 percent of Americans have to shop at stores where products are locked up. Some such as Walgreens in Chicago have redesigned their locations so that an employee has to take a customer's order and grab their items.

Anonymous ID: fbc206 July 10, 2023, 12:46 p.m. No.19157046   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Self-declared January 6th “orchestrator” Ray Epps is planning to sue Fox News for defamation, demanding an on-air apology and a retraction of former primetime host Tucker Carlson‘s claims that Epps may have been working for federal law enforcement at the time of the 2021 “mostly peaceful protest” at the U.S. Capitol. “We informed Fox in March that if they did not issue a formal on-air apology that we would pursue all available avenues to protect the Eppses’ rights… [t]hat remains our intent,” told Michael Teter, Epps’s legal counsel, to The New York Times. Teter himself has come under scrutiny, with Revolver News reporting his links to ‘Facts First USA’, “a nakedly partisan organization targeting the agenda of the so-called ‘MAGA Majority’ in Congress. The President of Facts First USA is none other than the disgraced Democrat/Clinton machine hatchet man David Brock. For those unfamiliar, Brock’s resume includes founding the Soros funded Media Matters, a so-called ‘watchdog’ group that watches conservative media 24/7 and excerpts ‘gotcha’ clips for political purposes. Brock’s current Superpac ran an 80 million dollar opposition research campaign for Biden, and the New York Times described Brock’s former group Correct the Record as ‘Hillary Clinton’s own personal media watch dog.'” Carlson ran a number of segments on Tucker Carlson Tonight, which sought to highlight many of the inconsistencies around Ray Epps, such as the fact he was not arrested after video footage showed him shouting “we need to go into the Capitol” as well as boasting via text that he “orchestrated” the US Capitol riots. Carlson recently claimed that he interviewed Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who told him the Jan 6th crowed was “filled” with federal agents. Fox News chose not to air the interview, and fired Carlson before he could show the footage to the world.

Anonymous ID: fbc206 July 10, 2023, 12:52 p.m. No.19157068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7076

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—Todd McMurtry, the lawyer who secured settlements from CNN, NBC Universal, and The Washington Post on behalf of Covington Catholic High School teen Nick Sandmann, has joined the legal team for D.A. King and the Dustin Inman Society, who are suing the Southern Poverty Law Center for defamation.

“We’re proud of the willingness of both Liberty Counsel and Todd McMurtry of agreeing to represent us in defense of our good name and reputation from the ridiculous charges of the hatemongering Southern Poverty Law Center,” King, an anti-illegal immigration activist whose organization the SPLC branded an “anti-immigrant hate group,” told The Daily Signal in a phone interview Monday. “We’re also proud of Mr. McMurtry’s experience and success in defamation law.”

“I hope we are successful in court and that no violent, hate-filled supporter of the SPLC finds us first,” the plaintiff added. King was referring to a 2012 incident in which a now-convicted terrorist targeted the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., for a mass shooting, relying on the SPLC’s inclusion of the group on its “hate map” of organizations the left-wing SPLC considers bigoted or hateful in some way.

I wrote in my book “Making Hate Pay,” the SPLC routinely brands mainstream conservative and Christian organizations “hate groups,” putting them on a map with chapters of the Ku Klux Klan. Amid a racial discrimination and sexual harassment scandal in 2019, the SPLC fired its cofounder and a former employee came forward, calling the “hate” accusations a “highly profitable scam.”

McMurtry and the Christian law firm Liberty Counsel joined with King’s current lawyer, James McKoon, on Monday. McKoon, of the McKoon and Gamble law firm in Phenix City, Alabama, initially filed the lawsuit.

Legacy media outlets attacked Sandmann in 2019 when a video of him near the Lincoln Memorial while wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat after the annual March for Life went viral. McMurtry represented Sandmann in multimillion-dollar defamation lawsuits against legacy media outlets, securing undisclosed settlements from CNN, NBC Universal, and The Washington Post. A federal judge dismissed Sandmann’s other defamation lawsuits in July 2022.

King’s lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center made it to the discovery process earlier this year. Other conservative groups have sued the SPLC for defamation, but King’s succeeded because King showed that the SPLC had reason to doubt the truth of its claim that his organization, the Dustin Inman Society, was an “anti-immigrant hate group.” In fact, the SPLC had explicitly stated that the society was not a “hate group” in 2011, but it reversed course in 2018, right after registering a lobbyist to oppose a bill the society supported.

The lawsuit cites an SPLC definition for “anti-immigrant hate group” that dates back to 2020, which no longer appears on the SPLC website—although the center appears not to have adopted a new definition:

Anti-immigrant hate groups are the most extreme of the hundreds of nativist groups that have proliferated since the late 1990s, when anti-immigration xenophobia began to rise to levels not seen in the United States since the 1920s. Most white hate groups are also anti-immigrant, but anti-immigrant hate groups single out that population with dehumanizing and demeaning rhetoric. Although many groups legitimately criticize American immigration policies, anti-immigrant hate groups go much further by pushing racist propaganda and ideas about non-white immigrants.

While the SPLC brands the society an “anti-immigrant hate group,” it does not point to any specific evidence that King or the society “maligned an entire class of people” or fit the definition cited above. “Further, a cursory review of [Plaintiff] DIS’s [Dustin Inman Society’s] website would have revealed that the Board of Advisors of [Plaintiff] DIS is a diverse group of Americans with a variety of racial and immigrant backgrounds,” the lawsuit alleges.

Inger Eberhart, a member of the society’s board and its director of communications, is a black woman; Everett Robinson and Catherine Davis are also black; Mary Grabar is a legal immigrant from Slovenia (then part of Yugoslavia); Maria Litland is a legal immigrant who appears on the Austrian Society of America website; and Sabine Durden-Coulter immigrated legally from Germany. Durden-Coulter lost her son in a 2012 car crash caused by an illegal immigrant (with no connection to the crash that killed Dustin Inman).

Anonymous ID: fbc206 July 10, 2023, 12:57 p.m. No.19157088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7094 >>7101


The Department of Justice erased content from its webpage on child sex trafficking that highlighted the plight of “international sex trafficking of minors” in late May.

The stunning revision comes amidst scrutiny of President Joe Biden’s continued incitement of mass migration via America’s porous southern border – a prime avenue for child sex trafficking – and also coincides with the recent release of the film “The Sound of Freedom.”

The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) webpage chronicling what constitutes child sex trafficking and how the department is combatting it underwent severe revisions on May 12th, 2023, including the erasure of the three sections: “International Sex Trafficking of Minors”; “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors,” and “Child Victims of Prostitution.”

The webpage belongs to the Criminal Division of the DOJ, which outlines the “subject areas” the department’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Services focus on. It was previously updated under the Trump administration on May 28th, 2020.

“One form of sex trafficking involves the cross border transportation of children. In these situations, traffickers recruit and transfer children across international borders in order to sexually exploit them in another country,” explains the now-deleted description of international sex trafficking.

“The traffickers can be individuals working alone, organized crime groups, enterprises, or networks of criminals working together to traffic children into prostitution across country lines,” it continues.

“This form of sex trafficking is a problem in the United States, and recovered victims originate from all over the world, including less-developed areas, such as South and Southeast Asia, Central America, and South America, to more developed areas, such as Western Europe. Once in the United States, a child may be trafficked to any or multiple states within the country.”

“The United States not only faces a problem of foreign victims trafficked into the country, but there is also a homegrown problem of American children being recruited and exploited for commercial sex,” begins the section detailing domestic sex trafficking.

“Pimps and traffickers sexually exploit children through street prostitution, and in adult night clubs, illegal brothels, sex parties, motel rooms, hotel rooms, and other locations throughout the United States,” revealed a section highlighting children forced to engage in prostitution.

In the section “Child Sex Trafficking,” which remains on the Biden administration’s version of the DOJ website, the following paragraph was also erased:

“After cultivating a relationship with the child and engendering a false sense of trust, the trafficker will begin engaging the child in prostitution, and use physical, emotional, and psychological abuse to keep the child trapped in a life of prostitution. It is common for traffickers to isolate victims by moving them far away from friends and family, altering their physical appearances, or continuously moving them to new locations. Victims are heavily conditioned to remain loyal to the trafficker and to distrust law enforcement.”

Anonymous ID: fbc206 July 10, 2023, 12:59 p.m. No.19157098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7103 >>7558

🚨JUST IN: Klaus Schwab will not attend next weeks NATO summit due to ill health.


(We’re not entirely sure why he was invited to start with)


6:14 AM ¡ Jul 9, 2023


