KEK to your KMAO
Anon's, (the true anons,) who are not easily placated by shimmers of pithy sound-bites and staged congressional hearings, or promises of secret meetings, to discuss the possibility of some corrupt govt org, potentially releasing some shred of information, understand that "TRUTH GETTING OUT" IS THE CARROT of ALL PEAS, for an overdue Thanksgiving meal. Everyone awake, already knows. But, they're just being polite. Waiting for the HOST TO DELIVER!
Control? Who is in Control? Who is under Control? Who HAS CONTROL?
WAKE UP! We push the energy. We, collectively can refuse to keep going along with the games, lies, and mind warfare. We ave the power to run companies out of buisness by refusing to do business with them. Well, WHY IS THIS MOVIE ANY DIFFERENT? Just gonna put up with it? Letting them run the show? Torture children? Corrupt more minds with their degenerate story lines? Fill them up with TOXIC SHOTS? PILLS? DRUGS" And TWISTED NARRAITIVES? ENOUGH!
Unless the easily pacified anons start LAUGHING AT THE IDIOCY of these "shows" and actually DEMAND ACTION, by "THOSE WHO HAVE IT ALL" it's all on YOU, that this shit show drags on, day after day.
It is only when gen pop starts getting LOUD, that moves the machine/timelines forward.
Status Quo Bullshit and 2024 is not where we live. We are HERE NOW. Demand Transparency at every turn. Every opportunity. Stop falling for the Promises of a NEXT TIME.
End of rant, sparked by a QQQ