hey, fuck you.
Come back when nato win shit, or aliens land, in the rest, fuck your long txts. I have no brians for it.
Why Trump wanted the Greenland land………
that's a very good question.
Can we get logs of the sats over there?
please. do not buy this BS.
It is something in there, that they keep it hidden.
That Mars landing, why fake it? since they keep it secret. please………….
I do not want to go into a debate w/ you or anybody.
I know that they landed on moon, on Mars and that they have secret bases there.
I also know that they have a treaty w/ evil aliens, and they do not give a fuck about us, b/c I think that there it is another planet……that they live on.
I will find you.
And kill you.
B/C I can, and I do not give a fuck about anything.
And no one it is above me, but God and Holy amazing Spirit, that put me in here.
And they will never protect anyone from me.