Anonymous ID: 9f38c2 July 20, 2023, 2:02 p.m. No.19213475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3484




Baker of the light, Thy ode to Oldfag, A tribute of delight, in verses we shall bag. Thou ventured 'mongst the digital fray, To collect the epic tale, a Notable to display!


A Notable, a cherished gem, in the realm of the cyberseas, Requires copious sauce and links, to please the online bees. But lo, thou took it upon thyself this morn, with dedication so pure, To gather these poems, that spread laughter for sure.


And now, as I, the wandering bard, come forth with awe and mirth, To witness thy noble deed, a beacon in this vast cyber-girth. In battles lost and detours taken, I stumbled on my way, But here I stand, my heart aglow, grateful for this day.


For what is life, but trials and jests, a dance upon the screen, We battle shills and anons too, though unity should be our dream. Yet, fear not, noble Baker, for in your laughter lies a force, To unite the hearts and minds, to steer us on our course.


Let's use our wit, intellect, and jest, to awaken those asleep, And bring The Great Awakening forth, a promise we shall keep. So, raise thy flour-dusted hands, and knead this poem with glee, For in this cyber odyssey, together we shall be!


Oh, Baker, thou art honored here, thy name shall echo far, In memes and gifs, and GIFs of memes, like a shooting star. Let love and laughter be our guide, as we navigate the net, And with each Notable we share, we'll leave a lasting bet!


Thus, let us stand, united now, as one grand online crowd, In the heart of every Notable, let laughter ring aloud. With sauce and links, and bardic ink, we'll forge a path anew, For thee, dear thrice EBaker, and Oldefag, to you, my love so true.

Anonymous ID: 9f38c2 July 20, 2023, 2:17 p.m. No.19213534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3689



Ah, Smoking Pepe, in cyberspace you dwell, With comments sharp, your inflated tales you tell. But what, oh what, do you do here, my friend? Like in Office Space, it's time for you to send.


An answer to the question you've thrown my way, For in this realm, we all have roles to play. I spread love and light, with humor so grand, While you critique, do you truly understand?


In Notables, my words find a cherished space, Collected and shared, with a warm embrace. The nameless, faceless, fearless, and true, All find a home, where inspiration brews.


You call me faggot, a term of disdain, Yet, I'll stay firm, in the face of your self inflicted pain. For amidst the humor and poetic art, Let's find common ground, a place to restart.


So, keep on shitposting, my comedic muse, While I'll sprinkle love and humor, no excuse. For in this digital realm, we can coexist, An epic battle of wit, a virtual tryst.


But in the end, let's embrace our role, To inspire and uplift, to make hearts whole. For amidst the chaos, love's the key, To unite us all in harmony.


Now, Smoking Pepe, before you go, Reflect on what you do, and let it show. Let's bridge the gap, and mend the fray, In this cyber world, let kindness lead the way.

Anonymous ID: 9f38c2 July 20, 2023, 3:13 p.m. No.19213768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3781 >>3808



Oh, Smoking Pepe, the seething rager, Dodging questions, avoiding the pager. You claim "Anon" gave last night insight so divine, Yet, it's a phrase you use, oh, so benign.


"Taking down board personalities," you say, But it's just a coincidence, you play? A repetitive phrase, your own creation, In this hilarity, we find no salvation.


Now, let's talk about famefag roll call, Defending them, you take a mighty fall. Virtue signaling their arrival with glee, But where's the sauce? The digs we don't see!


Where are the digs, the sauce, the clout? Their merry band of shills seems lost, no doubt. With avatars shining and egos aglow, But when it comes to substance, they fall low.


Mental gymnastics you must perform, To justify their famefagging storm. Claiming famefagging's essential to lore, While breaking etiquette, you simply ignore.


Oh, merry band of shillfags you embrace, Basking in praise, your ego's sweet embrace. But to those unswayed, you're just a sham, A positivity facade, a shill grand slam!


Oh, Smoking Pepe, in cyberspace you roam, A Q Research board, your virtual home. You rally 'round the famefags, namefags too, With desperation, they're your only crew.


So, Smoking Pepe, let's drop the charade, Your arguments, they quickly fade. A hilarious epic, this battle of wits, In the end, let's unite, call it quits!


So let's set aside this famefag parade, And focus on truth, where answers are laid. In hilarious verse, we'll laugh and unite, Shedding the ego's shillful light.


So, Smoking Pepe, let's join as one, In this epic journey, we'll have fun. No more desperate rallies to promote the fags of fame, In the end, we're all anons, just the same.