Anonymous ID: b79b2c July 24, 2023, 12:50 p.m. No.19234113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4121 >>4150 >>4209

AWK says, “Missing critical points. Print the full picture.”


OK, I’m up for that challenge.


A study of mice showed significant inflammation of organs. Surely, these same results must have been seen when Pfizer did the biodistribution study for Japan.

July 22, 2023. HAVE BILLIONS BEEN LEFT WITH NO IMMUNE SYSTEM? The Highwire with Del Bigtree.

The most relevant section begins at 12:25.


Results like these should have stopped the jabs in their tracks, but instead authoritarians and regulators doubled down. Why? There must have been a hidden motive.


It could be world control. The Rockefeller Foundation just announced a platform compiling laws relating to infectious diseases. I’m sure there are plenty, including laws based on the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act. I’m sure that it is not a coincidence that the same university published both.

July 19, 2023. “Georgetown University Launches Platform to Navigate Laws Governing the Prevention of Infectious Disease Emergence Worldwide.” The Rockefeller Foundation.

Lisa Haven’s commentary on this:

December 21, 2001. The Center for Law and the Public’s Health at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities. “The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act.”


The WEF is having a massive wet dream about thought surveillance, and they claim that they have the tech to do it.

July 21, 2023. Graphene Oxide & “Nano-Vaccines.” The Last American Vagabond.

The WEF clip about thought surveillance is at 18:00.


Yuval Noah Harari has mentioned surveillance going under the skin during the COVID crisis.

March 20, 2022. Yuval Noah Harari | “The COVID Crisis Was the Moment When Surveillance Started Going Under the Skin.” Thrivetime Show: Business School without the BS.

And so we see that, yes, they are installing tracking devices.


The La Quinta Columna team was among the first to find nanotech in the jabs. Various people have noted that they have found MAC addresses emanating from people.


Fauci himself has mentioned self-assembling nanoparticle vaccines.

December 4, 2019. “The Role of the National Institutes of Health in Research Addressing Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza.” National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases.

The mention is at the top of PDF page 6.


And let’s go another direction here. The US Supreme Court ruled that science could patent cDNA.

June 16, 1980. US Supreme Court. Sidney A. DIAMOND, Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, Petitioner, v. Ananda M. CHAKRABARTY et al.


Research has shown that the mRNA jabs can change DNA.

March 2022. “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 MRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line.” Current Issues in Molecular Biology.

If scientists have changed our DNA, can they now own us?


A Fauci letter was recently unredacted, proving that he lied to Congress. So, what else does he know that he is not telling us?

July 21, 2023. NEW EMAIL EXPOSES FAUCI’S KNOWLEDGE OF LAB-MADE VIRUS. The Highwire with Del Bigtree.


Does this tie up enough loose ends?