Anonymous ID: e0d9d1 July 26, 2023, 8:05 a.m. No.19244582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4598 >>4681 >>4737 >>4843 >>4875

>>19238268 pb


Are we witnessing an Obama/Biden war?


4/10-14/23: Biden visited Ireland, roaming countryside by motorcade w/ sister Valerie and Hunter. Took selfie w/ nationalist politician/former Irish Republican Army member Gerry Adams. Visited Knock Shrine Catholic pilgrimage, had "chance meeting" w/ priest who administered Beau last rites. Trip's justification, 25th anniversary of Good Friday agreement ending sectarian violence in N. Ireland, U.S. brokered deal, which heavily involved Clintons. Trip coincided w/ Clintons' attendance there, who would a few days later had 3-day conference at Queen's College, where she's Chancellor.


Real reason for the trip? Meeting w/ Clintons (and George Mitchell). Were they relaying message from Obama to step aside? Biden refused. No policy announcements or progress on political priorities raised question over whether trip was, Biden “taxpayer-funded family reunion.”


In a way–meeting between "mob" families: Bidens/Clintons. Biden departed on Friday for family Delaware house.


4/21/23: Biden Admin removed security clearance of top Iran negotiator, Robt Malley, on grounds he was passing secrets. However, Malley was Obama guy. Was this part of Biden/Obama war?


April 25, 2023: Biden defiantly announced 2024 campaign run.


Spring/23: Obama hosted secret private meetings with House Democrats at Obama’s DC office. Obama’s advisers alerted the Biden West Wing about it. To message Biden to step down? White House official corroborated, but wouldn’t detail what they were told. Multiple attendees were never fully clear about the reason for the gathering. No certain date as to when it occurred reported, only that it was in "the spring".


June 29: Taylor Taranto in lawsuit over J6 arrested near Obama DC home w/ weapons in van. No fixed address, charged w/ as "Fugitive from Justice, pursuant to an arrest warrant." Allegedly found with "multiple weapons"/"materials to make explosives." Threat from Biden to Obama?


July 2: Cocaine found at White House, Hunter blamed, but was it a deliberate plant?


July 20: Obama released summer reading list:


Dennis Lehane latest crime novel, Small Mercies (Irish mob);

crime novel, S.A. Cosby’s All the Sinners Bleed;

2 debut novels: DK Nnuro’s What Napoleon Could Not Do, about "family, secrets, duty, loss"

Tiffany Clarke Harrison’s Blue Hour, a novel where, in part, the heroine regularly visits a child, her student, in the hospital, a victim of violence (reminiscent of Biden visiting his sons daily in the hospital, perhaps a threat against Hunter)

Ann Napolitano's Hello Beautiful, family undergoing grief and loss

Eleanor Catton’s Birnam Wood, danger, intrigue, double-crossing, a scheming billionaire

3 nonfiction: Jonathan Eig’s King: A Life, about Martin Luther King–who was assassinated

Matthew Desmond’s Poverty, by America, social injustice book, cover gives a clue, letters of "By America" different colors, the A, R, A red, the remainder light colors read: "BY ME IC": Message? Obama will direct Intelligence Community to take operation of assassination?

David Grann’s The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder


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July 23: Biden didn't take long to respond, with the "drowning" of Obama's personal chef at his Martha's Vineyard home.