Anonymous ID: 4aef0e July 28, 2023, 4:39 a.m. No.19256031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6034 >>6072


Imagine a Federal Mandate requiring States to all teach Critical Race Theory, Common Core Math, and whatever other insanity California will cook up next. I can't see any kid with Common Core math being able to analyze a circuit, build a bridge, or design a ship. Architecture, Chemistry, Statistics, even Accounting is out for those kids. When Musical Notation is "racist" so many songs will end up lost forever. Federal Standards has brought about the end of Civics classes so the younger generations have no idea what their true powers are, what their actual Rights are.

Anonymous ID: 4aef0e July 28, 2023, 5:02 a.m. No.19256099   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think one of the first things is to get the kids interacting with each other again. That lockdown, mask wearing, six feet apart thing has messed up quite a bit of the social skills. Get them playing together, making friends. Back in the day there was gym class where a big ole parachute was hauled out and by cooperating kids could make that parachute do cool things.

The whole teacher helps kid go transgender without informing the parents is right out. Unions and school boards that back that kinda of crap need to be tossed

Anonymous ID: 4aef0e July 28, 2023, 5:23 a.m. No.19256174   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>big places like chicago

Places like that to my eyes perpetuate hopelessness. Students have no interest in learning because when school is done with, there is nothing to apply what they learned. Welfare Recipient became a Career Choice long ago. Heroes are made from sports, basketball foremost because football fields are hard to come by in the inner city. Heroes are made from music, the rappers "make bank" and get far away. What big city still has a shop class? I hear a few culinary classes held here or there, great for the one with talent but crashes when french fry maker is the job available after.

Cities need to invest in themselves. Community centers with nursing classes and auto shop and sewing. Yeah sewing, go from repairing old clothes and move up to upholstery as in couches and car seats. How about classes on how to restore old furniture? Show these kids there are things they can do, which can make money, and give them a sense of pride in accomplishment. Right now there is so little "up." Get community gardens going, rooftop ones and buildings can have things to trade with each other. I've seen a city kid taste a tomato that came off the vine less than fifteen minutes prior, you should see the look in their eyes when they discover what fresh food tastes like