Anonymous ID: 545c23 July 28, 2023, 4:15 a.m. No.19255972   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Seconded. Bring back traditional families and the ability for one parent to support the entire unit, and education becomes far less of an issue.


Communities can decide if they would like to fund communal school houses, or if parents wish to, they could enroll their children in private institutions.


Government is unnecessary in education altogether.

Anonymous ID: 545c23 July 28, 2023, 4:22 a.m. No.19255982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5999


Perhaps make that LOCAL government. At this point most states are too populous to actually reflect decent values and morals from the state level.


Cities? Now that's doable. Counties/ Parrishes would be the highest level this anon would want schools to be run from.

Anonymous ID: 545c23 July 28, 2023, 4:25 a.m. No.19255995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6009 >>6013 >>6015 >>6028


Please don't forget:




Anyone who was shoving a needle into an arm.


All of them should be tried for attempted murder for every single shot they gave. Unless, of course, someone actually died from the shot they gave, in which case manslaughter charges should be brought.

Anonymous ID: 545c23 July 28, 2023, 4:33 a.m. No.19256020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6035


This anon has seen far more fathers raped out of their livelihoods by child support than mothers.


In fact, this anon has only seen a single instance wherein a terrible mom had to pay a father child support.


Divorce is initiated by the female far more often, because, quite frankly, divorce is profitable, and it shouldn't be. IF there's no infidelity or abuse, divorce should be "leave with what you brought", and child support, if even a thing, should require receipts for proof that the money was spent on the kid.

Anonymous ID: 545c23 July 28, 2023, 4:42 a.m. No.19256036   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And those debates were settled. It was decided that states should reign supreme and the federal government should have powers over international treaties, the monetary system, and interstate commerce.


The reason politics were more civil in the past is because DC didn't decide daily life issues.


We need far less government at all levels. Strip the federal government bare. Remove all agencies to which authority has been delegated.


A single person can fight with city hall. They can campaign, work, and fight legally. A single person CANNOT fight with DC. There's simply too much separation and too much protection for accountability to exist.


We need government that's accessible to everyone, and it needs to be minimally protected (if at all). Accountability and ease of replacement should be the beacon call. Remove protections from the people ruining society and watch it correct itself.


Plus, seriously, if the states are supreme, then one can vote with their feet and move somewhere else if their opinions and beliefs align more closely to a different state.

Anonymous ID: 545c23 July 28, 2023, 5:05 a.m. No.19256106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6113 >>6115 >>6128


<so even the state it self would not have control over kids?


Yes anon, even the state would have absolutely NO input into what children are taught.


<Do you think a county level model would work for big places like chicago?


No, that would not work for exceptionally large places. Heavily populated areas will have to be subdivided such that school boards are actually visible, and thus accountable, to the average person. Without a "higher authority" to hide behind, school admins will have to listen to parents.


<How do you transition larger places also like chicago over to a localized level when so much is based upon federal and state funds it gets just to do the poor job it is doing.


There's some simple solutions:


  1. Make a "school district" out of each school. There will be no higher authority they can hide behind. If the teachers / admins suck and the students aren't performing, then parents would have quick, and direct access to the people responsible.


  1. Budgets would be at the school district level, nothing higher. This removes the cruft and waste because instead of filtering money through the federal government or state government, the people wasting money on foolish things would be directly accountable to the parents and children they are letting down. This also means that we wouldn't be funding literally thousands of people nationwide that do NOTHING useful for the kids. The nameless, faceless government drones that push paperwork all day would be a thing of the past.


  1. Make parents pay for the school themselves. No federal or state money involved. Why? Because when you're writing the check, you're more involved in how the money is spent. This also removes the power of the teachers unions, because if the local school is terreible, then you don't have to pay them.


  1. Parental oversight. Parents should be allowed to audit the classes being taught to their children.


  1. All teachers and school admins shall serve "at-will" and shall receive whatever retirement plan the community wishes to fund for them.


This incentivizes the locals to give their school the best they can provide. It would also allow private schools to compete for educational dollars.


Are there other aspects that would be worthwhile to discuss?

Anonymous ID: 545c23 July 28, 2023, 5:18 a.m. No.19256151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6168


<no provision for the poor


That is correct anon, society needs to determine it's own level of charitable giving. The school district and the people therein would decide what they wish to do about the poor in their areas. There's always solutions, but force the local communities to find them instead of trying to farm it out to yet another nameless faceless drone somewhere.


"People are only as lazy as society allows them to be." - anon

Anonymous ID: 545c23 July 28, 2023, 5:23 a.m. No.19256176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6191


< what does that say about these people?


Nothing. It shows clearly that the system itself is corrupt. The system rewards terrible behaviors that destroy lives and families. Stop the rewards and the bad behavior will drop off.


People will gravitate toward the easiest solution they know to a problem. Give them an easy, legal, way to steal what they're too lazy to earn on their own and they will do so.


Unfortunately anon, we cannot legislate morality. Unless we remove the reinforcement for this behavior, it will continue.

Anonymous ID: 545c23 July 28, 2023, 5:31 a.m. No.19256201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6216 >>6239


<the biggest obstacle is not the positions themselves per se


Anon disagrees with this portion. The fact that there are federal bureaucrats at all or people that aren't directly visible to the ones paying their paycheck is the real problem.


< how do the county level model deal with certifications for teaching?


Simple. Certifications are a scam. Force teachers to actually INTERVIEW and PROVE SKILLS instead of presenting a prepackaged stack of garbage papers issued by someone who PROFITS off said papers.


Let's look at what an interview might look like:


"Hi <insert teacher's name hereit appears that you have applied for the position to teach <insert subject here> please demonstrate how you would teach <aspect of subject> to the local parents.


<Part of me says the college model has to be torn down totally because its not about a piece of paper that creates wage slaves.


It's even worse than that anon. Consider: colleges and universities exist to charge people inordinate amounts of money to issue a piece of paper. They are literally pyramid schemes.