Why should both parents work in the first place?
Why don't they take care of THEIR OWN CHILDREN?
Why should both parents work in the first place?
Why don't they take care of THEIR OWN CHILDREN?
and the terrorist children are let lose on other children, which fucks them up.
What a great idea there.
>However, they must be taught to be civil, read, write, calculate and make good decisions.
That's not much of school.
Are you taught how to fill a tax return form?
Why not?
The job of "school" is to make you a dumb sheeple. Remember info. Repeat info given by authority. That gives you a good grade.
Question authority - bad.
>be civil
Yeah, if schools did something about bullies, but they don't, because it's part of the plan. They only do something when you fight back.
>of course state control is best
And how?
You think it's a good idea to force parents to send their children to some corrupt school system, that brainwashes their children and all of that against their will?
Congrats, you are doing what hitler did.
>state control is best
Welcome to Hitler Germany, where you follow orders from authority no matter what.
And that's actually the enemy.
Were you also told how to get proper food, and about vaccines and that they are poison?
And how to cure using natural remedies?
Were you told that milk from supermarkets is shite, and that you should get raw milk instead?
You know useful info for life.
you take everyone working at the CDC and give them a nice military trial.
Simple as that.
And everyone that defended this shit, which is most medical doctors, who are most of the time retards.
Yeah, it teaches them how to be a good robot.
That is all.
I consider that bad and it needs to be abolished.
>You had to shake it up everytime because it wasn't homogenized
>different times
Where you think it's a good idea to drink rotten destroyed milk because it's what government tells you is healthy, meanwhile telling you that raw milk is bad? aka lies?
Corona has shown how much of a Nazi they are.
And most are.
Most seem to even enjoy torturing chidlren.
you mean lying like Fauci?
can be told by parents
can be told by parents
>and I get a few weeks off every year, isn't that great?
>during that time I can finally do whatever I want
>I'm not a slave, I'm doing really really well you see.
>I take it you didn't get as much from your education
Actually correct. the "education" was garbage.
The work I do for a living is highly complicated and I got these skills all on my own.
Still a slave, and I know that. You however don't even grasp that thought.
the actual problem is the corrupt and illegal money system.
>Then you have the additional problem of the women them selves who have to be willing to stay home
When a woman does not want to take care of HER OWN CHILDREN, she's a shitty woman and a shitty mother, and you shouldn't have selected her in the first place.
When some bullshit is more important than her children, then she failed at life.
>everyone dumb
>that's why it's a great idea to send them to public school, that makes them smart
>everyone dumb
Do you even notice what you are saying here?
Your post is actually against public school.
>single mom
means that she failed already in some way or another.
In tons of cases these women are incapable of being responsible and a parent and a mother and a wife.
Exception husband died, but that's not what normally happens. Instead she probably even divorce raped him, because the system allows it and even rewards her for it.
I can bollocks on that.
Anyway so what is causing "the youth" to be that horrible, as you are claiming?
Public school?
Social media?
I'm okay with turning all of these off.
Divorces are initiated by women almost all the time. And it's tons.
And the system even allows for no fault divorce. Let that sink in.
And as a male, you are lucky when you get 50:50 regarding your children, while paying your butt off.
If you are unlucky the children may not even be yours, but you still pay for them.
Or you get 10% visiting rights, if any at all, but are still used as a wallet.
If you think that's fair or would make senseโฆ
Also fun fact: in the rare case where a woman has to pay custody or child support (almost never happens anyway), women pay that less often than males.
I consider Amish to be based, and you got various types of Amish.
There are some that are really really strict.
And some others are not so strict.
You can choose what community you fit in and which community is compatible with yourself.
Also no insurance scam either. The community is the insurance, which is a great idea.
Your barn burns down?
500 Amish show up and rebuild it within a day.
Show me an insurance that does that.
>Why would that be do you think?
Because there are problems and it's easier to get another man instead of talking and fixing these problems. (that's what tons of partners do to people, nothing matters anymore, also fuck the children too) aka irresponsible/non-adult behavior
Or you were considered a wallet right from the start. The system fully supports this.
>Because a few of them
Look up divorce rates. Most don't last a few years. If you think 90% of men are "assholes", who probably even beat their victim-wives and children and whatever, then I don't know what to say.
>there are legit reasons to get divorced
Of course, but it's common nowadays.
And single mothers ruin children. That's a fact.
>promote hypergamy
>but your bitching about it tells me you chose poorly
I'm saying the truth. If you don't like that, that's your problem.
>choosing poorly
I personally was never married in the first place, thank God.
As a man the poor choice is getting married in the first place.
It's like marrying a loaded gun and playing Russian roulette every day. She can ruin your day any day for whatever made up reason and there are thugs that will support her no matter what.
>cure hypergamy
You are funny.
That's not even the whole problem.
You see ages ago I moved 350 miles to my girlfriend back then. Her parents even renovated our apartment during their holiday time.
And she even told her mother that she is so happy that I move there during these renovations and that we would visit her grandparents soon.
2 weeks after that she came to me to relocate, but acted like a bitch just like that.
I assumed she was simply stressed, as was I.
In the end that acting like a total bitch never stopped and she even cheated on me a few weeks after relocating.
It's one thing that she lied to me, but lied to her mother, and then even let them renovate an apartment that I had to live in for 1 or 2 years until I was finally able to get out of the rental contract.
This shit showed me how fucked it all is and it was also the worst time of my life.
But what's even crazier is that she even contacted me via e-mail almost at the time where the contract ended asking me if I wanted to drink some coffee with her. How fucked up someone has to be to do something like that, never even say that she's sorry, I refused of course, and she acted out. I have no fucking idea what the hell happened in her mind.
Of course nowadays at least I know that she being on birth control was a really bad decision and thinking back I notice that she went from really nice to sometimes bitchy after she started taking it.
Still whatever that shit does to the brain, none of what she did made any sense.
Fuck, she even complained that her mother and I were such great buddies, despite HER even originally asking me that I should improve the relationship with her mother and I did so, as requested.
Anyway you can blame birth control as much as you want, or the system supporting divorce.
Both of these are still choices and to fuck over your so called partner just like is not forced upon you, but you do it, because your partner means jack shit to you. And that's the actual problem.
>you need to get fucked over, otherwise you can't talk about that
my father was fucked over, but I guess that doesn't count.
And he wasn't even just fucked over, but literally killed.
Fuck off with your fairy tales.
No, they do.
It's a fact.
And it's not surprising.
You can't give someone who is controlled by emotions and is unstable a child and think that something good would come out of that.
It's like giving a child to a mental patient.
A child needs both parents.
But if it's just one, it's better when it's the father.
Also pic related.
I'm not subscribed to any psy-op religions.
Look into how the German empire / Sacred Germany worked.
The most powerful man (per city) was the mayor, who could still get kicked out.
If they got it themselves, they got the wrong job, but you can't get them a trial based on them being retarded.
I stated why I think the way I do.
,..otherwise you would have to give everyone working at supermarkets or in the food industry a trial too.
>What's your budget for prosecuting the global scam?
You take everything that medical fraud doctors own in case they didn't get the shot themselves.
You also take everything the pharma industry has.
That's the budget.
Should be more than enough.
Do you need a jury trial in case the murderer admitted him or herself that they knew exactly what they were doing and did it knowingly?
What do you even do with such people?
People who larp as a medical doctor, pretending to care about patients, but knowingly either kill them or make them sick?
If you got the experimental retardo shot yourself, you are fine in my book, because you can't blame someone for being dumb as bread.
If you gave the experimental retardo shot out to others, but didn't get it yourself (knowingly) you should be fucked.
and if you didn't do any of it, you should be fine too.
It was kinda trivial to get info about vaccines before, but of course yada yada orders yada yada authority yada yada why should I have questioned Vitamin K
But with Corona literally everything about it is retarded and obvious that it's untrustworthy and garbage.
mRNA tech
created during a weekend
company even warns about their products
company never before had any product
vaccinate into a pandemic
no pandemic, hospitals empty
garbage trials
no long term tests, because impossible
fast track within 9 months, despite officially vaccines taking 5-10 years
"safe+effective" non stop
let's redefine the word "vaccine"
Anyone that can think straight should go "wow, no way, dude". It violates so much basic medical "knowledge".
So in your opinion, you have to be a subscriber to a commercial religion?
I'm not.
i can still believe in a creator of the world, and I can still call that someone "God".
You believe in the bible God?
So you are pro genital mutilation?
That God is, I am not.
>An all powerful, all knowing Spirit who created you and loves you.
Assumptions from your end and nothing exists to back that up and I'm sick of it.
Sounds even like the Santa psy-op.
all knowing, so children you should behave!!
That makes Santa a lie.
A lie to control people.
Of course, but divorce rates show that there is something fundamentally wrong with tons of women. If 60% of men were abusive and had anger issues and ended in jail, you would have a point.
No fault divorce should not exist in the first place.
If you file divorce, you should have a real good reason to do so. And no made-up shit. Or even nothing at all.
Of course when you don't see your partner as a partner and don't give a shit, it's easy.
Still if it's all a contract in the end, why doesn't a woman who cheated on her husband pay every single cent back? That's how contracts work. She can go to the actual father to get the funds.
>BOTH parents must commit to rearing their children properly
>Far too few couples who marry and procreate in their teens and twenties ever seriously discuss how they want to rear their offspring.
When you jump from bed to bed, you learn that this is easier than to fix issues.
Maybe it even makes you not care, but then why have children in the first place.
Having children is a major responsibility.
When you have children, you should be responsible and you should also act as a team.
>We are all connected by a Univeral Sprit of Life
>Everything fights to live
I see slaves of a system, not humans fighting to live.
A bird has to search for food every day.
If I had no 8 hour/day job, I would have plenty of time to look for food. Heck, I could grow my own, on my own ground. The latter is impossible thanks to govern mente.
I think a bird has a better life than most humans atm. And birds take care of their children.
They don't give them away to other birds to indoctrinate them.
No corrupt group of birds going in and telling them to pay their share of food to them because of a "nest tax".
i think there is something that created nature.
That makes logical sense.
Evolution is pure nonsense.
Assuming that this entity whatever it is is all knowing is not logical, it's an assumption based on nothing.
You could also say that the whole world is a computer simulation. That makes more sense than your assumption of something all knowing, like Santa. And you would even get an all knowing entity, which would be the simulation itself.
>all powerful
>God totally loves you
So you really believe in this?
Did the people living in Yemen not believe hard enough in God to deserve what they get for years now?
What about Afghanistan?
Does this God love the people in Afghanistan too?
But the all powerful entity has no problem that they got bombed to pieces, despite loving them. why?
Or is it a "challenge"?
And what about genital mutilation, that your God promotes according to your bible, or do you ignore that?
Mutilating children while totally loving them.
That makes no sense to me.
>but your heavenly Father feeds them.
Actually I feed them, almost daily.
But they don't need me. They feed themselves, just like humans. But humans instead grab all the fishies from oceans, throw half of them away, because muh can't be sold, then try to sell the rest for pieces of paper, can't sell them all, so throw even more way.
And this is supposed to be better than a bird, who grabs one fish and feeds on it.
I'm on the side of the bird. The bird makes more sense.
>Don't you know you are worth much more than they are?
Even wasps have souls.
>He loves us more than his other creatures
so much that he lets children get raped by evil.
millions homeless, starving to death
also the arrogance.
why do you follow human written books that promote genital mutilation?
>perfect world
>not getting bombed and murdered by various militaries
>but God loves all humans
Is this basically a joke?