Ratification of the Constitution is the same as ratification of a Treaty. When the "State" ratified the US constitution, they agreed to be bound by it.
Not sure why anyone thinks Federal or State policies "outrank" the Constitution.
Ratification of the Constitution is the same as ratification of a Treaty. When the "State" ratified the US constitution, they agreed to be bound by it.
Not sure why anyone thinks Federal or State policies "outrank" the Constitution.
"Congress shall make no law…"
That's not "Oversight" of the States or People
That's DIRECTION to the megalomaniacs who would put everyone in the hospital or prison.
Back the fuck off.
"Back the fuck off"
Should've been in quotes.
It was a restatement of the line, "shall make no law," not an attack on you, anon.
An American Flag flies in my yard.
Governors are limits, applied by the Crown
Obsolete, I think.
Are crowns threaded?
Screwed on the puppet's head?
Like a nut for a nut.
Accumulating piles of sin tax sacrifices.
>Anyone who was shoving a needle into an arm.
Feelings agree
But Reality
Each one of those people would be entitled to a trial by a jury of their peers…x12.
What's your budget for prosecuting the global scam?
It seems to be a career path where susceptible Disney Princesses groq up to hop from Knave to Knave collecting child support, alimony and retirement checks.
Poaching military guy's retirement for sport is very prevalent in some of the culture's.
The government guarantees they're gonna get paid just for getting the Ring.
Because drug abusing former spouses deserve more protection than the Disabled Vets who earned their retirements….
>What do you even do with such people?
Expose them as the frauds that they know they are and set them free under the protection of God into the wilderness.
But the Federal Government created all the States after the original 13.
Such a simplistic view
Who sent them?
Who funded it?
Who laid the lines of the Political Boundaries?
Not the "stakes" the States.
political prisoners, divided by arbitrary lines in the sand, or one nation united, economically and efficiently administered uniformly throughout the Realm which in Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Marshall Islands, etc.
Why is there 5 systems for some…those who live under State Local, County, HOA and Federal Rulers…and some who only have Federal and Local?
It's more subtle than that
We are all connected by a Univeral Sprit of Life
Everything fights to live
But, ask your self this, "Are shadows real"?
What conclusions can one draw from watching shadows move?
How confident can you be in your conclusions, based on the shadows?
You'll have to look and see for yourself.
That's the only way.
Dear god…it sounds like anon is calling for a mil junta
junta become the juntad?
>and cigarettes
Why do you begrude someone their Holy Sacraments and their connection to the World?
WE can do better than US maybe?
I know I can't grow and raise everything my family needs on this patch of shitty soil.
WE can feed everyone if US would just let us.
Interesting factoid
After Jamaica was freed from the Crown, their Infrastructure fell into disrepair. Annually the State pays the poor to fill in the potholes and fix up the roads.
No vacations in Tahoe for the "Owner" of the shovels.
>The most dangerous animal on the Earth
<How do you catch a dangerous animal
Set a trap, obviously.
But, yeah, comms it seems.
>God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, [d]sexual immorality, wickedness, [e]covetousness, [f]maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 [g]undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, [h]unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
This rant is kinda where it goes off the rails for anon. Like "dude" lumping it all together and deserving of death…such a bold way to put it.
Here were are
We live
We die
We get the gift of life
We get the punishment of death
Pretty much guaranteed
Everything in between is what we do to deserve BOTH.
Welcome to Hell Bitch. You earned it. 😈