Anonymous ID: c7de5f July 28, 2023, 1:06 p.m. No.19258299   🗄️.is 🔗kun



oooh scary ,

Go for it, pervert.

Are you doing a piece for New York Magazine; as if anyone even reads that merde anymore?

Who exactly did we accuse, In your opinion?

Or is it just generalized; "Shit Happens" to the 80K missing children who came over the border and can't be located?

Trump-haters fail to care about that; I wonder why? Same reason they didn't care about so many other things?

Like the Feds burning down at WACO with children still inside. Ooops "but he was cwazy' Oops "it was a mistake"


Why would the subject anger anyone who wasn't directly involved?

We have no megaphone, no voice on this, as the haters, including yourself, obviously do; why is that?

Why did you come here to mock us?

Is it money?

Is that the only way to get paid for your writing?


And if people aren't involve and it wasn't true - why that would be so easy to prove; Shoes on the other foot, isn't it?

Why would they care either ,if uninvolved? In that case it would be "just talk" - and would normally be ignored?

Why isn't it?

Anons have no say! Media all laughs at us and diminishes our perspective and reading / analyzing?

Why would you care if you weren't directly involved?

Why are so many people screaming so loud about it; won't that call attention to it?

Why not just let it go?

Wouldn't it be better to just ignore it; in the case that it isn't true?

Instead you go out of your way to attempt to dis us.


We knew all this five years ago, at least.

Why is the subject suppressed?

If everyone in the news media and politics so innocent? If so, why not cover the issue?

Have you ever thought people in power might be blackmailed, and that's why we suffer from so many of their poor decisions?

Anonymous ID: c7de5f July 28, 2023, 1:48 p.m. No.19258468   🗄️.is 🔗kun




oooh scary ,

Go for it, pervert.

Are you doing a piece for New York Magazine; as if anyone even reads that merde anymore?

Who exactly did we accuse, In your opinion?

Or is it just generalized; "Shit Happens" to the 80K missing children who came over the border and can't be located?

Trump-haters fail to care about that; I wonder why? Same reason they didn't care about so many other things?

Like the Feds burning down at WACO with children still inside. Ooops "but he was cwazy' Oops "it was a mistake"


Why would the subject anger anyone who wasn't directly involved?

We have no megaphone, no voice on this, as the haters, including yourself, obviously do; why is that?

Why did you come here to mock us?

Is it money?

Is that the only way to get paid for your writing?


And if people aren't involve and it wasn't true - why that would be so easy to prove; Shoes on the other foot, isn't it?

Why would they care either ,if uninvolved? In that case it would be "just talk" - and would normally be ignored?

Why isn't it?

Anons have no say! Media all laughs at us and diminishes our perspective and reading / analyzing?

Why would you care if you weren't directly involved?

Why are so many people screaming so loud about it; won't that call attention to it?

Why not just let it go?

Wouldn't it be better to just ignore it; in the case that it isn't true?

Instead you go out of your way to attempt to dis us.


We knew all this five years ago, at least.

Why is the subject suppressed?

If everyone in the news media and politics so innocent? If so, why not cover the issue?

Have you ever thought people in power might be blackmailed, and that's why we suffer from so many of their poor decisions?


I studied it at the time; Children were trafficked out of Haiti, And Clinton Foundation money for houses, etc. never got there

She's untouchable, wasn't audited. Clinton Foundation never audited; it's not a charity, per law, since they've missed deadlines for years for filing reports.





Real reason why "THEY" hate Trump and can't stop making up lies about him.


If it's not a "thing" (pedophila and blackmail plus other things, maybe) why do they cover for the Epstein clients?

Why is it strange to doubt "official version" of reality when our official leaders have been caught in so many lies?

Anonymous ID: c7de5f July 28, 2023, 2:50 p.m. No.19258763   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Remember when Twit was poised to outlaw the memes?

Then Truth Social came on-line;

Then Elon took over Twit to save face for the government?

That was amazing.