There's a difference between legitimate news about Jews and propaganda maliciously pushed to provide a psychological smokescreen as well as ammunition for potential future attacks.
Shut your useless cock hole, MuhCourtJooVaticanShill. Tell me again how my behavior inspired you to spam the board with editorializations to dilute the message in the drops, IP hop, and spam the catalog as well. Filtered for being a useless faggot, one of the last of the Absolute Retards clinging to a failed persona. If you would have just been yourself their would have been no need for a persona.
I love how the shills are trying to project they're the reasonable, patriotic, God fearing ones on the board today. Poor bastards. A little too late to generate that kind of consensus, huh? Maybe try impersonating me again, that's always good for a laugh.
Who fucking cares? Identify the criminal, identify the crime. Race and religion then become irrelevant. Satanists have been using Jews as frontmen for a long, long time.
>"Ah hyuk hyuk. I got 'em because I said do the ADL next! I WIN! Ah hyuk hyuk! Because the ADL represents every Jewish person on Earth. Ah hyuk hyuk"
He's rubbin' one out in that big movie theater that's not in the sky.
>RRN is real.
Real bullshit, you mean. Post that article they wrote about Turtle being a clone and that's why he had a brian fart on live television last week. Go on. That one is funny as fuck. I also like how the owner of the site is on record saying it's fake as fuck and written to fool Trump supporting conservatives. The cherry on top is it claiming to be satire yet nothing in any of its content fits the dictionary definition of satire.
It originated and was pushed heavily during the reign of terror from May 2021 until Jan 2022, and now tries being pushed but gets shut down by Anons for it being bullshit faster than it can be posted. If I was to make a guess, I would say that it's a clown site that is pushed here to track the spread of information from this nexus. Track how their information spreads from here. That and to gather IPs of unsuspecting Anons that actually have clicked on the links and go to the site. I suspect the post the link and then watch for hits immediately after, seeing as they would be arriving from here, because have you seen RRN posted anywhere else on the internet? I sure as hell haven't. I've only ever seen it posted and mentioned here on QR.
Nice non sequitur straw man, bruh.
They're seriously trying to push RRN again? Again?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They really are fucking stupid. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Q, I think you may have understated just how stupid they are, with all due respect, Sir. o7
You're taking flak. That means you're over the target, right? Faggot piece of shit, you are.
Your gaslighting has no effect on me. This is what RRN posters look like.
Now they're attempting to generate consensus on RRN by pretending to be Anon. Poor bastards are very desperate tonight. It might work if you put up a smokescreen of MuhJoo. You dumbfucks only focus on one thing at a time and the usual targets are noticeably absent. Sometimes what is missing is moar glaring than what is right in front of you. This going to be fun.
So a straw man via a meme. You're a fucking hero. Clown central should put a medal on your chest for defending RRN so brilliantly.
Your despair has no power here.
>on the job for only 90 minutes, and already 20 posts containing nothing but vulgar ad hominem attacks against anons.
I do not attack Anons, not intentionally. My brothers know this. My post content is criticizing shills and their narratives, your post is criticizing me for criticizing. Your vocabulary is also a big tell, fucktard retard. You are not Anon. Are you winning?
So a straw man and then a deflection claiming that ad hominem? What part was ad hominem? Calling you a hero, or saying clown central should put a medal on your chest for defending RRN? Go on. Show your receipts.
So you have nothing and are cowering behind deflections. Got it. Carry on, little nothing, you are powerless.