Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 2:12 p.m. No.19275144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5147 >>5149 >>5150 >>5153 >>5160 >>5161 >>5260 >>5330 >>5434 >>5538 >>5608 >>5660

Mark Levin: Special Counsel Jack Smith Is a ‘Hit Man’


During the opening monologue of his Sunday FNC program “Life, Liberty & Levin,” host Mark Levin criticized Jack Smith, the special counsel investigating alleged wrongdoing by former President Donald Trump.


Transcript as follows:


LEVIN: There’s a lot that has been said about these new indictments that have been brought against President Trump, a superseding list of indictments, and I want to get into this so-called superseding list a little bit later.


But that said, what everybody is missing here is President Trump didn’t delete a single video. How do I know that? I read this indictment. He is charged with trying to get employees to delete videos, attempted to delete Mar-a-Lago security footage sought by the grand jury investigating the mishandling of government records.


So these records were not deleted. They have all the video, over nine months’ worth of video. So what they’re doing here is piling on with a he said-he said. They are trying to get somebody to flip one of these individuals, a maintenance man, an IT person, you know, the little people they’re going after because the truth is, the rest of their case is very, very vulnerable.


This is vulnerable too in my view, but it’s very, very vulnerable.


I want to get into that in a second, but before I do, I want you to look at this chart to demonstrate to you that when Merrick Garland said we’re going to have a special counsel, the purpose of a special counsel is to have a prosecutor who is outside main justice, to bring in fresh faces, fresh blood so you don’t have a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest.


It’s not to set up your own federal government law firm with unlimited resources, 60 prosecutors and investigators to target a former president of the United States, and that is exactly what’s taken place.


Jack Smith was sent to The Hague because he was a lousy, overzealous failed prosecutor who formerly headed the Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice.


And I want to get into this, who is Jack Smith? He was chief of the Public Integrity Section from 2010 to 2015. Who did you report to ultimately? Eric Holder, and you’re going to see Eric Holder has a lot to do with a lot of the people who are now involved in hunting down Donald Trump.


He served under Attorney General Eric Holder, he oversaw the IRS targeting of the Tea Party during the Obama administration. He oversaw the failed — ultimately — prosecutions of Governor McDonnell, of Senator Menendez, of Senator Edwards.


He worked with FBI Director James Comey as head of the Public Integrity Section. He worked with FBI general counsel Andrew Weissmann, who you’re quite familiar with as head of the Public Integrity Section.


Does he sound like a man who is independent from the Department of Justice? Does it sound like a man who is independent from the Democratic Party?


He was chosen on the recommendation of Lisa Monaco, the deputy attorney general who had multiple positions — senior positions in the Obama Department of Justice, also primarily under Eric Holder. Her deputy, Marshall Miller worked with Smith for years in the U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn, and recommended Smith to Monaco as the story goes, who in turn recommended Smith to Merrick Garland.


Out of all the people they could have chosen in America, they go to The Hague to bring back Smith, because he’s a hit man.


Judge Beryl (Howell) was the judge who oversaw all of these motions that were filed by the Trump lawyers and the government. She ruled 100% against Donald Trump, 100% for the government; and she has since retired, but the damage is done.

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 2:12 p.m. No.19275147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5153 >>5161 >>5260 >>5330 >>5434 >>5538 >>5608 >>5660


Who is Judge Beryl Howell? She worked for former Democrat Senator on the Hill, Patrick Leahy for 10 years. That was her claim to fame. And she, of course, was appointed by Obama.


And let’s go through several more of these people. We have a gentleman by the name of David Harbach. He is typically the chief litigator for Smith. He has known him a long time, former special counsel to FBI Director James Comey. I’m trying to show you the incestuous relationship.


These people coming out of main justice, the U.S. Attorney’s office, mostly Democrats, Democrat operatives, they’ve known each other for decades. So have many of the judges who are appointed. They come out of main justice and so forth and so on.


This is why Republicans don’t have a chance when they’re caught up in something involving the Department of Justice, the U.S. attorney’s office in the District of Columbia, they don’t have a chance.


The grand juries are chosen from a population that voted five percent for Trump, 93% for Biden and the courts, I’ll get to in a minute, lopsided Democrat, lopsided Obama and Biden.


More about this fella, Harbach. He’s a real nasty bird. He served with Jack Smith in the Public Integrity Section, top official there. He prosecuted Bob McDonnell, John Edwards, and Bob Menendez and he was in a Florida courtroom the other week, making outrageous arguments in front of Judge Cannon who I’ve had second thoughts on. I actually think she is now doing a pretty good job as I read all the transcript and so forth.


She is actually doing a pretty good job, let’s see how it turns out overall. She is not one of these D.C. judges, which I’ll get to in a second.


We have Jay Bratt. Who is Jay Bratt?


Jay Bratt has been a justice a long time. He got a special award from Eric Holder several years back. He is the chief of counterintel and customs and all the rest of it. He’s a former assistant U.S. attorney in Washington, D.C.


He is directly involved in the Mar-a-Lago search. He argued strongly for the search warrant, for the FBI raid. Her is over the top. He knows very few bounds.


He was in that same Florida courtroom the other week, with Harbach. These are the people who Smith has brought in.


He is accused by Stanley Woodward who represents the co-defendant to Donald Trump of extortion. He is accused of waiving a federal judgeship in front of this attorney who is trying to become a federal judge in Washington, D.C. for a favorable testimony from his client against Donald Trump.


The fact that this guy shows up in a federal courtroom in Florida without that being resolved is unbelievable to me. But that’s who he is, another hit man.


Then we have Raymond Hustler, another guy that comes out of the Public Integrity Section. So what Jack Smith did is he brought all of his guys back, all of the people who have abused the law in the past, all of the people who have abused and targeted individuals and turned them in to defendants in the past. He has brought them all into his special independent counsel office, all come out of main justice, most come out of the Holder regime when he was there.


He hired Harbach. He was involved in the McDonnell, Edwards, Menendez cases as well. Who is Julie Edelstein? She’s a deputy to Bratt. Julie Edelstein interned for whom? Representative Bennie Thompson.


Okay, who is Mary Dohrmann? Mary Dohrmann clerked for former Chief Judge Beryl Howell. How the hell was she on the case with a conflict of interest like that? It doesn’t matter.


So, there she is. A prosecutor in the case.


Timothy Duree, who is he? He’s another hunter. He donated to the 2020 Biden campaign. Well, what about that? Isn’t that a serious issue? You would think it would be, right?


And there’s more.

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 2:12 p.m. No.19275149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5161 >>5260 >>5330 >>5434 >>5538 >>5608 >>5660


This is what I found after many, many hours of investigation and the funny thing is, Judicial Watch has sued the Department of Justice and the special counsel’s office because they won’t release the names of all their personnel. Can you imagine that?


We knew all the people who worked for Mueller. Why? Because Smith doesn’t want you to know that he has hired hit men, hatchet men from the Department of Justice, main justice, from the U.S. attorney’s office, people who worked with him in Public Integrity, people with connections to James Comey, almost all of whom served under Eric Holder, people with connections to Obama and that is essentially the group of individuals who every day are looking for ways to take out Donald Trump, I want you to know this, and every day are looking for ways to take out the people who worked for Donald Trump or work for Donald Trump.


And of course, they’re trying to interfere with the election. It’s not that they are as a matter of fact, it is they are as an affirmative matter of fact. They are of the same mindset as the prior group that worked so hard to interfere in the last election, which was pointed out by U.S. Attorney Durham. Nothing has changed over there.


And by the way, this guy, Weissmann — Andrew Weissmann became head of the Enron taskforce, you know, who appointed him to be head of the Enron taskforce when he was assistant attorney general for the Criminal Division? Christopher Wray, the current FBI director who Chris Christie has vouched for, of course.


So this whole thing stinks. Now, let’s look at the judges in Washington, D.C., shall we? The Democrats have worked very, very hard, Obama-Biden, especially to appoint activists, left-wing Democrat judges in these district court level, trial level judgeships.


First we had Judge Howell, who has since retired. Before she retired, the day she retired, she issued a very controversial decision, because Jack Smith wanted to get the information and notes of Donald Trump’s lawyer involved in the documents case.


Attorney-client privilege exists to protect your due process rights. If you can’t consult with your lawyer, that’s fine. Well, there is a crime fraud exception. We have no idea how she ruled. We don’t have the order. We don’t know a damn thing about what she did.


But we do know that she’s ruled against Trump every step of the way, and ruled for Smith and his predecessor every step of the way. She has since retired.


She was replaced with Chief Judge James Boasberg. Who appointed him? Obama. He used to work in the U.S. Attorney’s office in Washington, too.


There is another judge, Judge Rudolph Contreras, Obama appointee. He worked in the U.S. Attorney’s office in Washington, D.C. at one point.


Judge Christopher Cooper, Obama judge. He worked in the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, DC.


Judge Tanya Chutkan, an Obama judge. She was in the D.C. public defender office, that is in Washington.


Judge Randolph Moss, he worked at the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington appointed by Obama.


Judge Amit Mehta worked in the D.C. public defender office, appointed by Obama.


You have Judge Timothy Kelly, appointed by Trump, but Kelly worked in the U.S. Attorney’s office. They worked in the Public Integrity Section at the Department of Justice. And that’s important, because there’s this relationship, professional relationship, social relationship, I almost don’t care who appoints who that exists in the swamp.


We have Judge Trevor McFadden, who was in the U.S. Attorney’s office at main justice, also, a Trump appointee.


We have Judge Dabney Friedrich, was at the U.S. Sentencing Commission, main justice under Bush appointed by Trump.

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 2:13 p.m. No.19275150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5161 >>5260 >>5330 >>5434 >>5538 >>5608 >>5660


We have Judge Nichols. I don’t know much about Judge Nichols. Then we have Judges Gia M. Cobb, public defender’s office in D.C., appointed by Biden; Judge Ana Reyes, appointed by Biden.


So you have 10 of the 12 judges in the D.C. Circuit area, in the D.C. court who worked at main justice. Eight of the 12 were appointed by Obama or Biden. The chief judge was appointed by Obama, the prior chief judge was appointed by Obama.


The grand jury is made up of citizens from the District of Columbia, five percent of whom voted for Donald Trump.


This is why the grand jury was used in Washington, D.C. to take out Trump. This is why all those original charges were brought by the grand jury in Washington, D.C. because where they were supposed to go and where this grand jury was supposed to be working in investigating all these months, was in Florida.


Here is the United States Department of Justice Manual for U.S. Attorneys and you look at 9-11.121, Venue Limitations. This is required.


Venue Limitations: One sentence. A case should not be presented to a grand jury in a district unless venue for the offence lies in that district.


The documents case is in Florida, all the work was done in Washington, D.C. These lawyers for Donald Trump need to file a motion. They shouldn’t wait for the trial. You have to file a motion to dismiss for prosecutorial misconduct and because they changed the venue, the basis of venue shopping, I would call it.


And so all these charges should be thrown out. The rules of the Department of Justice are a hundred percent clear and grand jurors are supposed to be chosen from the district in which the activities took place and any charges will be brought. It was clearly violated.


They should immediately bring a motion to dismiss the search warrant — I talked about this the other week, it’s a general warrant. It would end the entire case. They should have a Franks hearing, that as a hearing with the judge on the basis for the warrant, the information that was in the warrant and whether any exculpatory information was concealed from the court.


So there should be a motion to dismiss for prosecutorial misconduct involving Jay Bratt, who was in the judge’s courtroom in Florida for allegedly extorting one of the defendants — the attorney for one of the defendants in the case, that is still under secret review by a judge in the District of Columbia.


This case, belongs in Florida, all of it.


One other point involving this deal that fell through with the Department of Justice on Hunter Biden. I think a lot of people are missing another fact. This judge in Wilmington is not part of the social professional swamp of judges in Washington, D.C. She’s in Wilmington, Delaware. I looked at her background. She has no connection to those people.


An honest judge with integrity, who is not biased, makes a huge difference in this country. That’s what happened. The Biden lawyers and the Department of Justice are used to being rubber stamp.


The Department of Justice has been rubber stamped all throughout the Trump investigation. That is the judges have upheld virtually every single thing they’ve wanted to do, including all the abuses.


This judge is not part of that circle. She’s in Wilmington.


The judge in Florida, Judge Cannon is not part of this circle. That’s why they trash her and they’re trying to influence her. She’s not part of that circle.


So that’s what’s important to understand when people say how did they expect to get away with this? Because they’re used to getting away with it. Except when you move outside of Washington.


Don’t get me wrong. The courts aren’t perfect. But when you move outside of Washington, you actually have a chance of justice and due process. That’s what happened in Wilmington. Let’s hope it continues and that’s hopefully what will happen in Florida.

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 2:18 p.m. No.19275182   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mark Levin Fawns Over Trump-Appointed Hunter Biden Judge For Plea Deal Decision, Claims She’s Not Like ‘Swamp Judges’ In DC


By Phillip NietoJul 30th, 2023, 9:42 pm



Fox News host Mark Levin praised U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, for her handling of the Hunter Biden plea deal earlier this week in Delaware.


Levin spent much of his opening monologue on Life, Liberty, and Levin raging at DC judges and FBI officials for their role in the multiple legal cases against Trump. However, he took time to praise Judge Noreika for her handling of the now scuttled Biden plea deal.


The president’s son back in June agreed to a plea deal with the Department of Justice over tax misdemeanors and a felony gun charge. However, the agreement fell apart earlier this week in a Delaware court, forcing the younger Biden to plead guilty to the charges against him.


Levin noted that Noreika background shows she does not have “connection” to the “swamp of judges in Washington, DC.”


“This judge in Wilmington is not part of the social professional swamp of judges in Washington, DC. She’s in Wilmington, Delaware,” Levin said on Sunday night. “I looked at her background. She’s has no connection to those people. An honest judge with integrity who is not biased makes a huge difference in this country. That’s what happened.”


The Republican firebrand also praised Noreika along with Judge Aileen Cannon, who is overseeing the Trump classified documents case in Florida, for not “rubber stamping” the legal moves of the DOJ.


The Biden lawyers and the Department of Justice are used to being rubber stamped. The Department of Justice has been rubber stamped all throughout the Trump investigation. That is, the judges have upheld virtually every single thing they’ve wanted to do, including all the abuses. This judge is not part of that circle. She’s in Wilmington, the judge in Florida, Judge Cannon, is not part of this circle. That’s why they trash her and they’re trying to influence her. She’s not part of that circle. So that’s what’s important to understand. When people say, how did they expect to get away with this? Because they’re used to getting away with it, except when you move outside of Washington, don’t get me wrong. The courts aren’t perfect, but when you move outside of Washington, you actually have a chance at justice. And due process. That’s what happened in Wilmington. Let’s hope it continues. And that’s hopefully what will happen in Florida.

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 2:20 p.m. No.19275188   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mark Levin Fawns Over Trump-Appointed Hunter Biden Judge For Plea Deal Decision, Claims She’s Not Like ‘Swamp Judges’ In DC


By Phillip NietoJul 30th, 2023, 9:42 pm



Fox News host Mark Levin praised U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, for her handling of the Hunter Biden plea deal earlier this week in Delaware.


Levin spent much of his opening monologue on Life, Liberty, and Levin raging at DC judges and FBI officials for their role in the multiple legal cases against Trump. However, he took time to praise Judge Noreika for her handling of the now scuttled Biden plea deal.


The president’s son back in June agreed to a plea deal with the Department of Justice over tax misdemeanors and a felony gun charge. However, the agreement fell apart earlier this week in a Delaware court, forcing the younger Biden to plead guilty to the charges against him.


Levin noted that Noreika background shows she does not have “connection” to the “swamp of judges in Washington, DC.”


“This judge in Wilmington is not part of the social professional swamp of judges in Washington, DC. She’s in Wilmington, Delaware,” Levin said on Sunday night. “I looked at her background. She’s has no connection to those people. An honest judge with integrity who is not biased makes a huge difference in this country. That’s what happened.”


The Republican firebrand also praised Noreika along with Judge Aileen Cannon, who is overseeing the Trump classified documents case in Florida, for not “rubber stamping” the legal moves of the DOJ.


The Biden lawyers and the Department of Justice are used to being rubber stamped. The Department of Justice has been rubber stamped all throughout the Trump investigation. That is, the judges have upheld virtually every single thing they’ve wanted to do, including all the abuses. This judge is not part of that circle. She’s in Wilmington, the judge in Florida, Judge Cannon, is not part of this circle. That’s why they trash her and they’re trying to influence her. She’s not part of that circle. So that’s what’s important to understand. When people say, how did they expect to get away with this? Because they’re used to getting away with it, except when you move outside of Washington, don’t get me wrong. The courts aren’t perfect, but when you move outside of Washington, you actually have a chance at justice. And due process. That’s what happened in Wilmington. Let’s hope it continues. And that’s hopefully what will happen in Florida.

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 2:21 p.m. No.19275195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5206 >>5330 >>5434 >>5538 >>5608 >>5660

Adam Schiff Uses House Censure To Raise Campaign Funds


California Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff was censured by a majority of House members late last month and, as a result, has gone down in U.S. history, though not in a favorable manner.


Schiff is one of just two dozen members of Congress since the country’s founding to have been censured and had to stand in front of Congress and be humiliated by his colleagues. However, Schiff is proud of being censured and is using it to fuel his U.S. Senate campaign.


“Rep. Adam Schiff has more cash on hand to spend on his Senate run than any individual presidential campaign, according to new FEC data. Why it matters: In an election cycle poised to break records for campaign spending, the hotly contested race to fill Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) open seat is expected to be one of the most expensive in the country,” Axios reported.


“After raising more than $8 million in Q2, Schiff has nearly $30 million in cash on hand — more than any other federal candidate, including for president. Schiff, already a prolific fundraiser, received a surge in donations after House Republicans vote to censure him last month for leading investigations into former President Trump,” Axios added.


According to FEC data, Schiff had more than $21 million in cash on hand at the end of the 2022 election cycle.


The effort to censure Schiff began with Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.), who labeled him a “criminal” for allegedly leveraging his former position as head of the House Intelligence Committee to falsely accuse former President Donald Trump of “colluding” with Russia to undermine the 2016 election.


During an interview on Fox News, Paulina Luna discussed the House Oversight Committee’s ongoing efforts to hold former Schiff accountable for lying about the Trump-Russia investigation without any significant evidence to back claims of alleged collusion.


“I will speak to Adam Schiff. Maria, I have a privileged resolution that I’m bringing to the floor, and we are going to fine that man 16 million dollars for using his position to lie to the American people and ultimately push something that not only destroyed our country but ripped us apart and I believe, maybe even permanently damaging foreign relations. He is a criminal, and Adam Schiff, you will be held accountable,” Luna said.


“And yet, he was privileged to information that not even I or many of my colleagues would be able to see,” Luna went on to say. “He used that position. He absolutely aided and abetted a corrupt FBI into investigating a sitting president.”


“Adam Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intelligence to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars and abused the trust placed in him as Chairman. He is a dishonor to the House of Representatives. The Durham Report makes clear that the Russian Collusion was a lie from day one and Schiff knowingly used his position in an attempt to divide our country,” she added.


Earlier this year, Schiff was accused of leaking highly classified information for years in order to damage then-President Donald Trump.


Former CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently claimed that he was forced to limit how much information he gave to Schiff and his staff out of fear that it would be weaponized and selectively leaked to the media.


“During my time as CIA director and secretary of state, I know that he leaked classified information that had been provided to him,” Pompeo said.


“Outnumbered” co-host Emily Compagno, after emphasizing what a huge problem that is, asked Pompeo why there hadn’t been any accountability if leaking that kind of information is “a felony at a minimum, up to treason.”


“It’s a complicated process, right? It’s difficult to pin down precisely what happened,” Pompeo said. “But I could tell you that when we provided information to him and to his staff, it ended up in places it shouldn’t have been with alarming regularity. We could see it. In the end, I decided I held back information from them as a result.”



Adam Schiff Embroiled In Another Controversy

May 28, 2023

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 2:32 p.m. No.19275234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5330 >>5434 >>5538 >>5608 >>5660

Devon Archer Testifies Joe Biden Was Put On Speakerphone Over 20 Times During Business Meetings


Devon Archer testified under oath today that Joe Biden was put on speakerphone by Hunter more than 20 times and revealed the reason why Hunter did this.


The Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila previously reported that would testify that Archer would testify to this last week. But now we have some more exclusive details.




🚨 BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer testified that VP Joe Biden was put on speakerphone 20+ times to “sell the brand” in business discussions


— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 31, 2023


Here is Fox News’s Bill Hemmer:


Bill Hemmer: This is intriguing to our viewers. Archer tells the House investigators that Hunter put VP Biden on a speakerphone more than 20 times to “sell the brand” in business conversations. Archer goes on to testify that there was a value of adding Hunter Biden to Burisma’s board. Burisma is the energy company out of Ukraine.


The argument was that Biden brought the most value to brand. Archer also stated that Burisma would have gone under if not for the brand.


In December of 2015, the owner of Burisma placed constant pressure on Hunter Biden to get help from Washington DC regarding Ukrainian prosecutor Victor Shokin.


This energy company wanted to do business in America. There is even a suggestion to this story that they wanted to be listed on the New York stock exchange.


But this could only happen if they got away from the investigation that was pending back in Ukraine.


Miranda Devine called today’s testimony a bombshell:


🧵 Devon Archer’s testimony today is bombshell:

• Hunter Biden’s ex BFF testified that the value of adding Hunter Biden to Burisma’s board was “the brand” and confirmed that then-Vice President Joe Biden brought the most value to “the brand.” Archer also stated that Burisma…


— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) July 31, 2023


🧵 Devon Archer’s testimony today is bombshell:

• Hunter Biden’s ex BFF testified that the value of adding Hunter Biden to Burisma’s board was “the brand” and confirmed that then-Vice President Joe Biden brought the most value to “the brand.” Archer also stated that Burisma…


— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) July 31, 2023


•Devon Archer testified that Hunter Biden put then-Vice President Joe Biden on the speakerphone during business meetings, over 20 times. Archer testified that Joe Biden was put on the phone to sell “the brand.” These phone calls include a dinner in Paris with a French energy…


— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) July 31, 2023

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 2:32 p.m. No.19275240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5330 >>5434 >>5538 >>5608 >>5660

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Devon Archer to Hunter Biden: “Why Did Your Dad’s Administration Appointees Arrest Me and Put Me in Jail?” – Hunter Responds


Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s longtime friend and business associate, is set to appear before the House Oversight Committee on Monday.


Archer is reportedly preparing to tell lawmakers that President Biden met with dozens of Hunter’s business associates while he was serving as vice president between 2009 and 2017.


The hearing is not currently listed on the House Oversight Calendar.


Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) issued a subpoena in June for Archer to appear for a deposition as part of the committee’s investigation into the Biden family’s finances.


Devon Archer worked with Hunter Biden at Burisma and also at the Rosemont Seneca Partners investment firm.


over the weekend, on Saturday, the Biden Department of Justice attempted to intimidate Devon Archer and prevent him from testifying today. The Biden DOJ sent out a letter ON SATURDAY to Archer requesting he report to prison.


GOP House members called on lawmakers to return to Washington and investigate the DOJ following their harassment of a Congressional witness.


Obviously, the Biden Department of Justice is worried that the truth will come out to the American people today. The regime is worried that Archer will spill the beans on the Biden Crime Family, the most corrupt political family in US history.


Chanel Rion reminded us today why the Bidens and their lawless lackeys should be worried.


In an earlier text message exchange, Devon Arch asked Hunter Biden why his father’s administration arrested him. Devon sounds pissed!


Devon Archer: “Why did your dad’s admininstration appointees arrest me and put me in jail? Just curious. Some of our partners asking out here.


Why would they try and ruin my family and destroy my kids and no one from your family’s side step in and at least try to help me. I don’t get it. And I’m depressed. Bunch of these Asians getting in my head asking me the same so just curious what I should answer”


Via Chanel Rion.


Hunter Biden’s best friend, partner, and jail-bound Devon Archer is set to talk to congress behind closed doors.


He can’t be a happy camper – he gets jail time, Hunter Biden doesn’t.


Devon Archer to Hunter: “Why did your dad’s admin and appointees arrest me and put me in…


— Chanel Rion OAN (@ChanelRion) July 31, 2023


More… Miranda Devine from The New York Post first reported on this text message exchange between Hunter and Devon Archer in February 2022.


Hunter tried to persuade Hunter that he is part of the Biden Family and the Biden Family will not abandon him.


Archer, 47, lost his appeal to the Supreme Court in December to have his 2018 criminal conviction overturned, relating to a $60 million scheme to defraud a Native American tribe.


The president’s son never was charged over the fraud and was not alleged to have been involved. But the court heard that his name was used as a selling point, and he was described in promotional brochures as a vice chairman for Burnham Financial Group, the firm at the center of the scam…


In the middle of his legal woes, Archer complained to Hunter about his predicament.


…“Why did your dad’s administration appointees arrest me and try and put me in jail?” he wrote on March 6, 2019, in a text message found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop. “Why would they try and ruin my family and destroy my kids and no one from your family’s side step in and at least try to help me? I don’t get it.”


Hunter replied with a dissertation on co-equal branches of government before reassuring his friend he would not be abandoned by the Biden family.


“Every great family is persecuted … you are part of a great family — not a side show, not deserted by them even in your darkest moments. That’s the way Bidens are different, and you are a Biden. It’s the price of power and the people questioning you truly have none.”

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 2:49 p.m. No.19275330   🗄️.is 🔗kun






>>19275144, >>19275147, >>19275149, >>19275150, >>19275160 Mark Levin: Special Counsel Jack Smith Is a ‘Hit Man’ Transcript of individual DC Judges

>>19274934 Highest flooding alert issued for Beijing in China, authorities say

>>19274935 Code monkey - According to rumors, Biden was supposed to be the Trojan horse for Kamala.

>>19275002, >>19275234, >>19275240 DEVON ARCHER TAKEAWAYS

>>19275006 ICE revives policy limiting arrests and deportations

>>19275068 Niger junta arrests more government officials – presidential party (RT)

>>19275069 Musk - Wow, I’m glad so many people love Canada too

>>19275131 Nigel Farage doesn’t hold back in his GB News prime-time show. Monday 31st July

>>19275181 This is on the doorstep of San Francisco's main government building

>>19275207 Australian Space Agency Unravels Mystery of Unidentified Seashore Object

>>19275237 Rand Paul announces ‘official criminal referral,’ says email shows Fauci COVID testimony ‘absolutely a lie’

>>19275174, >>19275110 2019 Donald J. Trump: LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH! Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Ukraine Gas Executive (Cap 0:20)

>>19275195 Mike Pompeo claims he was forced to limit information he given to Adam Schiff and his staff

>>19275202, >>19275208, >>19275222, >>19275241, >>19275256, >>19275263, >>19275264, >>19275284, >>19275317 Anons discussing RT News, No news outlet is “nonsense free.” President Trump calls American News “Fake News”, yet their reporting gets notabled in every bread

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 3:11 p.m. No.19275434   🗄️.is 🔗kun






>>19275144, >>19275147, >>19275149, >>19275150, >>19275304, >>19275311, >>19275160 Mark Levin: Special Counsel Jack Smith Is a ‘Hit Man’ Transcript of individual DC Judges

>>19274934 Highest flooding alert issued for Beijing in China

>>19274935 Code monkey - According to rumors, Biden was supposed to be the Trojan horse for Kamala

>>19275002, >>19275234, >>19275240 DEVON ARCHER TAKEAWAYS

>>19275006 ICE revives policy limiting arrests and deportations

>>19275068 Niger junta arrests more government officials – presidential party (RT)

>>19275069 Musk - Wow, I’m glad so many people love Canada too

>>19275131 Nigel Farage doesn’t hold back in his GB News prime-time show. Monday 31st July

>>19275181 This is on the doorstep of San Francisco's main government building

>>19275207 Australian Space Agency Unravels Mystery of Unidentified Seashore Object

>>19275237 Rand Paul announces ‘official criminal referral,’ says email shows Fauci COVID testimony ‘absolutely a lie’

>>19275174, >>19275110, >>19275295 Donald J. Trump: LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH! 2019 Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Ukraine Gas Executive (Cap 0:20)

>>19275195 Mike Pompeo claims he was forced to limit information he given to Adam Schiff and his staff

>>19275202, >>19275208, >>19275222, >>19275241, >>19275256, >>19275263, >>19275264, >>19275284, >>19275317, >>19275318 Anons discussing RT News, No news outlet is “nonsense free.” President Trump calls American News “Fake News”, yet their reporting gets notabled in every bread

>>19275334, >>19275340, >>19275347, >>19275353, >>19275383 President Donald Trump Op-Ed, “There Must Be a Reckoning”

>>19275352 Big Pharma Exec Admits Covid Jabs Are Designed To 'Kill White People'

>>19275361 Covid Vaccines Increase Risk Of Serious Cardiac Events By 18x

>>19275412 NYC at "Breaking Point" As Mayor Adams Regrets His Words

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 3:27 p.m. No.19275531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5538 >>5608 >>5660

Devon Archer FLIPS on Biden Crime Family – Tells Congress Burisma Execs ‘Called DC’ to Get Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Fired… So Joe Biden Got Him Fired


Devon Archer has flipped on the Biden Crime Family.


Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s longtime friend, and Rosemont Seneca business partner who is facing one year in prison on unrelated charges, appeared before the House Oversight Committee on Monday to testify on the Biden Crime Family.


Archer testified that Joe Biden was on more than 20 phone calls with Hunter’s business associates while he was serving as vice president between 2009 and 2017.


Archer told lawmakers the ‘Biden brand’ helped Ukrainian Natural Gas Company Burisma Holdings from going bankrupt.


According to Just The News, Devon Archer told lawmakers Burisma pressured Hunter Biden to deal with the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the company for corruption.


Recall, Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was investigating Burisma and its CEO Mykola Zlochevsky for corruption and several homes and vehicles belonging to the oligarch were seized.


A month later Viktor Shokin was fired after Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine.


Joe Biden publicly bragged about bribing Ukraine with $1 billion to fire Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma corruption.


“I looked at him and I said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired,” Biden said in 2018.




FLASHBACK to 2018 when Joe Biden bragged about bribing Ukraine with $1 BILLION to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son, Hunter Biden's company.


— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) September 25, 2019


Devon Archer told Congress that Burisma execs, including Hunter Biden, Mykola Zlochevsky and Vadym Pozharski, convened and ‘called DC’ to get Viktor Shokin fired.


A few days later Joe Biden forced Ukrainian officials to fire Viktor Shokin, or else!


Just The News reported:


The former business partner at the Rosemont Seneca firm, who was convicted in 2018 in a tribal bond fraud scheme, also told lawmakers that Hunter Biden was pressured in late 2015 to help deal with Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin’s corruption investigation as Joe Biden was preparing to travel to Ukraine.


“In December 2015, Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, and Vadym Pozharski, an executive of Burisma, placed constant pressure on Hunter Biden to get help from D.C. regarding the Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin,” the source explained, recounting Archer’s testimony. “Shokin was investigating Burisma for corruption. Hunter Biden, along with Zlochevsky and Pozharski, ‘called D.C.’ to discuss the matter. Biden, Zlochevsky, and Pozharski stepped away to take make the call.”


A few days after that meeting, Joe Biden visited Ukraine as vice president and began an effort to force Ukraine’s president to fire Shokin, eventually threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees if the termination did not happen. Biden’s defenders have long maintained the firing was not related to Burisma and was a result of U.S. policy because the Obama administration felt Shokin was corrupt.

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 3:29 p.m. No.19275538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5621






>>19275144, >>19275147, >>19275149, >>19275150, >>19275304, >>19275311, >>19275160 Mark Levin: Special Counsel Jack Smith Is a ‘Hit Man’ Transcript of individual DC Judges

>>19274934 Highest flooding alert issued for Beijing in China

>>19274935 Code monkey - According to rumors, Biden was supposed to be the Trojan horse for Kamala

>>19275002, >>19275234, >>19275240, >>19275531 DEVON ARCHER TAKEAWAYS

>>19275006 ICE revives policy limiting arrests and deportations

>>19275068 Niger junta arrests more government officials – presidential party (RT)

>>19275069, >>19275461 Musk - Wow, I’m glad so many people love Canada too

>>19275131 Nigel Farage doesn’t hold back in his GB News prime-time show. Monday 31st July

>>19275181 This is on the doorstep of San Francisco's main government building

>>19275207 Australian Space Agency Unravels Mystery of Unidentified Seashore Object

>>19275237 Rand Paul announces ‘official criminal referral,’ says email shows Fauci COVID testimony ‘absolutely a lie’

>>19275174, >>19275110, >>19275295 Donald J. Trump: LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH! 2019 Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Ukraine Gas Executive (Cap 0:20)

>>19275195 Mike Pompeo claims he was forced to limit information he given to Adam Schiff and his staff

>>19275202, >>19275208, >>19275222, >>19275241, >>19275482, >>19275256, >>19275263, >>19275264, >>19275284, >>19275317, >>19275318 Anons discussing RT News, No news outlet is “nonsense free.” President Trump calls American News “Fake News”, yet their reporting gets notabled in every bread

>>19275334, >>19275340, >>19275347, >>19275353, >>19275383 President Donald Trump Op-Ed, “There Must Be a Reckoning”

>>19275352 Big Pharma Exec Admits Covid Jabs Are Designed To 'Kill White People'

>>19275361 Covid Vaccines Increase Risk Of Serious Cardiac Events By 18x

>>19275412 NYC at "Breaking Point" As Mayor Adams Regrets His Words

>>19275430 10,000 Illegal Immigrants Apprehended at Tucson, Arizona, Border Sector

>>19275450, >>19275480 House Committees Launch Investigation Into Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal Agreement

>>19275463 Donald J.Trump: NEVER GIVE UP 2:36

>>19275527 Donald Trump: The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasn't Me. It Was the American People

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 3:39 p.m. No.19275608   🗄️.is 🔗kun






>>19275144, >>19275147, >>19275149, >>19275150, >>19275304, >>19275311, >>19275160 Mark Levin: Special Counsel Jack Smith Is a ‘Hit Man’ Transcript of individual DC Judges

>>19274934 Highest flooding alert issued for Beijing in China

>>19274935 Code monkey - According to rumors, Biden was supposed to be the Trojan horse for Kamala

>>19275002, >>19275234, >>19275240, >>19275531 DEVON ARCHER TAKEAWAYS

>>19275006 ICE revives policy limiting arrests and deportations

>>19275068 Niger junta arrests more government officials – presidential party (RT)

>>19275069, >>19275461 Musk - Wow, I’m glad so many people love Canada too

>>19275131 Nigel Farage doesn’t hold back in his GB News prime-time show. Monday 31st July

>>19275181 This is on the doorstep of San Francisco's main government building

>>19275207 Australian Space Agency Unravels Mystery of Unidentified Seashore Object

>>19275237 Rand Paul announces ‘official criminal referral,’ says email shows Fauci COVID testimony ‘absolutely a lie’

>>19275174, >>19275110, >>19275295 Donald J. Trump: LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH! 2019 Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Ukraine Gas Executive (Cap 0:20)

>>19275195 Mike Pompeo claims he was forced to limit information he given to Adam Schiff and his staff

>>19275202, >>19275208, >>19275222, >>19275241, >>19275482, >>19275256, >>19275263, >>19275264, >>19275284, >>19275317, >>19275318 Anons discussing RT News, No news outlet is “nonsense free.” President Trump calls American News “Fake News”, yet their reporting gets notabled in every bread

>>19275334, >>19275340, >>19275347, >>19275353, >>19275383 President Donald Trump Op-Ed, “There Must Be a Reckoning”

>>19275352 Big Pharma Exec Admits Covid Jabs Are Designed To 'Kill White People'

>>19275361 Covid Vaccines Increase Risk Of Serious Cardiac Events By 18x

>>19275412 NYC at "Breaking Point" As Mayor Adams Regrets His Words

>>19275430 10,000 Illegal Immigrants Apprehended at Tucson, Arizona, Border Sector

>>19275450, >>19275480 House Committees Launch Investigation Into Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal Agreement

>>19275463 Donald J.Trump: NEVER GIVE UP 2:36

>>19275527 Donald Trump: The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasn't Me. It Was the American People

>>19275535, >>19275548 Dan Goldman, the heir to the Levi's fortune, a dopey Democrat trying this new narrative… idiot 0:54

>>19275543 Good links, Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter Jul 31, 2023


Baking soon

Anonymous ID: e482c6 July 31, 2023, 3:51 p.m. No.19275660   🗄️.is 🔗kun








>>19275144, >>19275147, >>19275149, >>19275150, >>19275304, >>19275311, >>19275160 Mark Levin: Special Counsel Jack Smith Is a ‘Hit Man’ Transcript of individual DC Judges

>>19274934 Highest flooding alert issued for Beijing in China

>>19274935 Code monkey - According to rumors, Biden was supposed to be the Trojan horse for Kamala

>>19275002, >>19275234, >>19275240, >>19275531 DEVON ARCHER TAKEAWAYS

>>19275006 ICE revives policy limiting arrests and deportations

>>19275068 Niger junta arrests more government officials – presidential party (RT)

>>19275069, >>19275461 Musk - Wow, I’m glad so many people love Canada too

>>19275131 Nigel Farage doesn’t hold back in his GB News prime-time show. Monday 31st July

>>19275181 This is on the doorstep of San Francisco's main government building

>>19275207 Australian Space Agency Unravels Mystery of Unidentified Seashore Object

>>19275237 Rand Paul announces ‘official criminal referral,’ says email shows Fauci COVID testimony ‘absolutely a lie’

>>19275174, >>19275110, >>19275295 Donald J. Trump: LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH! 2019 Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Ukraine Gas Executive (Cap 0:20)

>>19275195 Mike Pompeo claims he was forced to limit information he given to Adam Schiff and his staff

>>19275202, >>19275208, >>19275222, >>19275241, >>19275482, >>19275256, >>19275263, >>19275264, >>19275284, >>19275317, >>19275318 Anons discussing RT News, No news outlet is “nonsense free.” President Trump calls American News “Fake News”, yet their reporting gets notabled in every bread

>>19275334, >>19275340, >>19275347, >>19275353, >>19275383 President Donald Trump Op-Ed, “There Must Be a Reckoning”

>>19275352 Big Pharma Exec Admits Covid Jabs Are Designed To 'Kill White People'

>>19275361 Covid Vaccines Increase Risk Of Serious Cardiac Events By 18x

>>19275412 NYC at "Breaking Point" As Mayor Adams Regrets His Words

>>19275430 10,000 Illegal Immigrants Apprehended at Tucson, Arizona, Border Sector

>>19275450, >>19275480 House Committees Launch Investigation Into Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal Agreement

>>19275463 Donald J.Trump: NEVER GIVE UP 2:36

>>19275527 Donald Trump: The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasn't Me. It Was the American People

>>19275535, >>19275548 Dan Goldman, the heir to the Levi's fortune, a dopey Democrat trying this new narrative… idiot 0:54

>>19275543 Good links, Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter Jul 31, 2023