Anonymous ID: f73d4a July 31, 2023, 1:27 p.m. No.19274929   🗄️.is 🔗kun

School district’s new 4th- and 5th- grade sex ed curriculum uses phrases ‘boys and people with a penis,’ ‘girls and people with a vulva,’ ‘assigned sex at birth’


A Nevada public school district recently voted to approve a controversial new sexual education curriculum for fourth- and fifth-grade students that uses the phrases “boys and people with a penis,” “girls and people with a vulva,” and “assigned sex at birth.”


The Washoe County School District Board in Reno, Nevada, approved the new curriculum on Tuesday in a 5-2 vote. The Sexuality Health and Responsibility Education program will be taught to fourth-grade through senior-year students.


Fox News Digital reported that fourth graders will learn about their bodies, friendships, and puberty. Fifth graders will be taught about “liking and loving,” puberty, pregnancy, communication, boundaries, consent, sexual assault, and anatomy, the outlet stated.


The new lesson plans use the terms “body with a penis” and “body with a vulva” to refer to males and females. Additionally, the fifth-grade curriculum uses the phrases “assigned sex at birth (male)” and “assigned sex at birth (female).”


During public comment, parents pushed back on the curriculum’s use of gender-neutral phrases and proposed changes to the “Understanding Our Bodies” draft lesson. Community members called the controversial lessons “misleading” and “silly.”


“My brief review of elements of this curriculum, as a mature adult, made me gasp,” one public comment read. “Potions (sic) of this curriculum are infantile, ignore biology and would sexualize these school age children (4th‐5th graders).”


School board trustee Jeffrey Church, a critic of the new curriculum, argued it would “alienate and marginalize half or more of the community,” noting that it “ignore[d] constitutional religious beliefs.”


“The proposal goes well beyond that by including LGBTQ+ material and changing male and female or boys and girls,” Church stated. “Remove misleading references to false national standards. Follow or change the regulations but don’t violate it.”


In a comment to Fox News Digital, Washoe County School District Board of Trustees President Ben Smith said, “The Washoe County School District recognizes that there is a wide range of valid and varying perspectives on the topic of sex education. Nevada protects and prioritizes parental choice, as does the school district. As a result, WCSD families make the final choice about the sex education curriculum their children learn and families are given the opportunity to ‘opt in’ to the lessons.”


In April, TheBlaze reported that Washoe County School District began implementing a “safe space” program to help children facing increased stress over “racial tensions,” the “Capitol riot,” and “unsettling times.”

Anonymous ID: f73d4a July 31, 2023, 1:33 p.m. No.19274949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4972 >>4983 >>5004 >>5133

Archer Says Burisma Pressured Hunter, Joe Frequently on the Phone


According to a report from Just The News, Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Devon Archer told Rep. James Comer and the House Oversight Committee that Burisma pressured Hunter Biden to deal with a Ukrainian prosecutor and that Joe Biden was frequently on phone calls for Hunter.


Joe Biden’s narrative is crumbling.


From Just The News:


Devon Archer delivered bombshell testimony to Congress on Monday, telling lawmakers that Burisma Holdings pressured Hunter Biden in December 2015 to deal with a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating the firm for corruption shortly before the then-vice president took steps to force the prosecutor’s firing, a source directly familiar with the transcribed interview told Just the News.


Archer told the House Oversight and Accountability Committee that Hunter Biden was added to Burisma’s board in 2014 because his family’s “brand” brought value at a time when the firm was facing corruption allegations from the United States, Great Britain and Ukraine’s own prosecutor general office, the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the interview was still ongoing Monday afternoon.


“Devon Archer testified that the value of adding Hunter Biden to Burisma’s board was ‘the brand’ and confirmed that then-Vice President Joe Biden brought the most value to ‘the brand,'” the source said. “Archer also stated that Burisma would have gone under if not for ‘the brand.”


Archer also directly contradicted Joe Biden’s long-held claims he never met with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates, telling the committee America’s current president got on speakerphone more than 20 times with his son’s business clients.


Archer testified that Joe Biden did not engage in business specifically on such calls, instead he “was put on the phone to sell ‘the brand,'” the source said.

Anonymous ID: f73d4a July 31, 2023, 1:42 p.m. No.19275006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5064 >>5260 >>5330 >>5434 >>5538 >>5608 >>5660

ICE revives policy limiting arrests and deportations


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement rekindled its policy limiting the illegal immigrants whom officers are allowed to arrest and deport after the Supreme Court shot down a legal challenge to the policy.


The new rules, which lay out President Biden’s priorities for immigration law enforcement, say that being in the country illegally is no longer a sufficient reason for arrest or deportation.


The rules require agents and officers to justify each arrest and deportation target as either a threat to national security, a risk to public safety or a recent border crosser.


Officers also are directed to search for mitigating circumstances, or reasons not to deport, such as having family ties in the U.S., being advanced in age or having a criminal record years ago.


The policy, which Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas created in 2021, was put on hold while a challenge worked its way through federal courts. The Washington Times has learned that the policy is back in effect.


“ICE personnel will reinstitute the [priorities] as outlined in the September 2021 memorandum, ensuring that aggravating and mitigating factors for enforcement actions are fully considered and assessed,” Corey A. Price, acting executive associate director of ICE’s enforcement and removal operations, told employees in a memo that cited the Supreme Court’s June ruling.


Rank-and-file ICE officers chafed under the rules. They said even basic arrests were difficult and bureaucratic hurdles for approval sometimes gave their targets a chance to elude them.


“It’s put so much friction in the system that we go weeks without arresting somebody,” one officer told The Times. “It seems like a coordinated effort to come up with excuse after excuse for us not to do our job.”


In response to questions, ICE didn’t detail how the revived memo would change operations. Instead, it provided a copy of another memo from acting Director Patrick J. Lechleitner, who said staff would go through a refresher course to ensure that officers make “consistent, fair and efficient” uses of priorities.


In an 8-1 ruling in June, the Supreme Court rejected a challenge by Texas and other Republican-led states. The court’s majority concluded that states didn’t have legal standing to challenge the policy, though it did not rule on the legality of the policy itself.


During litigation in lower courts, Texas proved that the memo suggested ICE was refusing to arrest and deport illegal immigrants who were serious criminals.


Indeed, ICE canceled detainer requests for some of those criminals. Detainer requests are part of the deportation process that ask local authorities to turn over criminals when they have completed their state sentences.


Among them was Heriberto Fuerte-Padilla, an illegal immigrant from Mexico who was driving drunk in 2020 when he smashed into a Mazda driven by a Texas teenager, killing her. He tried to run away from the scene, but an off-duty police officer chased him down.


It’s not clear why Mr. Fuerte-Padilla didn’t meet Mr. Mayorkas’ priorities, though ICE officers told The Times that the secretary’s memo was so vague and supervisors were so worried about running afoul of leaders that they were erring deeply on the side of releasing criminals.


“It’s a moving target, and the bar is always increasing,” one West Coast officer said.


Citing Mr. Mayorkas’ policy, ICE also canceled detainer requests for immigrants convicted of drunken driving, evading arrest and domestic violence.


Mr. Mayorkas defended his memo as a way to better use limited enforcement resources.


He said he wanted officers and agents to focus on priority cases and leave rank-and-file illegal immigrants alone.

Anonymous ID: f73d4a July 31, 2023, 1:56 p.m. No.19275068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5077 >>5202 >>5260 >>5330 >>5434 >>5538 >>5608 >>5660

Niger junta arrests more government officials – presidential party


President Bazoum's party says six high-ranking members have been detained by the military


The junta in Niger has arrested four ministers, a former minister, and the head of overthrown President Mohamed Bazoum's party, the Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism (PNDS), AFP reported on Monday, citing a statement from the political group.


Earlier on Monday, Oil Minister Mahamane Sani Mahamadou, Mining Minister Ousseini Hadizatou, and the leader of the PNDS's national executive committee, Fourmakoye Gado, were all detained according to the PNDS.


The party also claimed that Interior Minister Hama Amadou Souley, Transport Minister Oumarou Malam Alma, and Kalla Moutari, an MP and former defense minister, had been detained earlier.


Bazoum has been in detention since Wednesday, when members of his security detail seized power.


"After the president was detained last week, the putschists went on the attack again and carried out more arrests," the PNDS said, demanding their “immediate release.”


The arrests coincide with a directive by the newly formed military council (CNSP) requiring all "former ministers and directors of institutions" to return vehicles in their custody "no later than Monday" at 12pm local time to the various ministerial departments and directorates.


The regional West African bloc, ECOWAS, has issued strong condemnation and punitive measures in response to Wednesday's coup, imposing both financial and economic sanctions on Niamey.


Germany announced the suspension of financial aid and cooperation with Niger on Monday, becoming the latest Western power to do so in the aftermath of last week's putsch.


Last week, the European Union, which had allocated €503 million ($554 million) from its budget to improve governance, education, and sustainable development in Niger over 2021-2024, also cut financial and security support to Niamey.


France, which said its embassy was attacked by thousands of junta supporters on Sunday, has suspended development aid and budget support actions in its former colony.


On Sunday, the junta accused France of plotting a military strike to free Bazoum.


Paris has yet to respond to the accusation, but has stated that it recognizes Bazoum as the only legitimate authority in the West African country.

Anonymous ID: f73d4a July 31, 2023, 3:14 p.m. No.19275450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5480 >>5538 >>5608 >>5660

House Committees Launch Investigation Into Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal Agreement


Dear Attorney General Garland:


The Committees on Judiciary, Ways and Means, and Oversight and Accountability are continuing their oversight of the Executive Branch’s commitment to impartial justice, as well as investigating the veracity of statements made in response to congressional inquiries related to the Department of Justice’s investigation of Hunter Biden. Given recent unusual events relating to the Department’s plea and pretrial diversion agreements with Mr. Biden, we write to better understand the Department’s decision to sign off on such apparently atypical agreements.


According to court documents and recent news reports, Judge Maryellen Noreika of the United States District Court for the District of Delaware declined to accept on Wednesday the Department’s plea and pretrial diversion agreements with Mr. Biden. 1 The plea agreement relates to tax charges that have been brought against Mr. Biden while the pretrial diversion agreement pertains to a firearms charge. Judge Noreika described the Department’s deal as “not standard” and “different from what I normally see.”2




The Department’s unusual plea and pretrial diversion agreements with Mr. Biden raise serious concerns—especially when combined with recent whistleblower allegations—that the Department has provided preferential treatment toward Mr. Biden in the course of its investigation and proposed resolution of his alleged criminal conduct.18


The Committees therefore request that the Department provide written answers to the following questions:


  1. Other than Mr. Biden’s case, how many times in the last ten years has the U.S. Attorney’sOffice for the District of Delaware included in a pretrial diversion agreement a provision similar to paragraph 14 of the agreement with Mr. Biden? What percentage of the total pretrial diversion agreements entered into by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware does that number represent?


  1. Other than Mr. Biden’s case, how many times in the last ten years has any unit of the Department included in a pretrial diversion agreement a provision similar to paragraph 14 of the agreement with Mr. Biden? What percentage of total pretrial diversion agreements

entered into by the Department does that number represent?


  1. Other than Mr. Biden’s case, how many times in the last ten years has the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware included in a pretrial diversion agreement an agreement not to prosecute crimes that are unrelated to the charges being diverted? What percentage of the total pretrial diversion agreements entered into by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware does that number represent?


  1. Other than Mr. Biden’s case, how many times in the last ten years has any unit of the Department included in a pretrial diversion agreement an agreement not to prosecute crimes that are unrelated to the charges being diverted? What percentage of the total pretrial diversion agreements entered into by the Department does that number represent?

Anonymous ID: f73d4a July 31, 2023, 3:47 p.m. No.19275641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5653

I Was Sold Into An Elite Pdophile Network | A Child Sx Trafficking Story