Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 9:44 a.m. No.19279294   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gov’t Admits Millions of Unemployed People Were Not Counted in Latest Job Stats


When the June jobs report came out, President Joe Biden crowed that it was “Bidenomics in action.”


But behind the happy talk of the White House statement, buried in the depths of a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is the revelation that more than five million Americans who are not working were not counted in the unemployment rate, which stands at 3.6 percent.


“The number of persons not in the labor force who currently want a job was 5.4 million in June, little changed from the prior month,” the report said.


“These individuals were not counted as unemployed because they were not actively looking for work during the four weeks preceding the survey or were unavailable to take a job.”


Unemployment for purposes of the unemployment rate requires an individual to have made “specific active efforts to find employment.” The means, for example, being involved in some government-linked activity to find work.


The report noted that 1.1 million people are counted as long-term unemployed, meaning that have been out of work for 27 weeks or more. The long-term unemployed amount to 18.5 percent of the overall population of unemployed people.


The report noted that many Americans are stuck in part-time jobs.


“The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons increased by 452,000 to 4.2 million in June, partially reflecting an increase in the number of persons whose hours were cut due to slack work or business conditions. Persons employed part time for economic reasons are individuals who would have preferred full-time employment but were working part time because their hours had been reduced or they were unable to find full-time jobs,” the report said.


The report noted that the labor force participation rate was 62.6 percent. As documented by the Federal Reserve, that remains shy of Trump-era levels before the pandemic.


The report noted that while some Americans struggle, the government sector grows.


Government jobs rose by 60,000 in June, having added an average of 63,000 jobs per month this year, after adding 23,000 jobs a month in 2022.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 9:48 a.m. No.19279309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510 >>9516 >>9662 >>9704

Missouri Democrat Party Openly Calls to Burn Down Homes of Trump Supporters


This is the Democrat party.


The Missouri Democrat Party openly called to burn down the homes of Trump supporters.


Jon Cooper, a Biden/Obama lackey on Monday tweeted a photo of a home decorated with pro-Trump signs.


“What would you do if this was your next-door neighbor?” he asked in the caption.


The Missouri Democrat Party responded by calling for the home to be burned down.


“The roof, the roof is on [fire emoji] we don’t need no water, let the “insert your word” burn!” the official account of the Missouri Democrat party said in a since-deleted tweet in response to Jon Cooper.


Donald Trump Jr. weighed in on the Missouri Democrat Party’s terroristic threat.


“No big deal, just the official account of the Missouri Democrat Party openly calling to burn down the homes of Trump supporters.” Don Jr. said.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 9:50 a.m. No.19279316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510 >>9662 >>9704

Hungarian Foreign Minister Says EU Expects To Fund War In Ukraine For Another FOUR YEARS


Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó has claimed that the member countries of the European Union are expecting to fund the war in Ukraine for at least another four years at a cost of €5 billion per year.


In a video posted online, Szijjártó states “The European Union thinks that there will be war in Ukraine for another four years. How many people will die in four years? How many Hungarians will die in four years? And how much more devastation will be created in four years that someone will then have to repair?”





Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó has claimed that the member countries of the European Union are expecting to fund the war in Ukraine for at least another four years at a cost of €5 billion per year.


In a video posted online, Szijjártó states “The European Union thinks that there will be war in Ukraine for another four years. How many people will die in four years? How many Hungarians will die in four years? And how much more devastation will be created in four years that someone will then have to repair?”


The comments prompted Slovakian Foreign Minister Miroslav Wlachovský to respond “Dear Péter, please do not tell what other people think before you ask them. EU consists of 27 countries. I don’t recall any debate when we said the war will continue for 4 years. War can stop tomorrow. EU is not a problem, Russia is a problem.”


Wlachovský added “Russians, go home! Let there be peace! 1956,” referring to the year that there was an anti-Soviet uprising in Hungary.


Wlachovský’s post then prompted Hungarian Minister of State Tamás Menczer to respond “Minister Wlachovsky either has a bad short-term memory — and this is a benign assumption — or he is lying.”


Menczer further noted that EU foreign ministers agreed at their last meeting to propose financing arms shipments to Ukraine for the next four years at a combined cost of €20 billion.


“The Slovak foreign minister did not oppose the proposal,” Menczer continued, then posing the question “If there will be no war in the next four years, why should there be financing for arms supplies?”


“The Hungarian position is unchanged: We want an immediate ceasefire and peace,” Menczer concluded.


Who knows how much more the U.S. will send to Ukraine in that time.


This comes as Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky commented last week that “As long as the war continues, nothing can be enough,” despite Ukraine having received an estimated €165 billion ($185.6 billion) from Western nations, including the U.S.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 9:55 a.m. No.19279338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9344 >>9346 >>9347 >>9383

CDC Warns Anthrax Will Most Likely Be Used If Bioterrorist Attack Were to Happen, FDA Earlier This Month Approved Anthrax Vaccine, Minnesota Has First Anthrax Infected Cattle in Over a Decade


Anthrax as a weapon

Letters lined up for collection or delivery


If a bioterrorist attack were to happen, Bacillus anthracis, the bacteria that causes anthrax, would be one of the biological agents most likely to be used. Biological agents are germs that can sicken or kill people, livestock, or crops. Anthrax is one of the most likely agents to be used because:


Anthrax spores are easily found in nature, can be produced in a lab, and can last for a long time in the environment.

Anthrax makes a good weapon because it can be released quietly and without anyone knowing. The microscopic spores could be put into powders, sprays, food, and water. Because they are so small, you may not be able to see, smell, or taste them.

Anthrax has been used as a weapon before.


Anthrax has been used as a weapon around the world for nearly a century. In 2001, powdered anthrax spores were deliberately put into letters that were mailed through the U.S. postal system. Twenty-two people, including 12 mail handlers, got anthrax, and five of these 22 people died.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 9:58 a.m. No.19279345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9507 >>9510 >>9513 >>9662 >>9704

New Jersey Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver dead at 71


New Jersey Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver, the first black woman to serve as speaker of the state assembly, died Tuesday after being hospitalized with an undisclosed illness.


Oliver, 71, was serving as acting governor this week while Gov. Phil Murphy was vacationing in Italy.


She was admitted to Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston on Monday, Murphy’s office announced.


Oliver rose to the post of Assembly speaker in 2010 before losing the seat to Vincent Pietro in 2013, Fox16 reported.


While serving as acting governor in Murphy’s absence, she signed a number of bills that included a pilot program to revamp the state’s juvenile justice system in four Garden State cities, the outlet reported.


Oliver became lieutenant governor in 2018, and also served as the head of the Department of Community Affairs.


Prior to her election to the state Assembly, she served on the Essex County board of freeholders from 1996 until 1999.


Following her hospital admission earlier this week, Senate President Nicholas Scuarti acted in Oliver’s place, as per the state’s constitution.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 9:59 a.m. No.19279352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510 >>9662 >>9704

FBI Investigates Spying Tool, Discovers FBI Use.


An inquiry by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) into a government contractor using Israeli spy software to monitor U.S. citizens has discovered it was doing so on behalf of the FBI itself.


Reporters discovered that Landmark spy software developed by Israel’s NSO Group, blacklisted by the Joe Biden government as a national security threat in 2021, had been purchased and deployed by government contractor Riva Networks later the same year.


It now transpires that one of Riva Networks’ clients was the FBI.


Like the White House, the FBI claims it had no clue the contractor was using Landmark to geolocate U.S. citizens in Mexico without their consent, and Director Christopher Wray has cancelled the contract. Yet reporters seeking more information about the secretive nature of the bureau’s dealings with Riva Networks are now being stonewalled.


Government lawyers responding to efforts by The New York Times to sue to the FBI for “documents related to the bureau’s purchase of NSO tools and… documents about the bureau’s relationship with Riva Networks” have told the courts the FBI’s relationship with the contractor should be protected from scrutiny, because they “either already do, or may in the future, offer other products… used for investigative purposes.”

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:02 a.m. No.19279364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510 >>9662 >>9704

77 Years Ago Today, WWII Vets Took Up Arms Against Corrupt Cops and Ran Them Out of Town


On the 77th anniversary of the Battle of Athens, one tiny Tennessee town's story proves something can, indeed, be done to fight political corruption.


In the summer of 1946, war-weary GIs began to return from World War II battlefronts in Europe and Japan, ready to resume life in their sleepy Tennessee town. What they found, instead, infuriated them to the core. A power-hungry Democrat and his associates had since usurped local government and law enforcement, and had imposed a maniacal chokehold on the McMinn County town through extortive fines, excess laws, and arrests of anyone who opposed them.


While the soldiers were away fighting power-hungry foreign enemies in 1936, Paul Cantrell, a Democrat from a wealthy and prominent family, used that influence to win the position of sheriff. Though many Athens citizens strongly suspected Cantrell hadn’t been elected through entirely legal means, there appeared to be no way to challenge the results.


As the years passed, Cantrell and his deputies took full advantage of Tennessee law which gave the unscrupulous men a fee for each person arrested, jailed, and released. According to some accounts, the lawmen even pulled over buses that happened to pass through town, summarily arrested everyone on board for drunkenness — whether or not they actually were — in order to profit handily from their misfortune. But such arrests and fines required paperwork — which meant traceable money — and to some degree hindered the men’s ability to rake in cash.


“It was less troublesome to collect kickbacks for allowing roadhouses to operate openly,” American Heritage explained. “Cooperative owners would point out influential patrons. They were not bothered, but the rest were subject to shakedowns. Prostitution, liquor, and gambling grew so prevalent that it became common knowledge in Tennessee that Athens was ‘wide open.’”


Because Cantrell and his cronies faced only limited opposition, they thwarted subsequent elections by transporting ballot boxes from every precinct to the McMinn County Jail to be counted behind closed doors. Neutral elections observers became the ‘enemy’ and were frequently forcefully ejected from polling sites, if not arrested.


With nearly 10 percent of the town’s population fighting overseas, the beleaguered citizens didn’t feel there was much they could do to fight the nefarious political machine.


Cantrell eventually moved on to become a state senator, leaving Pat Mansfield to become his successor as sheriff — exactly as they had planned — but by the time soldiers were arriving home, Cantrell intended to resume his position as McMinn County Sheriff.


By 1946, most GIs had returned home to find the liberties and freedoms they assumed they’d fought for quashed by the succession of zealous sheriffs and their deputies, who made a racket of roughing up and arresting the former soldiers. But their profiteering scheme wasn’t exactly well-received.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:14 a.m. No.19279416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9427 >>9510 >>9662 >>9704

VIDEO: Cops in Spain Arrest Mexican Los Zetas’ European Cartel Boss


Authorities in Spain announced the arrest of a 54-year-old Moroccan man who they claim was the leader in Europe of the fearsome Mexican cartel known as Los Zetas. The arrest comes soon after U.S. authorities revealed that the Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel Jalisco New Generation had close to 44,000 members in 100 countries around the globe.


The arrest took place this week in Madrid, when authorities arrested five drug traffickers and seized close to 1,000 kilograms of cocaine and €200,000. The head of the criminal organization has been identified as a man named Said, 54, who was described as very elusive and difficult to track. According to authorities, Said was based in Madrid but expanded the presence of Los Zetas to other parts of Spain.


Spain’s National Police carried out the arrest, along with U.S. Homeland Security and Colombia’s National Police. Spanish authorities released a short video of the actual arrest.


The information released by Spanish authorities does not show any participation by Mexican authorities in the arrest of the Los Zetas leader, even though that criminal organization is based in Mexico.


The arrest of a top Los Zetas operator in Spain comes just days after the head of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Anne Milgram, testified before Congress that the Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel Jalisco New Generation had close to 44,000 members and associates in 100 countries. As Breitbart Texas reported, Last week Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador criticized Milgram’s comments demanding that she provide proof. Lopez Obrador has been internationally criticized for his refusal to fight drug cartels, claiming that violence is not the answer.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:19 a.m. No.19279439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510 >>9662 >>9704

FBI Asks Judge to Block the Release of Secret Jeffrey Epstein Files; Feds Claim It Would Mess Up the Jury Pool in 'Possible' Ghislaine Maxwell Retrial


In a sign the Department of Justice expects it will be forced to go head-to-head with Maxwell in a courtroom for a second time, they have asked a New York judge to agree to the “categorical withholding” of the FBI’s top-secret files on her sex predator pal, Jeffrey Epstein, has exclusively learned.


The website sued the FBI in 2017 and demanded they reveal their entire case against Epstein, the former friend of Presidents Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and other famous identities, who died in his Manhattan jail cell on Aug. 10 that year.


Ever since, the FBI and the Department of Justice have been relentlessly fighting to keep the majority of the documents from and out of the public.


In their latest filing in the near six-year lawsuit, Maurene Comey, the lead prosecutor against Maxwell, admitted the FBI is sitting on unreleased information that could impact a jury appeal in any appeal from Maxwell.


Comey — the daughter of former FBI director James Comey — admitted the Epstein files include exhibits that were not publicly filed at the first trial, specific information about witnesses who may testify at a new trial, as well as “information and documents” authored by potential trial witnesses.


The files include topics and witness statements that “go far beyond the issues covered during the first trial,” Comey said in a July 11 declaration to the United States District Court Southern District of New York.


“The first trial focused primarily on the abuse of six victims, and many exhibits were received under seal to protect the privacy of those victims and other third parties,” she added.


“The withheld records include statements from and evidence regarding many more victims of Epstein and numerous witnesses who were not called or referenced during the first trial, including some who the Government may elect to call and/or reference if this case were to be retried."


“Accordingly, premature release of the records would risk unduly influencing potential jurors for a retrial.”


Maxwell, 61, appealed her conviction after a jury found she joined and enabled the sexual abuse that Epstein committed on scores of teenagers and young women for more than a decade.


She has claimed she was prosecuted as a “proxy” for Epstein to “satisfy public outrage” over the case in the aftermath of his death in a Manhattan jail.


The former British socialite is serving a 20-year jail term at a federal facility in Tallahassee., represented by noted first amendment lawyer Dan Novack, filed suit in 2017 and alleged the FBI stonewalled its Freedom of Information Act request.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:22 a.m. No.19279452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510 >>9662 >>9704

Pilot CBDC Shows Central Bank Has Total Control


“Conspiracy Theorists” Were Right Again!


The pilot project of Brazil’s Central Bank Digital Currency the Real Digital allows the freezing of user wallets and reducing balances, as was always highly suspected by “conspiracy theorists!”


The Real Digital


The president of the Central Bank, Roberto Campos Neto, presented Brazil’s digital agenda back in November 2022 where a preview of the Real Digital app was presented. According to Campos “The Real Digital, the central bank digital currency (CBDC) in Brazil, appears to tokenize the banking system” he explained that the “CBDC is nothing more than a token issued by the bank upon deposit” (source).


However, it is clearly more than that as revealed in a report by Journalist Vini Barbosa on the website Portal do Bitcoin.


The Public Audit


On Monday the 3rd of July the Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen) published information on their Central Bank Digital Currency Pilot scheme which offered public participation in its audit. As a result, developers found that the digital currency allows the freezing and manipulation of users’ wallets.


According to Barbosa, following the publication of the documentation about the Brazilian CBDC pilot project on GitHub, the Central Bank of Brazil also allowed the start of a public audit of the system’s source code.




As we would expect, the audit attracted attention and feedback from a number of developers who went on to analyse the code leading to the discovery of a few unknown code functions (Commands). These functions essentially allow the controllers to make several relevant changes in the data of the CBDCs ledger, directly affecting its users.

Reverse Engineering


One full-stack developer Pedro Magalhães who specialises in Blockchain and DeFI, and the programming language Solidity, announced on LinkedIn that he had “discovered Solidity’s Source Code of the CBDC through the ABI (interface) of Real Digital using reverse engineering”.


Magalhães wrote “Recently, I delved into the world of ABIs (interfaces) of Real Digital, a Central Bank’s initiative, with the intention of exploring possible vulnerabilities for purely didactic purposes.”


In a conversation with Portal do Bitcoin, Magalhães explained “Reverse engineering is a technique to understand how a system works just by observing its behaviour” and that an Application Binary Interface (ABI) is “basically a way to interact with smart contracts on Ethereum.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:24 a.m. No.19279466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9473 >>9510 >>9662 >>9704

Mar-A-Lago Property Manager Released On $100,000 Bond Amid Classified Documents Case With Trump, Arraignment Delayed



Mar-a-Lago property manager Carlos De Oliveira, who is involved in the classified documents case with former President Trump, was released on a $100,000 bond.


However, his arraignment has not yet taken place.


De Oliveira appeared in court on Monday at the James L. King Federal Courthouse in Miami. Federal prosecutors recently accused him of instructing another unnamed Trump employee to delete security footage at the Palm Beach property.


Last week, De Oliveira was added to the indictment alongside Trump and the ex-president's valet, Walt Nauta. He is facing charges including conspiracy to obstruct justice and lying to investigators.


During his court appearance, a magistrate judge in Miami's federal court read the charges against De Oliveira. The judge also ordered him to surrender his passport and sign an agreement to pay $100,000 if he fails to appear in court. De Oliveira's arraignment is scheduled for August 10 in Fort Pierce.


These developments in the classified documents case come as Trump awaits possible charges in another federal investigation related to his attempts to overturn the 2020 election results.


Trump, who is currently a front-runner in the 2024 Republican presidential primary race, claimed to have received a letter from special counsel Jack Smith indicating that he is a target of that investigation. Trump's legal team met with Smith's team last week. In June, Trump pleaded not guilty to 37 counts in the classified documents case and has consistently denied any wrongdoing.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:25 a.m. No.19279470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510 >>9662 >>9704

Texas Human Trafficking Ring That Allegedly Smuggled Hundreds Of Migrants Hit With Money Laundering Charges


Alleged members of a human trafficking ring in Texas who are accused of smuggling hundreds of migrants in squalid conditions were charged with money laundering on Friday.


The group hid their payments for smuggling illegal migrants across the border by disguising them as compensation for fake construction jobs, federal prosecutors said.


The new charges were filed against Erminia Serrano Piedra, 32, also known as Irma or “Boss Lady,” and three men.


“Boss Lady” and the other three alleged traffickers “conspired to engage in financial transactions designed to conceal the nature, location, source, ownership, and control of ill-gotten proceeds of illicit human smuggling and the unlawful harboring and transportation of undocumented aliens,” according to the superseding indictment from a federal grand jury in the Southern District of Texas.


The four suspects, who allegedly led the trafficking ring, are accused of recruiting and using “straw persons” to accept human smuggling payments into their bank accounts and then transfer the payments to the leaders as “work” payments for construction.


They also allegedly recruited people to accept human smuggling payments as cash and then transfer the payments as checks from their business bank accounts.


The indictment also mentions the criminal forfeiture of three properties worth about $2.3 million, $515,000, and $344,000, as well as about $2,945,027 in money judgments.


Three of the four defendants were previously charged with human smuggling in a September indictment.


The September indictment included photos of migrants crammed in wooden crates, in the back of tractor-trailers, and trapped in the bed cover of a pickup truck.


Last year’s indictment was the result of a large operation that arrested 14 alleged human smugglers led by “Boss Lady” that “facilitated the unlawful transportation and movement of migrants within the United States in deplorable conditions for profit,” the Justice Department said.


Smugglers have used a plethora of creative means to get their human cargo past border authorities and into the country.


This month, smugglers were caught using a fake U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) truck to try to sneak migrants over the U.S. border in California on Saturday.


Border authorities warn that it is extremely dangerous for migrants to depend on smugglers to help them make the trek up through Central America and over the U.S. border illegally.


Last year in June, 53 migrants died in an 18-wheeler that was decked out to look like a legally registered truck. The truck made it past a Texas border checkpoint and arrived in San Antonio, where it started having mechanical problems and was abandoned by its driver.


Meanwhile, the Biden administration has allowed hundreds of thousands of new illegal migrants into the country.


Overall, during the last two years, the administration has allowed at least 541,000 migrants into the country through the parole authority, which allows the federal government to let in migrants without visas.


Exacerbating the issue is the end of Title 42, a COVID emergency rule that allowed authorities to deport migrants quickly back to Mexico.


Title 42 expired on May 11 after several previous attempts by the Biden administration to end it.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:28 a.m. No.19279481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9486 >>9501 >>9518

Biden admin defunding schools with hunting, archery programs


President Joe Biden’s administration has confirmed that it is withholding funding from elementary and secondary schools that offer hunting and archery programs as part of the curriculum.


According to Fox News, the Department of Education made the funding decision in light of its interpretation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), which was passed last year in the aftermath of multiple mass shooting tragedies.


Based on the Department of Education’s decision, funding that has been earmarked for school shooting sport programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 will be prohibited across the nation.


A spokesperson for the Department of Education told Fox News, “This prohibition applies to all ESEA funds. The prohibition went into effect immediately on June 25, 2022 and applies to all existing and future awards under all ESEA programs, including [21st Century Community Learning Centers]. The Department is administering the bipartisan law as written by Congress.”


According to the Congressional Research Service, the ESEA serves as the primary source of elementary and secondary school’s federal aid in the United States.


The Biden administration’s decision to block funding for school hunting and archery programs is expected to have a major impact on thousands of schools across the United States and millions of students.


“The Biden administration is DEFUNDING school hunting and archery programs. Yes, you read that right — DEFUNDING them,” Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Wisc.) tweeted after the Biden administration announced its decision to block school funding for hunting and archery programs. “Wisconsin students should not be pawns in Joe Biden’s misguided crusade against America’s sportsmen.”

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:41 a.m. No.19279523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9662 >>9704



ISRAEL: Organ Trafficking Capital of the World


Israel is the organ harvesting and human trafficking global ringleader, with complicit help from US and Turkey


A couple years ago I wrote an article on the growing global problem of human trafficking and the sex slavery trade. Another related ongoing shameful practice that’s also increasing globally is the harvesting of human organs from war victims and selling them on the black market. This presentation will focus on this deplorable crime being committed regularly on each of the current warfronts and beyond, who the profiteering perpetrators are and the beneficiary nations where organs are trafficked.


With the war in Syria still raging in its fifth year, the Damascus university medical doctor heading the newly formed Medical Forensics department Dr. Hussein Nofal estimates that at least 18,000 Syrians have had organs removed during the war thus far. Since the outbreak of war in 2012, 6.5 million people have been displaced within Syria and another 4.8 million have become refugees forced to flee to neighboring countries like Turkey and Lebanon or 10% have migrated to Europe. With another 386,000 estimated dead, that’s 11.7 million humans in Syria who have violently lost their lives or homes – stunningly over half the total prewar population of 22 millionSyrians.


All this tragic human horror only occurs because of an overly aggressive, imperialistic US-Israeli foreign policy creating a path of chaos and destruction across the Middle East and North Africa secretly supporting Islamic terrorists to fight US-Israeli proxy wars to illegally overthrow sovereign national governments like Assad’s. The ruling elite behind the Greater Israel Project deploys US Empire to manufacture unlawful wars and the subsequent largest migration crisis since WWII to willfully and methodically destabilize the world generating such dire human living conditions that expedite formation of a one world government.


The all too common human story is that thousands of Syrians unable to find work trapped in inhumane conditions at migrant refugee camps in adjacent countries have opted to desperately sell their organs in order to support their families. Parasitic criminal gangs and international cabal rings opportunistically set up thriving predatory operations exploiting the surplus of war refugees by organizing intricate organ trafficking networks throughout countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt.


Ironically but also by criminal design, the two closest neighboring countries most powerful in the region that are most directly responsible for the Islamic terrorists and the MENA wars – Israel and Saudi Arabia – refuse to even take in a single refugee from the very same wars they both create and promote. Note that Israel, Saudi Arabia along with third wheel Turkey as part of the US Empire-led axis-of-evil, longtime regional ally and fellow NATO member Turkey received a $6.6 billion bribe from the bankrupted EU to “manage and control” the migration crisis, only to then turn around and unleash yet more waves of refugees pouring into Europe to this day. And it’s Turkey and Israel that both also play the most prominent role in the soaring organ trafficking epidemic as well. But more on that later.


Similar to Syrians, Palestinians in Israel have also been known to donate kidneys and other organs to feed their impoverished children. See a pattern here? Create extreme economic hardship purposely engineered to manipulate desperate parents trying to provide for their families, endangering themselves to give up their own body parts for sorely needed survival money.According to Dr. Nofal, donors in Turkey can earn $10,000 for a kidney while in war torn Iraq the price may be as low as $1,000 whereas in Syria and Lebanon the going rate for selling a kidney is around $3,000.


The barbaric crimes of a multibillion dollar gangster business sanctioned and protected by the likes of Israel, Turkey and the United States is yet one more crime against humanity committed daily by the mass murdering cabal. Rather than accept the evils of global slavery and organ trafficking perpetrated by power and profit driven psychopaths with total impunity, the corrupt, criminal victimization of preying on and murdering poor humans to keep a few rich humans alive is morally reprehensible. The perps need to be held accountable while their victims need justice.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:42 a.m. No.19279529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9536 >>9544

Judge rules Trump false election claims while in office covered by presidential immunity


A Pennsylvania state judge ruled Monday that an election worker cannot sue former President Trump over statements he made sowing doubt in the 2020 election results while in office, finding the statements are protected by presidential immunity.


Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael Erdos said Trump’s immunity covered a tweet he issued and comments he made remotely from the White House during a Pennsylvania state Senate committee hearing in November 2020. The statements, made without evidence, claimed fraud in Pennsylvania’s election tabulations.


“Other legal proceedings may examine the propriety of his statements and actions while he was the President and whether, as the plaintiffs in this and other cases contend, it was this conduct which served as the actual threat to our democracy,” Erdos ruled. “But this case is not the proper place to do so. Here, Trump is entitled to Presidential immunity.”


James Savage, a Pennsylvania voting machine supervisor in the 2020 election, filed two lawsuits — which have since been consolidated — alleging that Trump, Rudy Giuliani, two poll watchers and others conspired to defame him. Savage says their statements led him to receive death threats and suffer two heart attacks.


Erdos ruled Trump has immunity for the tweet and the remarks at the state Senate hearing because both statements were made while he was serving as president. But the lawsuit also contains claims over a letter Trump wrote to the House Jan. 6 committee last October, which Trump is not immune from as it was written after leaving office.


Erdos ruled the two earlier statements were part of Trump’s official duties, as he was speaking to the public on matters of public concern.


“Here, then-President Trump’s Gettysburg remarks and his tweet were public,” Erdos wrote. “Moreover, the topic of these statements—claims from third parties and the President himself about irregularities in the Presidential election which on their face called into question the integrity of the election and whether now-President Joseph Biden had been duly elected—was undoubtedly a matter of great public concern.”

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:48 a.m. No.19279553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9563

Netanyahu to NBC: Apartheid's hogwash, real danger is ethnic cleansing of Jews


The absence of a Palestinian military does not mean that there is an apartheid system, Netanyahu said in reference to the West Bank.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed the charge that Palestinians live in an apartheid-like situation in the West Bank, telling NBC that the real danger in that region is the ethnic cleansing of Jews.


“It’s hogwash,” Netanyahu told NBC correspondent Rafael Sanchez in an interview published on Tuesday when quizzed about apartheid allegations.


“The whole idea of… ethnic cleansing this what we're talking about,” Netanyahu said. He attacked those who believe that the evacuation of West Bank settlements is necessary for peace.


There are those who say that “we should get rid of the Jews because otherwise, we can't have peace,” Netanyahu said.


Such statements are akin to “saying to me that the million and more Israeli citizens who are Arabs should be kicked out because we can’t have peace unless we have a cleansed state.”

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:50 a.m. No.19279564   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Amazon to invest $7.2 bln in Israel, launches AWS cloud region


With the expansion, AWS will be available in 32 geographic regions.


Amazon. com said on Tuesday it is planning to invest about $7.2 billion through 2037 in Israel, and launched its Amazon Web Services (AWS) data centers in the country.


Amazon's cloud services in the region will allow the country's government to run applications and store data in data centers located in Israel.


"The establishment of the Region will enable us to migrate substantial governmental workloads to the cloud, and we are confident that it will help us accelerate digital transformation in the public sector," said Yali Rothenberg, accountant general of Israel.


What is AWS?


AWS is Amazon's cloud computing platform, used by companies such as Netflix, General Electric and Sony 6758.T, enabling storage, networking, and remote security.


With the expansion, AWS will be available in 32 geographic regions, the company said, adding that its investment in Israel will contribute about $13.9 billion to Israel's gross domestic product.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:55 a.m. No.19279588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9662 >>9704

When Hunter Biden's Art Patron Hit Federal Contribution Limits, Her Underage Children Kept the Money to Dems Flowing


Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali has sent millions to liberal politicians and causes, regularly visited White House


A Tennessee school district offered voluntary Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training for staff that included a section about how people who are white, male, cisgender, heterosexual or Christian are considered privileged while people of color and those who are nonbinary, polyamorous or pagan are oppressed.


The parental rights group Parents Defending Education obtained a presentation, published Monday by Fox News Digital, from the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System through a public records request.


The presentation from the district's July 19 ENGAGE conference was titled, "The World Needs More Purple People," and it promoted using Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to connect with students.


A "privilege" and "oppression" chart is included in the slideshow. It states that "Privilege Status" is associated with the labels "white," "able-bodied," "men, cisgender," "heterosexual," "Christian," and "middle class."


Meanwhile, the presentation states that "Oppression Status" is associated with the labels "person of color," physical, cognitive and mental health disability, "women, grand, nonbinary, genderqueer," "LGBQ+, polyamorous, asexual, aromantic," "Muslim, Eastern, Pagan, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist," and "working class."


The presentation also included a section titled, "Trauma from language," which stated: "Topics can be triggering," such as saying things to students like "Make this for your mommy."


Staff were also advised to not use the word "should," in phrases like "You aren't in kindergarten, you should know…," according to the slideshow. It also said that the phrase "'I don’t see color' is the same as saying 'I don’t see you.'"


A spokesperson for the school told Fox that the lecture was not mandatory and the district is in compliance with state law.


"Since this presentation was developed independently by educators and not developed or delivered by the District, I do not have any additional information on the presentation," the spokesperson also said.


In September 2015, Hunter Biden art patron Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali sent Hillary Clinton $2,700, the maximum amount she could give the presidential candidate for the upcoming primary election. Just days later, an unusual source stepped forward with more Clinton money: Naftali's 17-year-old daughter.


Naftali's daughter—who was in high school at the time—also sent Clinton $2,700, federal disclosures reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show. The contribution came just 10 days after Naftali was legally barred from giving Clinton more primary campaign cash. In the years that followed, Naftali's son continued the practice, sending thousands of dollars to California congressman Mike Levin and presidential candidate Kamala Harris after Naftali contributed the legal maximum to both Democrats. Naftali's son gave Levin $1,000 at age 16 and Harris $2,000 at age 17.


The contributions show just how far Naftali and her family have gone to curry favor with liberal politicians. Naftali's daughter—a self-described "data engineer photographer surfer hiphop dancer big d democrat yogi"—landed a spot on Clinton's National Finance Committee as an 18-year-old, less than one year after she sent Clinton thousands of dollars. She went on to work as a "technology consultant" for the Democratic National Committee as a college student.

Anonymous ID: 068079 Aug. 1, 2023, 11:17 a.m. No.19279661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9673 >>9704

Operation Cross Country XIII Leads to Identification/Location of Adolescent Victims


The FBI, working with its state and local partners, identified and located 200 victims of sex trafficking during a nationwide enforcement campaign called Operation Cross Country. The operation also led to identification or arrest of 126 suspects of child sexual exploitation and human trafficking offenses and 68 suspects of trafficking were identified or arrested.