Anonymous ID: 6c13a4 Aug. 1, 2023, 9:56 a.m. No.19279339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9350 >>9403 >>9510 >>9662 >>9704


TYB! This one writes itself, kek:

House Oversight Chairman Says Some of Hunter Biden’sBlow PaintingsWere Going to China

Anon has seen the picrel before. Somehow must have missed the wordplay back then :) that Hunter got kicked out of the Navy (Joe's 7th granddaughter) for doing blow with coke in a straw, and now he's doing blow in the other direction with paint in a straw. kek

Anonymous ID: 6c13a4 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:07 a.m. No.19279381   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>China’s Three Gorges Dam is at severe risk of breaking. The chinese Communists hailed the massive dam as a “1000-year dam” onceconstructed in 2003.CCP messaging this week is now calling it a “100-yr dam in a 200-yr flood”. They are telling the people to prepare for collapse.

They keep lowering the stakes.

Now it's a 20-year dam?

Pray for those affected

Anonymous ID: 6c13a4 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:18 a.m. No.19279431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9444


> >>19279369

> >>19279353

>Paste the Twitter link into the embed area

FYI, note that if you do that, you can't also include any picrels.

Similar to how YouTube embeds function here, Twitter embeds will also delete your picrels without telling you.

Anon consider this to be a DATALOSS-type bug, one of the more serious ones. Can be fixed with a simple UI addition, a question dialog upon submission "The embed will remove your images, do you want to proceed?" with OK / Cancel buttons.

That's the quick fix; anon would also allow users to submit images AND embeds.

Handling attacks is likely higher priority, anon gets that too. Thank you for all you do.

Tested on /comms, over here (link won't work but you can find it this way):



TY baker/BV/BO/admin/Jim!!!

Anonymous ID: 6c13a4 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:24 a.m. No.19279462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9698


TYB! nice snowmen

Anon was rolling Hunter's company name around in head, and found something?

Bohai Harvest RST

His brother, Beau, died.

Souls go up high when body dies.

Some say perhaps Beau was a sacrifice.

For a sacrifice, 'harvest' is a term often used.

After death, the body rests.

Beau (on) High, Harvest(ed), R(e)ST(ing)

Anonymous ID: 6c13a4 Aug. 1, 2023, 10:48 a.m. No.19279555   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Yes, I know about also including photos. I just didn't know twitter links could be embedded.

>also NOT including photos

Anon has another observation for admins:

The YouTube embeds at least show a useful thumbnail.

The Twitter embeds (see picrel) just show a generic "Twitter" link. (Which should be "X" now, actually?)

Anyway the picrels, at the moment, provide a much better conveyance of the information. Especially to those "browsing Notables" who will just see something like picrel in the popup.

TY baker/BV/BO/admin/Jim!Please consider updating the Twitter code so it shows a valid thumbnail?

There are examples at Gateway Pundit and many other web sites that do Twitter embedding, if needed.

Thank you for this place!!!