Ottawa businessman and Muslim activist Kamel El-Cheikh is organizing a Million Person March to protest gender ideology and "Pride" month in schools. He told The Post Millennial that his goal is to bring together a million Canadians of all faiths from coast to coast on Sept. 20.
Although he has rarely been in the media spotlight as a businessman, El-Cheikh has become a prominent protest organizer in the last months as he has led groups of Muslims and Christians in Ottawa who are opposed to children being told they can change their gender without telling their parents and to pornographic literature used in sex education.
"I am optimistic – absolutely. You know, if [there's] one thing that's going to inspire Canadians from coast to coast to go down and protest it's the kids and their innocence and it's families," he said.
El-Cheikh says LGBTQ ideology is being preached to children and has shared photographs with The Post Millennial of school pamphlets that specifically target Muslim children. One such form asks the question, "Can I still be Muslim if I am queer?"
The literature assures the reader that there is no conflict between Islam and homosexuality, a contention that El-Cheikh called "blasphemy." He said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's insistence that Muslims accept his views on LGBTQ ideology amounts to a "fatwa," or an edict on faith and morals.
Even though the material is presented by imans who have apparently bought into gender ideology, El-Cheikh said the kids rejected his words.
"The kids called them out on it and they told them, 'Excuse me sir, you're a liar.' These are 14- year-old kids and they walked out of class anyway."
El-Cheikh spoke to a group of protesters on June 13. He says that speech urged Muslims, Christians and people of all faith to band together to protect their children from the state.
"You know Canada's built of Christians and Muslims and and all denominations, why not celebrate that?"
"We can coexist and I think that's what absolutely these protests are illustrating is that Christians and Muslims and most Jews and of course a lot of common sense Canadians have a lot in common that's it's not what Justin Trudeau is preaching because Justin Trudeau is preaching and I've talked to people in the so-called LGBT communitywho just say lay off stop defining us absolutely you know let the state get out of this because stop telling me I have to vote Liberal."
He wonders why the school system and the Trudeau government are so obsessed with teaching sexuality to children and not focusing on real education.
"Remember sex is between two consenting adults that's a universal law right so how can kids consent to sexual indoctrination, sexual exploitation, sexual mutilation and all that kind of stuff? You know kids right now don't know how to eat their lunch on time let alone go to sleep on time let alone all the other things that they need to figure out why aren't we teaching math and sciences in the school?"