Anonymous ID: 206c77 Aug. 2, 2023, 5:53 a.m. No.19284261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4277


He's taught me some things!

He can be long winded, he repeats himself, he doesn't follow a party line.

He's nobodies parrot.

He pointed out stuff that I'd already noticed like how the earthquake data is altered or suppressed.

I was amazed at his theories on how the magma is like a wave tank.

also how the waves follow along even railroad tracks and powerline!! (magnetic coupling?)


The guy is just an ordinary guy but he really does tell it like he sees it.

Anonymous ID: 206c77 Aug. 2, 2023, 6:02 a.m. No.19284289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4385


If he isn't 18 don't send him here.

it's not a place for children.

how do you explain Q research to him?

Is he one who isn't going to tell everyone he knows about it?

I make a point of never talking about it with anyone.

I think I'd not tell him myself, but I don't know him.

I wouldn't proslytize this place to him or send him here.

THe term 'toxic slime pit' applies.

there is a problem I had as an 18 year old: an uncle of mine was a bit of a know it all and he told me about subliminal advertising. It had a bad effect on me. Instead of just being a fun young man I became hyper aware of how much media manipulates people. I wasn't really ready for the information. It wasn't a good thing for me to know all that stuff.

the idea of 'having the secret too soon' is what I mean.

for me the age of 25 is an age when secrets can be shared like that.

also 40 is too, an age when men pass into a mindset where they can understand some basic (hard) truths without going crazy.


I think that the 27 club of young 'stars' who end up dead is also a group who 'knew the secret too soon' (whatever that means).


The darkness of dispair, the sadness of knowing that institutions favor some over others, that 'merit' is a lie in terms of who is chosen to run things, and that people, young people, trade their touch and massage (and more) for power and money is something that destroys a moral young person's well being.

they go through a lot of hardship. They are rejected by their peers.

they become joyless bores if they harp on that depressing message . . .


but everyone is different so you do what you think is right for him but I'd wait for him to ask you and not prompt him with severe buzz kill stuff like subliminal advertising or the total fraud of the Federal Government.

Anonymous ID: 206c77 Aug. 2, 2023, 6:08 a.m. No.19284307   🗄️.is 🔗kun



so, even though you are, as you say 'fatigued & irritable' you're not enlightened enough to not echo your despairing 'feels'?

and echo out depressing paranoia 'mass casualty event' messaging?

maybe your deal is that subconciously you know that you've become a shill who tries to discourage others?


if you're depressed and sad, go back to bed. you've not had enough sleep to rest through it.

don't spread the gloom here, anon.

GO BACK TO BED and get a few more hours sleep.

Anonymous ID: 206c77 Aug. 2, 2023, 6:14 a.m. No.19284330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4339


he found that castle.

he points out super volcanoes that the Geologists don't mention.

He points out the fracking wells around anomylous and seemingly oddly place earthquakes.

He's got prediction fairly good, he's not perfect with it but his explanation on how the wave propogation of the magma events causes earthquakes along the plate boundries.

He pointed out how the powerlines and railroad tracks effect the propagation of earthquakes . . .

he pointed out how the earthquake data provided by the government is inaccurate and incomplete.

He's like a hawk who sees it and knows what it is from very far away.


AND there are very many in the grant-mongering sciences that seem to hate him and try to suppress him and get him banned.

Anonymous ID: 206c77 Aug. 2, 2023, 6:17 a.m. No.19284339   🗄️.is 🔗kun


sorry about the fragment sentence (and run on)

he's not perfect with it but his explanation on how the wave propogation of the magma events causes earthquakes along the plate boundries seems to be a good method to predict earthquake.

Anonymous ID: 206c77 Aug. 2, 2023, 6:42 a.m. No.19284438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4458


There are things that are hard to digest intellectually and emotionally.

younger minds are focused on education and the 'great secret buzz kill truths' tend to lead to obcessive and compulsive behaviors in younger minds.

of course each person is different.

the 'secret' things lead to madness in a younger mind.

that is why they are kept secret.

if you discover it on your own, fine.

if you seek it out and find it, fine.

but again: the young mind that knows too much, stuff that is hard to fathom, they tend to become obcessive in trying to share it.

just by observation humanity figured out some various ages of understanding for a person. we tell youth about 13 beinc 'puberty' and then 18: age of consent.

but in fact 18 is still too young for a lot of things and a young person is still needing guidance then.

even 21 is too young for a lot.

I've noticed that 25 is an age when young adults usually come to an emotional crisis or, if they don't, they persist in the drink and party and be a horn-dog stuff that many do at that age. If you're still in 'drink party awesome' mode at 30 you're generally going down a track in life that when you are older you'll be alone and childless . . . sorry.


and then 40: well what happens then?

something. People move into a new realm where the dark truths don't destroy them so much.


and if you don't pass through to the wiser place at these critical ages? it happens later on. Or you never get there.


the late life gay guy: suddenly thinks it's OK to be permiscuous, starts taking steroids. Thinks it OK to take a young man as a spouse instead of mentoring the young man to get a wife and have a family . . .

the older woman who has divorced ten different men . . . and people think she is toxic . . .

the guy who sniffs babies and thinks that's OK . . .

the people who think sex with children is not horrible, who think that 13 is old enough . . .


and they are in their 50s or 60s and pay for sex.


that's what happens to some people when they don't overcome these emotional milestones.

there are things that young people don't need to know.

it's stunts their growth to know these things. They aren't ready for it.

they are a bud that never opens then, or they don't bloom until much later in life . . .

Anonymous ID: 206c77 Aug. 2, 2023, 6:49 a.m. No.19284463   🗄️.is 🔗kun


see how this one gives out the bad advice.

what they fear is that no one does anything that they can get arrested for doing.

You want to make people do things for which they can get arrested.

they loose if they cna't have a mass round up and purge.

that is why they staged Jan 6 to have an excuse to arrest people.

you work for the enemies of civil order, admit it.

you are no friend to the anon who use these breads.

you're a shill who floods the breads, a failure.

Anonymous ID: 206c77 Aug. 2, 2023, 6:57 a.m. No.19284492   🗄️.is 🔗kun


a young person doesn't just take education from the corporate channels.

for example my age group focused on learning how to fix automobiles and to recycle used automobiles.

we did this or we didn't get to have a vehicle until our mid 20's.

I used to read and read more. I used to take my off and idle hours and go and read trade publications, articles that were on topics that I had not yet studied.

I took time to read things that weren't assigned. I also learned to listen to older people and to visit the sick. I learned how to pray. All of this was not taught at my college.


education is what people do for themselves to learn what they need to know to survive in this world that rewards based upon favoritism and upon blood line far more than it rewards on merit, intelligence, or accomplishment.