>>19284504 - lb
this planet it is like Seinfeld for ETs……..
Please respect God w/ a G caps.
>However, God reconsidered
We have among us, a person that talk w/ God.
Baker, NOTABLE, and the rest of you, just kneel in fron of your device, when you read anon's post!
here's the info, since you care so much.
bv criminal, slobozi-m-as in ma-ta sin in mortii ma-tii de scursura infecta, boratura imputita, vierme retardad.
shadow bann much, piece of shit?!
I was banned for saying this, and also another day for posting this:
b/c it is normal on a free speech platform.
01001001 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00101110
in mortirea ma-tii de infect corupt!
you are banned for following posts: ban expires in wtv……..
you think that I have the calm and time to ps and save the shit?????????
I am here to save the planet and wtv humanity might be w/ the brians in the right places, not to ps a retarded ban.
i usualy do not care, b/c I know that I deal w/ monkeys, but shadow ban, makes me super angry!
in here we do not doxx ourselves, unless we are drunk enough.
I am not drunk enough, ask me later.