Anonymous ID: 681cb4 Aug. 6, 2023, 7:42 a.m. No.19309142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9436

International Q Research Threads

>>19188850 ——–——– Australia #31

>>19181822 ——–——– Canada #45

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

>>19236542 ——–——– Japan #16

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>18778547 ——–——– South Africa #11

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50




Bunker =

Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?

>>19088769, >>19156675 Why admins try to keep spam down

>>19259750 I have had contact with the FBI many times. Whenever I report crimes. I report them to the FBI./J6 NEW


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed




#23714 TBC

#23713 TBC


#23712 >>19306708

>>19306738 President Trump: They want to defund the police, and they also want to take away your guns. No, you can't do that. Especially where we are right now as a nation. You can't do that.

>>19306742 President Trump: Two thousand, twenty-four, is our final, biggest, and most important battle.

>>19306744 President Trump: The Catholic Church is under siege by these crooked prosecutors.

>>19306079 lb McMaster: We must realize that we are in a war for the future of our country. And we must win it. We need warriors, and we have warriors. It wont be easy. As you know, our opponents have realized that they are in grave danger, and that is why they have been, and will be fighting so hard, and so unscrupulously in the traditional political arenas, as well as a new arena for them, the legal ones.

>>19306812, >>19306817 Full Notes Collected From South Carolina Trump Rally

>>19306721, >>19306723 PDJT said in regards to mutilation These people are sick

>>19306722 Navy and Marine Corps Announce Large Scale Exercise 2023

>>19306726 The Last Indictment will be Magical

>>19306746, >>19306991 Ammunition spent

>>19306831 Patrick Wojahn, the erstwhile Democratic mayor of College Park, Maryland acing Decades in Prison After Pleading Guilty to 140 Counts Of Child Porn

>>19306840 For keks Caturd: Obama fantasy drowing bingo card 17 million, Roseanne Barr: I did.

>>19306789, >>19306850 Elaine Chow, Mitch Mcconnells wife fuckery

>>19306907, >>19306977, >>19307147 Elaine Lan Chao: I aint saying watch the water, but watch the water

>>19307007 Mitch McConnell’s Freighted Ties to a Shadowy Shipping Company

>>19306851 Charlotte Pride gives Harvey milk award to registered child sex offender Chad Turner has used other aliases such as Chad Sevealance, Chad Sevearance, and Eugene Severance

>>19306931 FAKE NEWS Prosecutors ask judge to issue protective order after Trump post appearing to promise revenge

>>19306941, >>19306984 FEMA and the FCC have announced on Wed October 4th 2023 they will test Wireless Emergency Alerts and the Emergency Alerts Systems… (Cap 4:02)

>>19306957 CNN: Biden Admin Desperate to Sell Bidenomics So the Regime is Putting Up Signs with Biden’s Name on Them at Construction Sites

>>19306989 Good question why isn’t Jenna Ellis named as a co-conspirator? Is it because she’s too busy working for Ron DeSantis right now?

>>19307018 U.S. Capitol Police Officer, Tarik Johnson, is Blowing The Whistle as loud as he can. “Every demonstrator and every police officer there on J6 was set-up.”

>>19306879, >>19306896, >>19306913, >>19306918, >>19306953, The 2024 Senate elections — which will run concurrent with the presidential race 2024 contenders.- business insider bun.

>>19307186, >>19307196 A Requiem for Dominance: New US Strategies to Deter Aggression

>>19307107 Chuck Schumer Speech On The 4th Jan To Federalize The Elections

>>19307255, >>19307345, >>19307348, >>19307335, >>19307259, >>19307260, >>19307263, >>19307268, >>19307279 Elon Musk: If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.

>>19307372 R. Hunter Biden 先生 Biden先生现任RSP的管理合伙人以及Boies Schiller Flexner LPP律师事务所顾问。

>>19307384 Looks like a Trans: Jasmine Crockett Dem Claims Republicans Defending Trump Are 'Dangerously Close…to Criminal Culpability'

>>19307431 #23712


#23711-A >>19305886

>>19306050 Governor McMaster [GOP Dinner]: The policies, practices and initiatives of the administration of President Donald Trump, opened doors, sparked opportunities, and unleashed American Power the whole way. He was with us the whole way. All of this, despite the rumblings of secret deep state opposition, and the barrage of unfounded criticism, and even unjustified impeachments.

>>19306079 McMaster: We must realize that we are in a war for the future of our country. And we must win it. We need warriors, and we have warriors. It wont be easy. As you know, our opponents have realized that they are in grave danger, and that is why they have been, and will be fighting so hard, and so unscrupulously in the traditional political arenas, as well as a new arena for them, the legal ones.

>>19306098 McMaster: Our leader is here, he is behind the curtain, and he is ready.

>>19306181 President Trump: One of the most important issues of the campaign will be, who can rescue our country from the burning wreckage of 'Bidenomics'. You know what that stands for, right? Henceforth, it will be defined as inflation, taxation, submission, and failure.

>>19306206 President Trump: Under Biden, real incomes have gone down by seven thousand, four-hundred dollars per family. And under President Trump, yearly income went up, on average, six thousand dollars. Nobody's ever come close to that number.

>>19306224 President Trump: Inflation has reached the highest level in half-century, and mortgage rates are now pushing a brutal seven percent, and they are going much higher. Americans now have to pay three hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars more in interest payments just to purchase a house.

>>19306262 President Trump: We have more oil, I call it liquid gold, oil and gas, under our feet, than any other nation in the world…these guys get in, because the election was rigged, they get into office, and what do they do? Let's stop drilling. Oil prices at the highest prices ever, and they say, 'let's stop drilling'. When oil prices are high, that's when you should say, 'let's drill and make a fortune, and let's pay off debt, and let's lower people's taxes.' But they didn't do that.

>>19306284 President Trump: In virtually ever poll, we are kicking Biden's ass…and if I wasn't, we wouldn't be under investigation by Deranged Jack Smith. He's a deranged human being. You take a look at that face you say, 'that guy is a sick man. There's something wrong with him.'…This guy's a maniac.

>>19306295 President Trump: I'm telling you, Lindsay, they have something on Mitch McConnell…They've got something on Mitch McConnell

>>19306334 President Trump: As soon as we get back in the White House, I will end the disaster known as 'Bidenomics, and we will once again implement the proven economic formula that puts America First. We're going to put America First. They don't put America First. And very quickly, our economy will be great again, and our country will be absolutely, like I say, fairly quickly, like never before, we'll get it to a level that we had it up to, and we'll do things that nobody will believe.

>>19306348 President Trump: To terminate this crippling electrical vehicle mandate; we're going to do it, we're going to do it fast, and we will stop having all of these cars being built in China. We're building our cars back here.

>>19306374 President Trump: To bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to South Carolina, I will impose a border tariff on all foreign-made goods. So if they want to sell into our country, and if they want to take our jobs by doing that, we're going to have a tax. That's going to be a Privilege Tax.

>>19306408 President Trump: These border taxes, we're going to have to do it. Our country can become immediately rich, so rich, like never before. Look back into 1890s, look back; we were taking in money, and it's not so different. It's a long time ago, but that's when we ran our country smart.

>>19306452 President Trump: What this man [Biden] is doing to the country; he's either the dumbest human being alive, and I think, honestly, I do believe it's run not by him. All of this stuff. How can you cheat on an election so well and be dumb? How can you do that? But he's surrounded by marxists, communists, and they're smart. But either they're evil, or they dont know; I really believe they hate our country, because nobody can allow this to happen.

>>19306470 President Trump: If we simply returned to the amount of government spending that we had under my leadership in 2018, we would, right now, have a balanced budget.

>>19306639 #23711-A


#23711-B >>19305886

>>19306544 President Trump: We did such a great job [border] that it no longer became a subject. It was never a debate subject. Nobody ever mentioned the border. And these clowns got in, and right from the beginning, they opened up the country. They welcomed everybody, and as soon as they welcomed, everybody came in. Now they want to give them free education, free hospital; in the mean time, we don't take care of our veterans. Our veterans are laying out all over the streets. It's a horrible thing they've done to our country.

>>19306558 President Trump: There's a lot to criticize [2020 election], which you'll find out over the coming weeks.

>>19306582 President Trump: They don't go after the people that rigged the election, they go after the people that want to find out what the hell happened. It's a disgrace. They should be going after the people that rigged it.

>>19305917, >>19306092, >>19305900 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023

>>19306101, >>19306102, >>19306110, >>19306114, >>19306120, >>19306142, >>19306130 Screen shots of President Trump

>>19306221, >>19306217, >>19306248, >>19306234, >>19306251 Drip drip drip, You buy a sink and no water comes out

>>19306232 WHIRLPOOL

>>19306535 "I'm telling you Lindsey they have something on Mitch McConnell!" President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner (Cap 0:28)

>>19306260 Calm down, Im coming back. You back now. Brandon fuck up everything

>>19306274, >>19306282, >>19306280, >>19306281 Kicking Biden'S Ass

>>19306292, >>19306288, >>19306290, >>19306311 They Got Something On Mitch Mcconnell!

>>19306315 Lindsay worried that a nuclear bomb would come not by a warhead but through the port of Charleston

>>19306327, >>19306344 "Im Under The Presidential Records Act, He’S Under Nothing" Trump On Biden

>>19306369 Trump- He's either the dumbest son of a bitch I've ever seen, or somethings going on. Something's going on.

>>19306389 HOLY COW. He's talking about ending the FED and income taxes.

>>19306522 Boss talking water a ton tonight

>>19306539 I'm being indicted for you - PDJT


>>19306532 Bill Barr and Jack Smith in CAHOOTs? (Cap 0:17)

>>19305923 “Trusting in God and helping each other, we can and will preserve the dream of America, the last best hope of man on Earth.” #RonaldReagan #InGodWeTrust #America

>>19306013 Ukraine shells Donetsk with cluster munitions

>>19305958, >>19305977, >>19305987, >>19305993, >>19306037 Trump "likes" a lot of people. keke DJT is a generous soul

>>19306066 Lara Logan A “15-minute city” is a self-sustaining concentration camp

>>19306363 FAKE NEWS: Texas Power Prices to Surge 800% on Sunday Amid Searing Heat

>>19306466 CNN: Biden Admin Desperate to Sell Bidenomics So the Regime is Putting Up Signs with Biden’s Name on Them at Construction Sites

>>19306573 Stephen Miller Retweeted: the Mexican cartels have hacked the CBP One app and found a way to request immigration appointments for anyone in the world.

>>19306645 #23711-B


#23710 >>19305012

>>19305044, >>19305045, >>19305228, >>19305616, >>19305820 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump at South Carolina GOP Dinner! EXPECTED TO SPEAK AT 8:30

>>19305638 On Sunday, August 6, 2023, John Lauro, attorney for President Donald J. Trump, will make appearances on the following television programs:

>>19305041 PF dig on Hillwood with Ross Perot Jr

>>19305123 Unmanned A.I Jet Flight Completed by US Air Force has Gained Sentience

>>19305182 A Global Web of Chinese Propaganda Leads to a U.S. Tech Mogul

>>19305124, >>19305124 Two Articles on Mike Pence: "The Danger of President Trump" and "86 Things You Need to Know about Mike Pence"

>>19305331, >>19305209, >>19305207, >>19305254, >>19305238, >>19305080, >>19305228 Liddle Pence Digs

>>19305281, >>19305387, >>19305497, >>19305539 PF: Tracking Trump Force One

>>19305457 Special Event Speaker Ron Desanctimonius has drawn a crowd of 10 viewers. WOW!

>>19305623 Serco, 77th Brigade, Five Eyes "Emergency Planning College" in Yorkshire Digg

>>19305712 Schiff Dog Comms + Obama Watch

>>19305820 Donald J. Trump: Will be arriving in South Carolina shortly. Big Crowd! Speech will be televised on @RSBN, @realamericasvoice, @OAN and @rumble…

>>19305837 Kash Patel @Kash #45… ya feel

>>19305876 #23710


Previously Collected

>>19306645 #23711-B, >>19306639 #23711-A

>>19304201 #23708, >>19304994 #23609, >>19305876 #23710

>>19301838 #23705, >>19302988 #23706, >>19303257 #23707

>>19299325 #23702, >>19300138 #23703, >>19300976 #23704


TripCode feed:

Aggregators: | | |

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963

Anonymous ID: 681cb4 Aug. 6, 2023, 7:54 a.m. No.19309169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9172 >>9173 >>9177 >>9178 >>9189 >>9199 >>9472 >>9699 >>9773 >>9826

Putin Bans 5G across Russia, Destroys All Towers. This is a massive step. What has #Russia uncovered that would make them take such drastic action and should we consider doing the same? I wonder if the #ULEZ #BladeRunners are taking note! #ULEZ #UK

Anonymous ID: 681cb4 Aug. 6, 2023, 7:54 a.m. No.19309174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9404 >>9487 >>9738 >>9954 >>9977

From Covert To Overt: UK Govt & Businesses Unleash Facial Recognition Technologies Across Urban Landscape


The Home Office is encouraging police forces across the country to make use of live facial recognition technologies for routine law enforcement. Retailers are also embracing the technology to monitor their customers.


It increasingly seems that the UK decoupled from the European Union, its rules and regulations, only for its government to take the country in a progressively more authoritarian direction. This is, of course, a generalised trend among ostensibly “liberal democracies” just about everywhere, including EU Member States, as they increasingly adopt the trappings and tactics of more authoritarian regimes, such as restricting free speech, cancelling people and weakening the rule of law. But the UK is most definitely at the leading edge of this trend. A case in point is the Home Office’s naked enthusiasm for biometric surveillance and control technologies.


This week, for example, The Guardian revealed that the Minister for Policing Chris Philip and other senior figures of the Home Office had held a closed-door meeting with Simon Gordon, the founder of Facewatch, a leading facial recognition retail security company, in March. The main outcome of the meeting was that the government would lobby the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on the benefits of using live facial recognition (LFR) technologies in retail settings. LFR involves hooking up facial recognition cameras to databases containing photos of people. Images from the cameras can then be screened against those photos to see if they match.

Anonymous ID: 681cb4 Aug. 6, 2023, 8:27 a.m. No.19309404   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So Far


#23715 >>19309143

>>19309153, >>19309359 Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with Storm Shadow missiles, UK missiles

>>19309167 Saint Louis Rioters are the Latest to Win a Huge Payout

>>19309174 From Covert To Overt: UK Govt & Businesses Unleash Facial Recognition Technologies Across Urban Landscape

>>19309199 Pot calling the kettle black NYT vs RT

>>19309204 DeSantis: Robert Bigelow, the founder of Budget Suites of America and Bigelow Aerospace told reporters on Friday that he would cut off funds to his 2024 campaign if he didn’t adopt a more “moderate approach.”

>>19309245 Smart wearable technology in healthcare, like Fitbits and smartwatches like Apple Watch, are designed to collect a user’s data to track their health.

>>19309248 @DonaldJTrumpJr I’ve got a big one for ya. Where do I send the bill?

>>19309262 @mikepompeo The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

>>19309358 PF TURTLE4 Currently headin' back West, out of Charleston AFB

>>19309369 @X22Report Ep 3132b - Clowns Lost Control, Trial Of The Century, Wartime Powers Implemented, EO 13848

>>19309384 Base Spike Detox (BSD)

Anonymous ID: 681cb4 Aug. 6, 2023, 8:51 a.m. No.19309584   🗄️.is 🔗kun


father grew tomatoes in Japan after WWII

they kept DDT locked up

flies were a problem then

worker broke in, stole DDT from shed, spread it over his kids to keep off the flies, they died

father was nearly court martial'd for that

worker fessed up to stealing

not safe

Anonymous ID: 681cb4 Aug. 6, 2023, 9:13 a.m. No.19309738   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#23715 >>19309143

>>19309153, >>19309359 Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with Storm Shadow missiles, UK missiles

>>19309167 Saint Louis Rioters are the Latest to Win a Huge Payout

>>19309174 From Covert To Overt: UK Govt & Businesses Unleash Facial Recognition Technologies Across Urban Landscape

>>19309199 Pot calling the kettle black NYT vs RT

>>19309204 DeSantis: Robert Bigelow, the founder of Budget Suites of America and Bigelow Aerospace told reporters on Friday that he would cut off funds to his 2024 campaign if he didn’t adopt a more “moderate approach.”

>>19309245 Smart wearable technology in healthcare, like Fitbits and smartwatches like Apple Watch, are designed to collect a user’s data to track their health.

>>19309248 @DonaldJTrumpJr I’ve got a big one for ya. Where do I send the bill?

>>19309262 @mikepompeo The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

>>19309358 PF TURTLE4 Currently headin' back West, out of Charleston AFB

>>19309369 @X22Report Ep 3132b - Clowns Lost Control, Trial Of The Century, Wartime Powers Implemented, EO 13848

>>19309384 Base Spike Detox (BSD)

>>19309569 Perry Johnson, Whoever That Is, Qualifies for RNC Debate Ahead of Pence.

Anonymous ID: 681cb4 Aug. 6, 2023, 9:35 a.m. No.19309954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Last Call


#23715 >>19309143

>>19309153, >>19309359 Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with Storm Shadow missiles, UK missiles

>>19309167 Saint Louis Rioters are the Latest to Win a Huge Payout

>>19309174 From Covert To Overt: UK Govt & Businesses Unleash Facial Recognition Technologies Across Urban Landscape

>>19309199 Pot calling the kettle black NYT vs RT

>>19309204 DeSantis: Robert Bigelow, the founder of Budget Suites of America and Bigelow Aerospace told reporters on Friday that he would cut off funds to his 2024 campaign if he didn’t adopt a more “moderate approach.”

>>19309245 Smart wearable technology in healthcare, like Fitbits and smartwatches like Apple Watch, are designed to collect a user’s data to track their health.

>>19309248 @DonaldJTrumpJr I’ve got a big one for ya. Where do I send the bill?

>>19309262 @mikepompeo The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

>>19309358 PF TURTLE4 Currently headin' back West, out of Charleston AFB

>>19309369 @X22Report Ep 3132b - Clowns Lost Control, Trial Of The Century, Wartime Powers Implemented, EO 13848

>>19309384 Base Spike Detox (BSD)

>>19309569 Perry Johnson, Whoever That Is, Qualifies for RNC Debate Ahead of Pence.

>>19309760 Trump Truths 👀 Lots of Mispellings this morning…

>>19309765, >>19309832 Archdiocese of San Francisco likely to file bankruptcy following hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits

>>19309786 US sent destroyers after stunning Russia, China joint naval operation off coast of Alaska

>>19309844 EU state wants to enshrine ‘right to cash’ in constitution


Anonymous ID: 681cb4 Aug. 6, 2023, 9:38 a.m. No.19309977   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#23715 >>19309143

>>19309153, >>19309359 Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with Storm Shadow missiles, UK missiles

>>19309167 Saint Louis Rioters are the Latest to Win a Huge Payout

>>19309174 From Covert To Overt: UK Govt & Businesses Unleash Facial Recognition Technologies Across Urban Landscape

>>19309199 Pot calling the kettle black NYT vs RT

>>19309204 DeSantis: Robert Bigelow, the founder of Budget Suites of America and Bigelow Aerospace told reporters on Friday that he would cut off funds to his 2024 campaign if he didn’t adopt a more “moderate approach.”

>>19309245 Smart wearable technology in healthcare, like Fitbits and smartwatches like Apple Watch, are designed to collect a user’s data to track their health.

>>19309248 @DonaldJTrumpJr I’ve got a big one for ya. Where do I send the bill?

>>19309262 @mikepompeo The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

>>19309358 PF TURTLE4 Currently headin' back West, out of Charleston AFB

>>19309369 @X22Report Ep 3132b - Clowns Lost Control, Trial Of The Century, Wartime Powers Implemented, EO 13848

>>19309384 Base Spike Detox (BSD)

>>19309569 Perry Johnson, Whoever That Is, Qualifies for RNC Debate Ahead of Pence.

>>19309760 Trump Truths 👀 Lots of Mispellings this morning…

>>19309765, >>19309832 Archdiocese of San Francisco likely to file bankruptcy following hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits

>>19309786 US sent destroyers after stunning Russia, China joint naval operation off coast of Alaska

>>19309844 EU state wants to enshrine ‘right to cash’ in constitution

>>19309948 Trump lawyer John Lauro, CNN host Dana Bash clash over claim Biden involved in ex-president’s Jan. 6 indictment
