Anonymous ID: d1c488 Q Research General #23716: Slo News Sunday, Don't Let The Cat Out, Please Knock Edition Aug. 6, 2023, 9:39 a.m. No.19309993   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: d1c488 Aug. 6, 2023, 9:39 a.m. No.19309995   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

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#23715 >>19309143

>>19309153, >>19309359 Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with Storm Shadow missiles, UK missiles

>>19309167 Saint Louis Rioters are the Latest to Win a Huge Payout

>>19309174 From Covert To Overt: UK Govt & Businesses Unleash Facial Recognition Technologies Across Urban Landscape

>>19309199 Pot calling the kettle black NYT vs RT

>>19309204 DeSantis: Robert Bigelow, the founder of Budget Suites of America and Bigelow Aerospace told reporters on Friday that he would cut off funds to his 2024 campaign if he didnโ€™t adopt a more โ€œmoderate approach.โ€

>>19309245 Smart wearable technology in healthcare, like Fitbits and smartwatches like Apple Watch, are designed to collect a userโ€™s data to track their health.

>>19309248 @DonaldJTrumpJr Iโ€™ve got a big one for ya. Where do I send the bill?

>>19309262 @mikepompeo The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

>>19309358 PF TURTLE4 Currently headin' back West, out of Charleston AFB

>>19309369 @X22Report Ep 3132b - Clowns Lost Control, Trial Of The Century, Wartime Powers Implemented, EO 13848

>>19309384 Base Spike Detox (BSD)

>>19309569 Perry Johnson, Whoever That Is, Qualifies for RNC Debate Ahead of Pence.

>>19309760 Trump Truths ๐Ÿ‘€ Lots of Mispellings this morningโ€ฆ

>>19309765, >>19309832 Archdiocese of San Francisco likely to file bankruptcy following hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits

>>19309786 US sent destroyers after stunning Russia, China joint naval operation off coast of Alaska

>>19309844 EU state wants to enshrine โ€˜right to cashโ€™ in constitution

>>19309948 Trump lawyer John Lauro, CNN host Dana Bash clash over claim Biden involved in ex-presidentโ€™s Jan. 6 indictment

>>19309977 #23715



>>19308315 China, Russia send naval warships near Alaska, triggering forceful US response

>>19308495 GaysAgainstGroomers: It appears that Seattle Children's Hospital is performing sex changes on minors. We thought you should know

>>19308543, >>19308551, >>19308620, >>19308627, >>19308629, >>19308638 PDJT @TS posts

>>19308661 Jack Smith Asks Court for Protection After Trump Tells Political Lobby Group and SuperPAC He Will โ€œGo After Themโ€ for Lying

>>19308710 War in West Africa: ECOWAS Ultimatum Expires on Sunday, May Prompt Military Intervention in Niger โ€“ Military Coup Leader Goes to Mali To Ask for Wagner PMC Help

>>19308749 Clockfag

>>19308902 Transgender 'Muslim' Brianna Kingsley sues boyfriend for keeping her TESTICLES in jar in his fridge

>>19308998, >>19309005 Conservativetreehouse: Reader Feedback Request โ€“ How Loud Is Your Trumpet?

>>19309027 CONFIRMED: Paul Pelosi Jr. Traveled with Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Her Recent Trip to Asia

>>19309035 Medvedev hints at more attacks on Western Ukraine

>>19309755 #23714



>>19307557, >>19307602, >>19307723, >>19307723, >>19307742 President Trump: This horrible killing dust, it came out of Wuhan: Listen from 3:17:20 onward (Cap 0:14)

>>19307654 Julian Assange's last word's Intelligent Evil Dust, it's everywhere in everything 22:06

>>19307653 Hiroshima marks 78th anniversary of atomic bombing

>>19307572, >>19302945 pb, >>19302949 pb, >>19302953 pb 2021 Ray Epps backwards sounds like "spyer" and the Catholic Church was called out in Speyer

>>19307616, >>19307764 Dog comms: Hunter Biden sold himself as powerbroker when he was actually an easily manipulated low-life: ex-stripper Kennedy

>>19307694 COMMS: Joe Biden, 80, walks through CEMETERY before Delaware mass as questions over his health continue to swirl

>>19307713, >>19307715, >>19307716, >>19307752, >>19307853 Tom Fitton: "'I think thereโ€™s an argument that what the Justice Departmentโ€™s doing to @realDonaldTrump now is criminal,' Fitton tells Rolling Stone, suggesting โ€” of course โ€” that a future administration should launch an investigation into Special Counsel Smithโ€™s work."

>>19307779 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Hillary was questioning the election results- but they indict Trump for exercising his first amendment right.

>>19307779 You see what this is all about! Itโ€™s not about the case, itโ€™s only to stop President Trump

>>19307815, >>19307846 Kash Patel ReTruthed: A grand total of 12 people showed up to hear Rob DeSantis in Iowa today! Absolutely pathetic!!

>>19307823 Michael Salla | Week in Review: 08/05/23: David Grusch, Global Elite, Geoengineering, Supersoldiers, Artemis Accords

>>19307790 LIVE: Border Patrol assisting illegals at the Southern Border

>>19309480 #23713


Previously Collected

>>19306645 #23711-B, >>19306639 #23711-A, >>19307431 #23712

>>19304201 #23708, >>19304994 #23609, >>19305876 #23710

>>19301838 #23705, >>19302988 #23706, >>19303257 #23707


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