Brilliant comparison.
Umpire's Colors?
Let us remember
The Villain is NOT named Mr. Evil
Nor General Evil
Nor Emperor Evil
Nor President Evil
picrel = attached PICture is RELevant to the message.
Listen to the rest of the message and the first part of the message will make sense.
:picrel" could be called a "Context Clue"
Maybe after the "interrogation" was over and the interrogee had given up all the information they had, they went out the backdoor, like so many Osama Bin Laden's?
The Extremes
The People are compressed between the needs of the infants and the needs of those on Hospice.
We effectively worship the least capable in society to the detriment of the most capable.
Babies were born and lived without hospitals for millions of years, and we've gotten so much better. But, the Pursuit of Perfection has become Idol Worship of the Infirm. We continue sacrificing the healthy people in an attempt to keep the infirm comfy and coddled.
What's the social burden of keeping people alive who just want to die, but who can't because of The Law?
That's a sign of a very sick and perverse society.
Private Equity Nursing Homes and Healthcare
Inheritance Stolen
Not likely
If we assume only those who've been blown by either of them could actually Like either of them, then Heel's Up is way ahead.
No one ever says GM to the lolispammer namefag?
But they greet all the others?
>The"SPAM" is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
>The"SPAM" is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
>The"SPAM" is extremely dangerous to our democracy.