Anonymous ID: 9e233d Aug. 6, 2023, 11:50 p.m. No.19314123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4128 >>4130 >>4135

>>19314059 pb

are u jewish, or wut? There is a plan unfolding, yes, but it requires faith to be able to see it. A lot of States are decentralizing so who can't tell us what to do. The State I live in and 4 surrounding States are breaking free from fed. We don't have to listen to DC anymoar. idk about Va but a big part of the plan is that we have to bypass the propaganda machine and try to wake everybody up in order to avoid a civil war, so that is what's taking so long n we're letting everything that belongs to the enemy burn to the ground and then we are starting over new, so things are going to get a lot worse better and yes, that is part of the plan. It had to be this way because of the propaganda machine. When we tell people straight up what's going on, they think we are crazy but a shift is coming because we gained the momentum we needed.

Anonymous ID: 9e233d Aug. 7, 2023, 12:01 a.m. No.19314148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4151


I'm Kekistani.

They have that codex alimentarius too to keep us malnourished. I think u mentioned food or something last bred.


directed evolution, is that where they edit genes for extinction? Damn. Have to look at all this tomorrow.