Iowa State Fair starts today. It's going to be fun to watch. Kim Reynolds and the Branstad machine are being forced to commit political suicide with their public RINO cuckery fuckery. Fat ass Chris Christy will eat everything on the Grand concourse. Mike Pence is going to be heckled everywhere he goes. If we're really lucky there will be video of Bootygigity participating in the husband calling contest, and RFK jr attempting to ride a pony. As far as I'm concerned anything might happen. A drunken Eric Branstad mowing down a group of old ladies in a golf cart is a possibility. To be honest, Ed Wilson suffering a coronary infarction while waving a pork chop on a stick at random mullet chicks on East Side Night is probably the best we can hope for.
Turkey legs are on the other side of the midway out in front of the Highway Patrol's decapitated drunk teen-age drivers gore exhibit.