Anonymous ID: 6fe88c Aug. 14, 2023, 9:38 a.m. No.19356890   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Warning to Swedish Tourists Abroad: You May be a Terror Target After Qur’an Burnings


COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) – A senior Swedish official said Monday Swedes abroad and businesses linked to Sweden”should observe increased vigilance and caution,” following recent Quran burnings in the country and protests in the Muslim world.


Henrik Landerholm, Sweden´s National Security Adviser, said there are signs of “a heightened threat” to the country and to Swedish interests abroad, adding the security situation has worsened.


In a statement, Landerholm said that “representatives of terrorist groups have called for attacks against Sweden. States and other actors have helped amplify such messages.” He said Sweden has gone from being considered a “legitimate” target to being a “priority” target. The statement did not identify those involved.


Landerholm said there also were “indications” that groups are planning other acts against Swedish interests abroad, and cited the storming of Sweden´s Embassy in Baghdad last month and an attempted attack on the diplomatic mission in Beirut last week.


The Swedish government and relevant authorities “are monitoring developments, taking a variety of measures and working closely with international partners to protect Swedes and Swedish interests abroad and to counteract the hate messages being spread about Sweden,” he said,


This month, Sweden stepped up border controls and identity checks at crossing points.


A recent string of public Quran desecrations by a handful of anti-Islam activists in Sweden – and more recently in neighboring Denmark — has sparked angry demonstrations in Muslim countries.


Sweden does not have a law specifically prohibiting the burning or desecration of the Quran or other religious texts. Like many Western countries, it doesn´t have any blasphemy laws; Sweden´s were abandoned in the 1970s.


The right to hold public demonstration s is protected by the Swedish Constitution. Police generally give permission based on whether they believe a public gathering can be held without major disruptions or risks to public safety.


Swedish officials repeatedly have condemned the desecrations and have also debunked claims that the government in Sweden grants permission for people to burn Islam´s sacred text or other religious books,


Last month, the Scandinavian country´s domestic security service SAPO said the overall security situation has deteriorated and said the risk of terrorism in Sweden remains at an elevated level.

Anonymous ID: 6fe88c Aug. 14, 2023, 9:41 a.m. No.19356909   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US war hawk blames Biden for Kiev’s ‘stalling’ counteroffensive


Ukraine’s lackluster battlefield performance is the natural result of Washington’s hesitancy, John Bolton has claimed


Failures in Ukraine’s much-touted counteroffensive against Russia stem from the West’s inability to provide Kiev with the necessary military equipment within a reasonable timeframe, former US National Security Advisor John Bolton has said.


In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal published on Sunday, Bolton lamented that Kiev’s long-anticipated push, which started in early June, “isn’t making the headway some proponents had forecast,” adding that the disappointing results must become a “wake-up” call for Washington.


The former White House official – widely regarded as a foreign-policy hawk and who has advocated regime changes in Iran, Syria, Libya, and Cuba – insisted in his article that Kiev’s “inability to achieve major advances is the natural result of a US strategy aimed only at staving off Russian conquest,” while he also urged US President Joe Biden to start “vigorously working toward Ukrainian victory.”


“Ukraine’s offensive failures and Russia’s defensive successes share a common cause: the slow, faltering, non-strategic supply of military assistance by the West,” Bolton claimed, adding that the US-led support for Kiev has been hampered further by speculation that Moscow might escalate the conflict.


Bolton, who served in the Trump administration up to 2019, sought to allay those concerns, insisting that “there’s no evidence” that Russia has conventional military capability to threaten NATO or a desire to launch a nuclear strike. Moscow has repeatedly stated that it adheres to the policy that nuclear war should never be fought, and that it might resort to its atomic arsenal only if the very existence of the state is threatened.


The former national security adviser also dismissed the need for talks between Kiev and Moscow, arguing that these would only benefit Russia. Instead, he suggested that the West and Washington should radically tighten their sanctions regime.


In addition, he called on Washington to slap restrictions directly on China, citing its “enormous support” for Moscow. While Beijing remains Russia’s key trade partner, it has repeatedly denied that it was providing Moscow with military support.


Ukrainian forces initiated a large-scale offensive against Russian lines over two months ago, after being reinforced by hundreds of Western-supplied tanks and armored vehicles. However, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, Kiev has so far failed to gain any significant ground and has lost more than 43,000 service members since the start of the push.


Bolton’s view on the reasons for Ukraine’s difficulties is shared by a number of Ukrainian officials, including President Vladimir Zelensky, who has suggested that without long-range weapons, it’s difficult for Kiev not only to carry out its offensive, but also to hold the frontline.


Moscow has repeatedly warned Western countries against sending military assistance to Kiev, arguing that by doing so, they become engaged in a “proxy war” against Russia.

Anonymous ID: 6fe88c Aug. 14, 2023, 9:42 a.m. No.19356915   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ICYMI: Hero Michigan State Police Officer Confirms that GBI Strategies Is Operating in Numerous States – Michigan AG Nessel Is Forced to Admit the Group Was Caught with 8,000-10,000 Fraudulent Registrations


As previously reported at The Gateway Pundit – Democrat operatives were caught in October 2020 in Muskegon, Michigan, a city of 38,000, dropping off 8,000 to 10,000 fraudulent voter registrations in a single drop. Many with the same handwriting and fake addresses. Police investigated (report attached) and found guns with silencers, burner phones, rental cars, and temporary businesses where registrations were stored.


All of these efforts were funded by Democrat campaigns to GBI Strategies. The firm in Muskegon was not only filling in bogus registrations by the thousand but they were also sending packages of registrations to nearby communities.


(Please review our previous reports to understand how MASSIVE nature of this Democrat-funded, nationally organized criminal syndicate.)


On Friday, The Gateway Pundit contacted Lt. Anderson, who wrote this explosive and thorough Michigan State Police report on the Muskegon investigation into GBI Strategies.


Lt. Anderson was apprehensive to speak with us. We assume he has been contacted by media outlets hoping he will debunk his own report – which he has not.


Anderson told TGP, “The report speaks for itself.” Officer Anderson is not retracting a thing. He certainly appears to be a man of character and integrity.


We asked Lt. Anderson if GBI was operating in several states.


He confirmed this and told us that he found that information through the records he discovered.


GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell also brags about operating this organization in 20 states and consulting with at least seven other states. This bio of Gary Bell has since been taken down since our Wednesday report.


Lt. Anderson told us you would not expect to find the guns and silencers in a normal business that were discovered during a raid at one of the GBI Strategy’s offices.


He agreed with us that it was easier to hide information when you are paying people with prepaid cash cards.


On Friday, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced that the Muskegon clerk found 8,000 to 10,000 fraudulent registrations. This confirmed the earlier reports by The Gateway Pundit, and it confirmed Lt. Anderson’s report.


There were no arrests made despite this massive election fraud. This makes sense since the organizations were cheating for Democrats and funded by Democrats. Nessel has no desire to indict these criminals.


The investigation was turned over to Chris Wray’s FBI – Where it went to die.


Dana Nessel mysteriously announced that they were turning the investigation over to the FBI – again. That tells you everything.


GBI Strategies was operating in at least 20 states and all of the battleground states.


Here are the documents attributed to investigator Anderson.

Anonymous ID: 6fe88c Aug. 14, 2023, 9:54 a.m. No.19356983   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chinese Bots Are Filling Twitter with Porn Spam to Hide Mass Protests in Major Cities


Chinese bots are spamming Twitter with posts primarily of porn and escorts in an attempt to stop the spread of news about massive protests against coronavirus lockdowns across the country. The spam operation is evidence of more problems for Elon Musk, with one former employee stating, “All the China influence operations and analysts at Twitter all resigned.”


Searches for major Chinese cities that have experienced mass protests will “mostly see ads for escorts/porn/gambling, drowning out legitimate search results.” according to the account “Air-Moving Device” that was one of the earlier sources that located the trend.


Air-Moving Device continued: “Data analysis in this thread suggests that there has been a significant uptick in these spam tweets.” The account shared data retweeted by Stanford Internet Observatory director Alex Stamos.


The analysis noted that the “vast majority” of accounts appear to be spam accounts that “tweet at a high, steady rate throughout the day, suggesting automation.” Mengyu Dong of Stanford University shared images of some of the “escort ads,” adding that they “make it more difficult for Chinese users to access information about the mass protests.”



Anonymous ID: 6fe88c Aug. 14, 2023, 9:59 a.m. No.19357014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7094 >>7151 >>7241 >>7483 >>7603 >>7669

Republican committee sues Google over email spam filters


The Republican National Committee has filed a lawsuit against tech giant Google, alleging the company has been suppressing its email solicitations ahead of November’s midterm elections


Republican committee sues Google over email spam filtersBy JILL COLVIN and MICHAEL LIEDTKEAssociated PressThe Associated PressSAN FRANCISCO


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The Republican National Committee has filed a lawsuit against tech giant Google, alleging the company has been suppressing its email solicitations ahead of November’s midterm elections — an allegation Google denies.


The lawsuit, filed in the District Court for the Eastern District of California Friday evening, accuses Gmail of “discriminating” against the RNC by unfairly sending the group’s emails to users’ spam folders, impacting both fundraising and get-out-the-vote efforts in pivotal swing states.


“Enough is enough — we are suing Google for their blatant bias against Republicans,” said RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel in a statement to The Associated Press. “For ten months in a row, Google has sent crucial end-of-month Republican GOTV and fundraising emails to spam with zero explanation. We are committed to putting an end to this clear pattern of bias.”


Google, in a statement, denied the charges. “As we have repeatedly said, we simply don’t filter emails based on political affiliation. Gmail’s spam filters reflect users’ actions,” said spokesperson José Castañeda, adding that the company provides training and guidelines to campaigns and works to “maximize email deliverability while minimizing unwanted spam.”


The lawsuit focuses on how Google’s Gmail, the world’s largest email service with about 1.5 billion users, screens solicitations and other material to help prevent users from being inundated by junk mail. To try to filter material that account holders may not want in their inboxes, Google and other major email providers create programs that flag communications likely to be perceived as unwelcome and move them to spam folders that typically are rarely, if ever, perused by recipients.


The suit says Google has “relegated millions of RNC emails en masse to potential donors’ and supporters’ spam folders during pivotal points in election fundraising and community building” — particularly at the end of each month, when political groups tend to send more messages. “It doesn’t matter whether the email is about donating, voting, or community outreach. And it doesn’t matter whether the emails are sent to people who requested them,” it reads.


Google contends its algorithms are designated to be neutral, but a study released in March by North Carolina State University found that Gmail was far more likely to block messages from conservative causes. The study, based on emails sent during the U.S. presidential campaign in 2020, estimated Gmail placed roughly 10% of email from “left-wing” candidates into spam folders, while marking 77% from “right-wing” candidates as spam.


Gmail rivals Yahoo and Microsoft’s Outlook were more likely to favor pitches from conservative causes than Gmail, the study found.


The RNC seized upon that study in April to call upon the Federal Election Commission to investigate Google’s “censorship” of its fundraising efforts, which it alleged amounted to an in-kind contribution to Democratic candidates and served as “a financially devastating example of Silicon Valley tech companies unfairly shaping the political playing field to benefit their preferred far-left candidates.”


Since then, the commission has approved a pilot program that creates a way for political committees to get around spam filters so their fundraising emails find their way into recipients’ primary inboxes. Gmail is participating in the “ Verified Sender Program, ” which allows senders to bypasses traditional spam filters, but also gives users the option of unsubscribing from a sender. If the unsubscribe button is hit, a sender is supposed to remove that Gmail address from their distribution lists.


As of Friday evening, the RNC had not signed up to participate in the pilot program.


Republicans who have tried to cast doubt on the outcome of the 2020 election without parroting the most extreme and baseless claims about corrupted voting machines and stolen votes have often tried to blame big technology companies like Twitter and Facebook that they allege were biased against former President Donald Trump. A long list of state and local election officials, courts and members of Trump’s own administration have said there is no evidence of the mass fraud Trump alleges.



Anonymous ID: 6fe88c Aug. 14, 2023, 10:01 a.m. No.19357025   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fax-Spamming Could Cost Bucs $270 Million


In the age of digital communication, fax machines are archaic, outdated, and more than slightly annoying. It turns out it can be quite costly as well.

The Tampa Bay Bucs are currently being sued by a Gainesville business that was annoyed by faxed ads for ticket sales in 2009. They decided to take this annoyance to court and the potential fines faced by the NFL franchise could add up to $270 million given the volume of the faxes that went out.


Attorney Michael Addison is suing based on the Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005. It is unclear whether the Bucs have ceased sending out faxes, but, after two straight seasons of finishing in 4th in the NFC South, they may be looking for more annoying ways to get Floridians to purchase tickets.



Anonymous ID: 6fe88c Aug. 14, 2023, 10:03 a.m. No.19357037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7151 >>7241 >>7483 >>7603 >>7669

Smuggler Gangs’ Gunfights For Business in Migrant Camps on English Channel: Report


Smuggler gangs competing for the lucrative business of trafficking humans across the English Channel into soft-touch Britain are shooting it out between themselves just miles from the UK border, eye-witnesses state.


Gunshots rang out across the notorious Grande-Synthe migrant camp on Saturday morning just hours before overloaded boats put to sea in bad weather in an effort to force entry in the United Kingdom which, tragically, led to at least six deaths. According to a report in UK newspaper of record The Times, which says it has spoken to migrants who were in the camp, and said they were woken by gunfire that morning.


A 15-year-old from Afghanistan told the paper that there was shooting and screaming, and that he believed the shooting to be over a dispute between Kurdish and Afghan smuggling gangs. An Iraqi appeared to confirm the story, telling the newspaper that such turf wars in the camps “happens all the time” and that he thought “I think they just fire their guns in the air mainly to frighten each other. This place is full of bad people.”


The report underlines the situation proliferating across Europe, that where there are weak borders and insufficient law enforcement there are smuggling gangs, and where there are smuggling gangs there is violence. As previously reported, gun battles between different ethnically-based smuggler gangs have reached a more developed state in Serbia where Afghan and Pakistani human traffickers exchange fire nightly to win control of territory and business.


Far from simply shooting into the air, major pitched battles have been reported, with injuries and fatalities. Unfortunately for those who pay considerable amounts of money to the gangs to be smuggled into Europe and Britain, this violence is rarely confined to the smugglers and Europe’s courts have had years of cases of traffickers sent down for beating, killing, and raping those who paid them for clandestine travel. In some cases, people smugglers pimp out underage migrant girls in ‘exchange’ for their passage.


The ramping violence may be explained by the large sums of money involved, as callous trafficking gangs capitalise upon Europe’s aversion to border control. Smuggling people into Europe is an industry worth billions of dollars every year, and particularly where sea crossings are involved, cornsers cut means a greater profit margin.


This is bad news for the migrants themselves, tempted to Europe by the promise of a better life and lax border controls, who are crowded into unseaworthy craft at thousands of dollars per head. This is a system that seems to be intensifying in the English Channel — the site of a deadly tragedy this past week — where government figures show more migrants are crammed per boat now than ever before.


As reported, there were an average of 52 people per migrant boat trying to force entry to the United Kingdom in July.

Anonymous ID: 6fe88c Aug. 14, 2023, 10:09 a.m. No.19357074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7097 >>7099 >>7101 >>7105 >>7124 >>7144

Lesbian Speed Dating Night Shut Down for Transphobia After Limiting Event to ‘Adult Human Females’


A London lesbian speed-dating event has been shut down amid accusations of transphobia after organisers had limited the event to only “adult human females”.


A weekly speed dating evening for lesbians in the Bloomsbury district of London has become a target of woke activists after discovering that it prohibited biological males from attending the event.


Speaking to the Mail on Sunday, the founder of the speed dating event, Jenny Watson, said that she was forced to enact a ban on transgender people from attending last year after a man came to the pub wearing a purple latex costume while having “an erection”.


“Another time, a trans woman came into the female toilet and pushed their body at a woman who was upset and told me after. It got me thinking that this isn’t fair on women,” Watson explained.


“Transgender individuals deserve respect. But there is a need for protection of sex-segregated spaces for lesbian women.”


In response to biological males showing up to the lesbian event, Watson wrote on her website last week: “If you are male, please refrain from coming to the events, you are not a lesbian,” while posting on social media that only “adult human females” should attend.


Her declaration that people with penises cannot, in fact, be lesbians enraged local LGBTQ+ activists, who reported the event to the local government council for being transphobic.


Appearing on Free Speech Nation with Andrew Doyle on GB News on Sunday, Watson said that the Stonegate Group, which owns the College Arms pub where the event has been taking place for over four years, has shut down the event.


During the programme, Doyle shared WhatsApp messages to woke activists allegedly from a manager at the Stonegate Group indicating his political bias, reportedly referring to Watson as a “Terfy asshole”. The term Terf (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) has become a common slur used against female opponents of the excesses of the transgender movement, such as its encroachment on women’s only spaces and the negative impacts on children.


The unnamed manager said in the messages that he intended on shutting down the lesbian speed dating event and to replace it with another with “inclusivity” as a core principle, undermining claims that the decision to cancel it was a “commercial decision”.


Watson said that she is finding it difficult to find a replacement venue, claiming that transgenderism activists are discouraging others from allowing the event to take place, accusing her organisation of being a “hate group”


Responding to cancellation, author Helen Joyce — who is often branded as a Terf herself by the radical left — said on social media: “This story is immensely distressing. Lesbians being investigated for bigotry simply because they have the temerity to hold a speed-dating event from which men are excluded. I don’t know how anyone can defend this.”

Anonymous ID: 6fe88c Aug. 14, 2023, 10:12 a.m. No.19357087   🗄️.is 🔗kun

48 Migrants Rescued From Sinking Smuggler Boat by Greek Coast Guard


ATHENS, Greece (AP) – Greek authorities said Sunday they had safely rescued 48 migrants from a rudderless inflatable boat off the island of Lesbos, close to the Turkish coast.


A coast guard vessel on patrol off the island sighted the boat Sunday morning, the Greek coast guard said in a communique.


The crew “carried out the safe evacuation and rescue of 48 foreigners, who were transported to the port of Mytilene,” the island’s capital, the coast guard said.


“Three of those rescued were picked up by an ambulance and taken to the General Hospital of Mytilene for the provision of first aid, where they remain hospitalized,” it added.


The coast guard did not mention the ethnicities of the migrants, but a YouTube video it released shows most of them are Africans.


The packed inflatable vessel sank, the coast guard said.


Greece has seen a rise in migrant arrivals from Turkey, mostly by sea, in recent weeks amid more clement summer sailing conditions.

Anonymous ID: 6fe88c Aug. 14, 2023, 10:16 a.m. No.19357114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7138

Asesinan a Más de 300 En 5 Años Baja California, Dice DH


Funcionarios públicos y activistas dan la voz de alarma en el estado fronterizo mexicano de Baja California donde aseguran que en un lapso de cinco años documentaron más de 300 asesinatos donde las víctimas eran niños y adolescentes. En muchos casos, esas víctimas fueron asesinadas cuando sicarios trataban de asesinar a un ser querido.


Información difundida por la Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos de Baja California, marca que entre 2017 y 2022 hubo más de 300 víctimas de homicidios de menores de edad. El líder del grupo, Miguel Ángel Mora Marrufo, dijo al medio de comunicación local AFN Tijuana que el aumento de asesinatos es alarmante y que se estaba contactando a las Naciones Unidas después de no ver una respuesta real del gobierno de México. Mora afirmó que los niños son víctimas inocentes y no deben ser considerados daños colaterales como lo vienen haciendo los funcionarios del gobierno.


Las declaraciones se dan poco después de que un grupo de sicarios mataran a tiros a un niño de cuatro años e hirieran a su madre y a su hermano de 12 años en Tecate, Baja California. Ese ataque ocurrió la semana pasada, cuando la familia conducía por una calle de la ciudad y una camioneta se detuvo junto a ellos, informó N+ de México. Los sicarios comenzaron a disparar contra la mujer y los niños y los persiguieron mientras ella intentaba huir. Una vez que la mujer logró alejarse, buscó atención médica para sus hijos. Los sicarios también le dispararon a un hombre de 24 años que fue descrito como una víctima colateral.


Apenas unos días antes de ese asesinato, un grupo de sicarios disparo contra dos niños de 11 y 13 años que dormían en su casa móvil en la ciudad de Ensenada, informó Proceso de México. Desde entonces, las autoridades arrestaron a una persona, pero continúan buscando a varios otros hombres armados que se cree que dispararon contra la casa desde el exterior. Las autoridades no han revelado si los hombres armados tenían como objetivo a un familiar o si dispararon a la casa por error.


El asesinato tuvo lugar a principios de este mes en un área que ha estado plagada de narco violencia, ya que organizaciones rivales como el Cartel de Tijuana, el Cartel de Sinaloa y el Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación luchan por el control de lucrativos corredores de drogas y varios otros negocios como casinos y burdeles.


Nota Editorial: Breitbart Texas viajó a la Ciudad de México y los estados Mexicanos de Tamaulipas, Coahuila y Nuevo León para reclutar a ciudadanos periodistas dispuestos a arriesgar sus vidas para exhibir a los carteles que amordazan a sus comunidades. Los escritores recibirían una muerte segura a manos de los carteles que operan en esas áreas incluyendo a el Cartel Del Golfo y Los Zetas si no usaran un seudónimo. Breitbart Texas’ Las Crónicas De Carteles serán publicadas tanto en inglés como en su contenido original de Español. Este artículo fue escrito por “C.P. Mireles” de Tamaulipas.

Anonymous ID: 6fe88c Aug. 14, 2023, 10:25 a.m. No.19357158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7182

OOPS! Michigan’s Lawless AG Dana Nessel’s Office FINALLY Responds To Cover-Up of MI State Police Report About Semi-Automatic Rifles and Guns with Silencers… Unfortunately, Several BIG HOLES Found in Her Response


Publications across America have traditionally responded to news that has either damaged a political party or an individual tied to a scandal on a Friday. In the world of journalism, it’s referred to as “news dump day” because most people in the business of publishing news know that traffic is traditionally at its lowest point on Friday. For example, if a story like the one published on the Gateway Pundit on Tuesday, which revealed a stunning cover-up of a massive multi-state investigation by MI AG Dana Nessel and MI SOS Jocelyn Benson’s office was published on Tuesday, it would make sense that Craig Mauger, their go-to-guy at the Detroit News, would publish an article to defend their indefensible silence on Friday.


There are significant differences among submitted voter registrations, accepted voter registrations, absentee ballot applications + absentee ballots.


— Craig Mauger (@CraigDMauger) August 12, 2023