>>19352543 (pb)
>>19352617 (pb)
>What do your memes mean?
"Be Careful who you follow"
"You knew damn well I was a snake when you let me in"
The Plan is the Bible. where in Reveleation or anywhere in the bible does this get turned around? It doesn't.
it gets worse befoore it gets worse. Vials poured out, ascension of tthe beast (CORONAtion), tribulation, a separation, the return of the Christ, and then new heavens, new earth, and new bodies.
there is no voting it away, 'justice' at the hands of man and the shitstems of Babylon, but rather the lead up to and end of it all.
How many times did Q post BIBLICAL? enough IMHO.
The plan is the bible. Eyes to see will show you that.
Consider he is the manifested Beast, the son of perdition, the chaos bringer from the pit/abyss. AbbaDON/Apollyon, etc…
they will all be removed so that only IT/he is worshipped. they know what time it is, but most of the world does not.
he has not been subtle, in fact,
he hasn't kept it hidden, at all.
>>19356738 (pb)
Those who take the mark of the Beast AND worship his image are destined for the Lake of Fire… Rev 14, Rev 20
Does he claim responsibility for the mrna gene editing jabs that corrupted or marked the books/DNA of those who chose to take it? YES
Is he not already worshipped by many, and will be by many more for 'exposing' the Deep State, witchcraft, usury, slavery, cannibalism, pedos, etc?
Most don't like the answer, but it is YES.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
first two commandments…
movies are works of fiction, lies. Who is the father of lies? Would depicted burnt offering and human sacrifice, ptsd, and trauma not be of preferable fare?