Anonymous ID: 050823 Aug. 17, 2023, 6:26 p.m. No.19379354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9439 >>9479


you'd have to take into account it's path, the rotation of the earth, and the speed of the winds relative to it's center.

the clear answer as to where the winds are lowest: the side that the winds are lowest is on the inside, in the eye.

so the answer is 'the outside'is where the highest winds are.

I know that's not really the answer you were looking for.

Anonymous ID: 050823 Aug. 17, 2023, 6:37 p.m. No.19379441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9453


I think that it was the home of the ancestors and that the government has to let them keep it.

They should file a law suit and declare themselves a tribe and tell the state government to go away like other native groups have done.


Long term the Hawaiians are going to keep their ancient homeland, the billiionaires can try and steal it from them, but the rest of the citizens of the world are on the side of the Hawaiians.

Anonymous ID: 050823 Aug. 17, 2023, 6:46 p.m. No.19379500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9603


The Bankrupt DC corruptocracy has a limited time left before they fall from their wall, like Humpty Dumpty.

Future people won't stand for the Hawaiians being run off from their native capital!

Anonymous ID: 050823 Aug. 17, 2023, 7:25 p.m. No.19379795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9843


Your uncharitable images are grotesque,

that is why I say you are broken. You are just parroting what I said to you back to me, so it's invalid.

Grow a conscience and stop posting that horror.

It's unfair to us, it's unfair to the woman in the picture, and mostly it's bad for you because it weights you down with bad deeds.