Anonymous ID: 37b7c1 Aug. 17, 2023, 6:32 p.m. No.19379398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9610 >>9714


some people are "strange attractors" and attract synchonicities. Dr. Carl Jung noted it in his practive.

Don't tell people, in general, because they will assume you are crazy.

Unless it happens to you, you wont know it exists

Was trying to think of David Spade's name today.

Was looking into Orson Welles because of his connect to Rockefeller Radio and the "War of the Worlds" hoax / "trial baloon" out of Princeton Univ

And also the suspicion he was involved with Black Dahalia murder of L.A.

Found out he's connected socially to Gloria vanderBilt through this guy, Michael Lindsey-Hogg.

Hogg claimed Wells was his Dad, though it's unlikely - More likely Hogg started that rumor to aid in his film career. Hogg' mom lived with Welles but both claim they never had sex.

Hogg later had a love affair with Vanderbilt.

Thought it strange since Hogg looks like David "cartoon face" Spade - creepy connection to Hanx.

They staged a few photos of Hogg as a fat youth with a cigar to make him resemble Welles. It as a hoax. But he does look like Spade.

Thanks for mentioning that name;

"SPADE" is that his real name?


So upset over Hanx disappearance. I wonder why.

Anonymous ID: 37b7c1 Aug. 17, 2023, 6:49 p.m. No.19379525   🗄️.is 🔗kun


more mass murder.

people still dying from injection.

"Everybody knows what's going on, but aren't saying anything"

? Pretending they don't know?



wondering what the older generation, who are gone, would think?

Fam says my Dad would just shake his head.

Anonymous ID: 37b7c1 Aug. 17, 2023, 7:03 p.m. No.19379610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9644 >>9669


To complete the little "track these people" "paint a picture"

Hanx connects with the Rocky,

through a Michael Rockefeller, who allegedly disappeared and was eaten by cannibals.

(yuk yuk)

(Never found the body? wonder if that was faked)

Was n't one of Hanx first roles living on an island like an animal?

Little jokes" / hints?