Anonymous ID: a560d5 Aug. 17, 2023, 7:12 p.m. No.19379685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9701 >>9719

Beginning December 2023, Google will be deleting accounts that have been inactive for 2+ years.


Q told us that Google (DARPA) +bad actors used Gmail drafts for private comms, and indicated this was an element as to why ES resigned.


Google knew the secret comms were happeing on their platform, but I doubt thay they knew the specific email addresses that were used. Knowing those addresses would be a liability for all involved.


So, how does Google find and delete data from specific accounts, without knowing the email addresses of those accounts (without the email addresses being transmitted from the bad actors to GOOG)?


They don't need to know the specific accounts. Simply destroy evidence by creating an automated process that deletes accounts after 2 years of inactivity.


Trump's Twitter DM's +draft Tweets +deleted data being taken by DOJ +Smith sets precedent to go through digital comms from former Presidents +others. They know it's coming.




What you think anons?