Anonymous ID: d2b106 Aug. 17, 2023, 6:03 p.m. No.19379203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9212 >>9225 >>9232 >>9247 >>9254 >>9503 >>9632 >>9844

Texas Grid Operator Asks Residents to Reduce Energy Usage Due to ‘Low Wind Generation’ to Avoid Blackouts


Texas grip operator ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) asked residents to reduce energy usage amid a sweltering heat wave to avoid rolling blackouts.


ERCOT manages electric power to more than 26 million Texas customers and represents 90% of the state’s electric load, according to the company.


Temperatures soared to 115+ degrees with the heat index in parts of Texas on Thursday amid an excessive heat warning.


ERCOT issued the voluntary conservation notice due to extreme temperatures, forecasted high demand and lower reserves due to low wind generation.


As Central Banks Stockpile Gold, a Christian Company Helps Americans Get Ahead of the “Retirement Bubble”


The wind turbines aren’t producing enough energy.


“Notice for 3 – 8 p.m. today, Aug. 17, due to extreme temperatures, forecasted high demand, & lower reserves due to low wind generation. Texans are asked to voluntarily reduce electric use, if safe to do so.” ERCOT said.

Anonymous ID: d2b106 Aug. 17, 2023, 6:11 p.m. No.19379243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9263

Judge dismisses Hunter Biden tax charges in Delaware, allowing Weiss probe to advance


Earlier this month, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Weiss as special counsel.

Anonymous ID: d2b106 Aug. 17, 2023, 6:14 p.m. No.19379265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9287 >>9311 >>9364 >>9503 >>9632 >>9844

How Did Big Pharma Buy So Many Governments?


Among the many alarming revelations from the "Facebook Files" is the discovery of a strange official policy that dominated the platform in the COVID-19 years.


“For content that doesn’t meet that threshold, we instituted borderline demotions,” the company wrote on July 16, 2021.


“For example, someone sharing negative side effect posts. Similarly, posts questioning whether you get a vaccine under a mandate, whether it’s government overreach. We demote those. That’s not false information but it leads to a vaccine-negative environment.”


This formerly trusted platform had become a major source of news for millions. Users believed it to be an authentic expression of what their friends were thinking and doing. It turns out that, regarding any injury caused by the vaccine, people were silenced. Meanwhile, major media was screaming at everyone that these shots are necessary, safe, and effective—none of which was true. But users didn't know that this was occurring.


The policy was pushed by the federal government on all major social media platforms, which massively distorted public debate. Anyone who spoke about the downsides of the vaccine was treated as a crank and a public danger. All claims that contradicted the government and pharmaceutical line were demoted or deleted for creating a “vaccine-negative environment.”


I was personally denounced in many articles for raising questions about the shots.


It’s no wonder, then, why it has been so incredibly difficult to gain any real clarity about the risk profile of these shots. The age gradient of risk was widely obscured throughout the entire period, all in the interest of imposing universal lockdowns and then shots for everyone, even those who were at zero risk from the virus.


To this day, there's no honest discussion of this topic in official circles. No major media or tech company has apologized. We only have the above policy documentation because the House of Representatives under Republican control forced Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to cough it up. Now, we know that the official policy of government and its allied tech companies was to keep the public in the dark.


The extent of the damage and death caused by the vaccine is left to independent researchers who are working from a tsunami of anecdotes and hard-to-find data. There's a concerted effort to cover it all up, no doubt. It's all done on behalf of the winning pharmaceutical companies and their deployment of a new platform technology for what they call vaccines, even though mRNA shots would never have been called that a few years ago.

Anonymous ID: d2b106 Aug. 17, 2023, 6:32 p.m. No.19379407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9503 >>9632 >>9844

Saudi Arabia inks $1.33bn worth of housing, infrastructure deals with China


The agreements were signed during the Saudi-China Business Forum held in Beijing

Anonymous ID: d2b106 Aug. 17, 2023, 6:37 p.m. No.19379442   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Interior Secretary Hit With Ethics Complaint


Protect the Public’s Trust, a government oversight and accountability organization, filed an ethics complaint Thursday against Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland with the inspector general of the Department of the Interior (DOI).


The ethics complaint alleges that Haaland may not have been impartial when making decisions regarding oil and gas leasing around the Chaco Canyon, and it requested that the DOI’s inspector general initiate an investigation into any potential conflicts of interest. President Joe Biden signed a January 2021 executive order requiring every appointee of the executive branch to sign an ethics commitment, pledging to make decisions “on the merits and exclusively in the public interest, without regard to private gain or personal benefit.”


Haaland’s DOI closed off public lands within ten miles of the Chaco Canyon in New Mexico from any future fuel leasing activity in June for the next two decades, a move which the complaint says raises questions about her impartiality given that her daughter is a member of an activist group that pursued this exact policy outcome. Pueblo Action Alliance, the group to which Haaland’s daughter belongs, advocates for “indigenous solutions as means to dismantle and eradicate white supremacy, capitalism, imperialism, hetero-patriarchy and extractive colonialism” and seeks the “rematriation of everything stolen,” according to its website.


While some Native American groups, like the Laguna Pueblo, to which Haaland belongs, approved of her policy to withdraw the 351,000 acres from leasing activity, others, like the Navajo Nation, opposed it and sought compromise. Haaland opted not to compromise with the Navajo on the issue of a reduced buffer zone, instead forging ahead with the more restrictive option.


“Secretary Haaland has a conflict of interest as a member of the Laguna Pueblo that has been pushing for the very outcome on Chaco that she signed off on,” Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, said in a statement shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Plus, her own daughter has lobbied her agency and members of Congress for that same outcome,” Sgamma continued, adding that “as secretary of the interior, she has an obligation to balance the interests of all tribes, and not favor just one side.”


The complaint alleges further that Haaland inappropriately featured in a film about the Chaco Canyon and tribal opposition to fossil-fuel related activities in the area.


Thursday’s complaint is the second ethics-related complaint filed against a Biden administration official this week. Leaders of Protect the Public’s Trust and 13 other government transparency and accountability groups sent a letter to Biden on Tuesday requesting that he seek the immediate resignation of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, on the grounds that she has allegedly perpetrated a “litany of abuses of public trust” in her capacity as head of the Department of Energy.

Anonymous ID: d2b106 Aug. 17, 2023, 6:45 p.m. No.19379496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9632 >>9844

Someone bought 52,000 acres in the Bay Area. No one knows who they are.


One of the biggest mysteries in Solano County may be one step closer to being solved.


Since 2018, a shadowy company called Flannery Associates has been buying up land around Travis Air Force Base — so much land, in fact, that it is now the biggest property owner in the county. Its land now surrounds the military base on three sides, said Congressman John Garamendi, who represents California’s 8th District.


In July, the story went public when the Wall Street Journal published a report about how Flannery Associates has spent nearly $1 billion in land acquisitions in the county. Because the group incorporated in Delaware, state regulations mean there is no public paper trail of who is behind the limited liability company. Even government officials are stumped, prompting Garamendi to publicly voice his concerns that it could be a national security issue.


If Flannery Associates is to be believed, its investors are spending mind-boggling amounts of money to own the dry, rolling hills between Fairfield and Dixon and the marshlands south to Rio Vista. In a lawsuit the group filed in May, it accused a number of Solano County landowners of illegally colluding to drive up prices when Flannery came calling. In the suit, Flannery Associates said it was already offering over $15,000 per acre for properties around Jepson Prairie and Montezuma Hills.


For reasons not explained by Flannery, it admits in the lawsuit to paying far above the market rate for its Solano County acquisitions. Since 2018, Flannery says it bought or was under contract with 140 separate properties to the tune of over $800 million. “Except for the initial few purchases, Flannery’s purchases have been at a substantial premium to fair market values,” the filing claims.


Despite its land grab, Flannery Associates has never made public what it intends to do with 52,000 acres of Solano County — an empire that is nearly double the size of the city of San Francisco. In the suit, Flannery only details the ways in which it won’t alter the land: It claims it told landowners that they could keep “existing income streams from wind energy and natural gas storage,” could “continue using these properties rent-free for decades,” and would receive “significant grants from Flannery for charitable giving, to be used at the [landowners’] discretion to support local schools and other non-profits.”


Now, a government probe into Flannery’s investors may be in the works.


CNN first reported that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States may be looking into the secretive purchases. CFIUS, which falls under the Treasury Department’s purview, has the power to review certain real estate or investment transactions by foreign buyers to determine if there is a security risk to the United States.


When asked for comment, a spokesperson from the Treasury Department said CFIUS does not publicly comment on transactions it is reviewing.