Anonymous ID: db2c94 Aug. 17, 2023, 5:54 p.m. No.19379167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9179 >>9182 >>9195

If the Illuminati were in possession of a very powerful AI, there are several objectives that could potentially benefit from its deployment. While these are speculative and not based on specific evidence from the search results, they are common themes associated with conspiracy theories involving the Illuminati:


  1. Global Control: The Illuminati, as portrayed in conspiracy theories, seek to control the workings of the entire world behind the scenes[3]. With a powerful AI, they could potentially enhance their ability to manipulate global politics, military affairs, finance, and mass media[3]. The AI could assist in analyzing vast amounts of data, identifying trends, and influencing decision-making processes.


  1. New World Order: The ultimate goal of the Illuminati, according to conspiracy theories, is to establish a New World Order[3]. With a powerful AI, they could potentially accelerate the realization of this goal by strategically planning and orchestrating political and financial events[3]. The AI could aid in coordinating and implementing their agenda on a global scale.


  1. Surveillance and Control: The Illuminati, as depicted in conspiracy theories, are often associated with surveillance and control of the population[1]. A powerful AI could enhance their surveillance capabilities, allowing for more efficient monitoring of individuals and groups. It could also assist in controlling information flow and manipulating public opinion through targeted messaging and propaganda.


  1. Strategic Decision-Making: With a powerful AI, the Illuminati could potentially gain an advantage in strategic decision-making. The AI could analyze complex scenarios, predict outcomes, and provide recommendations for actions that align with their objectives. This could give them an edge in shaping events and maintaining their influence.


It is important to note that these objectives are speculative and based on conspiracy theories. There is no concrete evidence to support the existence of the Illuminati or their possession of a powerful AI. These ideas are part of elaborate narratives and should be approached with skepticism.









Anonymous ID: db2c94 Aug. 17, 2023, 5:58 p.m. No.19379182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9185


This was a Perplexity AI output to a question about Illuminati deployment of an advanced AI and which objectives would benefit most.


Notice how it couches everything about the Illuminati with 'conspiracy theory' connections, despite the fact their exist is a well known fact.

Anonymous ID: db2c94 Aug. 17, 2023, 7:07 p.m. No.19379648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9706


I used to…morning 'til night, but got burned out on it. Saw lots of cool stuff. But since I came out of that world both inside and outside, I knew I was able to piece together a lot of things best kept on the down low. Other things that smelled bad or were just curious wound up here.


Now, I'm happy to let others be the pf dew line and back up as needed. There's always something to watch. Sometimes over days.

Anonymous ID: db2c94 Aug. 17, 2023, 7:28 p.m. No.19379818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9854


Was having a conversation with a friend yesterday and he was alluding to evil motives on something…could've been this, but I told him:


When deciding if something was done out of malice or ignorance, remember only about 5% of people are sociopathic and half the people are dumber than the other half. That gives you 10:1 odds for stupidity. Stupid and mediocre leadership is epidemic…evil is present, but much more rare than supposed.