Anonymous ID: 03c8ca Aug. 18, 2023, 9:09 a.m. No.19382608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2617


YW o7

Dreamscape scared anon-as-a-child :)

Anon's noticing… almost all movies involve "kill the bad guy."

Star Wars gave a hint, "kill me and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine" as in, return to home/Heaven.

Less able to affect events here after death though.

Which is fine, there's so much more to explore, and why "affect" events that Jesus set in motion and are perfection in action?

We just can't see the fourth dimension so well, and also, the veil of time that moves forward, exposing one second per second for us; this, also, hides information from us that is fully revealed instantly when we ask a question, after we return home.

Here things take longer.

Anyway, enjoy the movies! :)

Anonymous ID: 03c8ca Aug. 18, 2023, 9:14 a.m. No.19382636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2717


> >>19382607

>>Name them, Roseanne

>She has "fake jews"

>Look it up.

whoa that's some awesome compression of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, into just two words!

anon says "liars" are who we are against. not any particular race, religion, or other form of division/separation of our created forms. needs more words to say it this way. anon really appreciates compression. love Roseanne, and all!

Anonymous ID: 03c8ca Aug. 18, 2023, 10:28 a.m. No.19382997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3102



> >>19381055 (pb), >>19381062 (pb) Germany legalizing herb and stocking up on missiles from Israel

Loving the herb legalization effort! It may end up countering their "need" for those missiles?

Last night praying with cat on lap after smoking some herb, with eyes closed, anon was seeing some colors. Some faces and shapes; nothing specific.

>Cannabis is a wedge that #wethepeople have demanded and thereby we have cracked their armor a bit.

Realized exactly that, in different words: those who see, scare those who don't.

It's our job to find another "language" to help them see, as well.

If they can see, they will have less fear.

Keeping cannabis from them/us, helps to increase fear/loosh.

"Monsters, Inc." and before that, "The Dark Crystal" (and many more!) showed loosh harvesting, in a way [they] can attack, "that's just a movie." We know.

Many states are investigating mushrooms as medical help, for PTSD and other brain trauma ailments. Anon saw Janet Yellen's news as an attempt to counter that, as well.

Lots of battles. Mostly spiritual, which we tend to lose sight of down here in this dense 3D environment.

This lady (picrel) told a nice story earlier today about asking to pray for construction workers she was passing by, who didn't speak English; one used a translator app, and another put his hands together to indicate she should pray and she did.

God bless in Jesus name.

Anonymous ID: 03c8ca Aug. 18, 2023, 10:46 a.m. No.19383089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3094 >>3228


> >>19382588


>Inception was made by Nolan. Hard to go wrong with any of his films. They've all been quality, though I haven't watched his last two yet: Tenet and Oppenheimer.

Tenet was confusing; parts moved forward in time, parts moved backwards.

Anon only saw it once.

Might watch again with these new(er) eyes.

Similar to "Memento", where some parts were color, some black-and-white; one was the present, the other was the past, and knowing that helps make the movie make a lot more sense.

Earlier, "Pulp Fiction" was a weird out-of-order story that made more sense on repeated viewings.

Just read the below to catch mind up on Tenet - and see there's a "Kiev mission" in it! Came out in 2020, so, couple years before Russia's "Kiev mission."

Lots found in hindsight, which is 2020, we see elections being stolen by dead people. /sixthsense

Anonymous ID: 03c8ca Aug. 18, 2023, 11:06 a.m. No.19383191   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Robin Ware

Biden's middle name is Robinette.

Almost the same as the last name of the creator of Adventure, whose credit is found in a secret room, picrel.

A "Warren" is where rabbits live, kek; down the rabbit hole we go. :)