they really seem to not like swearing lately. Guess they got sick of being told to fuck off. You are dead on though, they come in do you know what you are doing blah blah blah. Im surprised that brit was as polite as he was and even rolled down the window.
perhaps we are in the 1000 year period now, no one really knows. People who say they know for sure are lying to you and that even may include yourself.
I think he will end up behind bars before he gets another indictment no matter how much other states like arizona are threatening it.
who will arrest who will perform the trials, reconcile.
exactly now why are people giving a fuck about shit that they can't control if the only resolution is this. The evidence must be introduced somehow even if those courts are not the ones who do the final judging on what has occurred.
how do you feel about Jesus and his teaching partially came from Buddhism and that he went to India during his formative years and supposedly after he died?
because it is not just people it is their beliefs and then when people push ideologies based on said beliefs people who do not share them are attacked. Especially if you try to shake them awake. Why should any focus be on God for people who do not consider god to exist or at least you definition. Why do you think you are better or more suited than others to make these decisions. Religious people are a cancer.
appologies for the generalization but it is true. you have groups calling themselves chosen and other groups willing to kill and blow shit up if you draw a picture. You said the focus should be on god and not peoples opinions. Your statement was retarded because that is all anyone has is an opinion about god. No one really knows. So quit being a whiny faggot.
most anons are waiting for your mom to show up so their salads can get tossed.
No I am saying the entire fucking thing is corrupt and following it is much like trusting the science. If you want to play that game. The problem is peple believe things and act on those beliefs. Trusting the science is like trusting the dogma.