do we all need to change so that you can feel better, or is it easier for you to just go somewhere else, control freak faggot?
>name ONE traitor who's been hanged
go onโฆ. WE'LL WAIT
You do not see what is happening because you walk by sight, we walk by faith. So if you are going from Phoenix, AZ to San Diego, Ca. There is a half way point called Yuma, AZ. Yuma is a desert and there's nothing out there. Idiots that walk by sight say, well, we are in Yuma and not in San Diego yet and there is nothing here. Idiots that walk by sight get disoriented in Yuma and lose sight of God, kmfao, and they turn around and head back to phoenix (no arrests ho hangings yet.) Hahahahahahahahahaha!
Those of us who walk by faith, get to Yuma and understand we are at the halfway point and although it looks like there's nothing happening here, we know this is not our final destination and we keep going towards San Diego til we get there, you fucking retard that thinks like goes according to whatever your distorted understanding is based on conclusions you draw from your own life experiences and low IQ is. Holeeee shit.