Why not pray for His will to be done, since he knows what's in her heart and what she's actually guilty of and you don't?
Why not pray for His will to be done, since he knows what's in her heart and what she's actually guilty of and you don't?
The hurricane is Hilary, not Hillary, and you don't understand the pit if you think you can cast a hurricane there.
Genesis 3:19
By the sweat of your face
You will eat bread,
Till you return to the ground,
Because from it you were taken;
For you are dust,
And to dust you shall return.”
The dust is getting smart, the dust is waking up.
Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
>which translation tho?
If you don't understand that no one took Jesus life but He gave it under His own authority, then you do not understand Jesus or what He did at all.
The one who handed Him over committed the greater sin. No one took His life, HE GAVE IT. He is counted among the transgressors.
It's Truth.
If you don't understand that HE GAVE His Life under His own authority, then you do not believe in Jesus. You do not believe it is done.
Truth is always a problem for those who hate Truth.
The one who handed Him over committed the greater sin. No one took His life, HE GAVE IT.
He is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life.
Denial of Truth does not make Truth a lie.
It being True makes it True. Just because you deny it doesn't make it untrue.
Science and the bible are not mutually exclusive for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.
I know they're not. You do not have eyes to see.
I pray He opens your eyes and ears in Jesus name.