The maui incident really disturbs me.
I'm all for helping people who need help unexpectantly.
They knew ahead of time that this was going to happen. hence why the kids had no school.
water was shut off for those who "didn't" know what was going on so it would burn more so they could get more support since they wanted to rebuild a smart city(money doesn't grow on trees or does it?)
The children and families of the children who weren't coached isn't there because they would've told another story..(truth) and god forbid the truth to escape their lips.
They say insurance wouldn't pay so they are wanting the people to send money.. not so much donations oh yes,money is better.
One guy saying so many people dead in the water and everywhere…(you need a better actor here) as he goes on and starts saying stop with your conspiracies people lets focus on sending money and the dead.. Is there a play dead card in the game? They sure use it alot. This isn't even half of what I'm understanding or trying to relay. when I see oprah i automactically think chyna.. don't know why that is but seems to me its pushed on me when actually it's SA. for their smart city they are building. The DNA grab also….. comeon'. Send your DNA if you have loved ones here. This all has my panties in a bunch that's it's irritating. This is how I am feeling, but they brought it upon themselves with using our country as one big but hole. Stop sending money to fucking Ukraine./rant over