Anonymous ID: c325d0 Aug. 24, 2023, 2:48 p.m. No.19421558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1587



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In deadly Maui fires, many had no warning

and no way out. Those who dodged a barricade survived


Asspciated Press, by Rebecca Boone *


Posted By: earlybird, 8/24/2023 5:07:29 PM


As flames tore through a West Maui neighborhood, car after car of fleeing residents headed for the only paved road out of town in a desperate race for safety. And car after car was turned back toward the rapidly spreading wildfire by a barricade blocking access to Highway 30. One family swerved around the barricade and was safe in a nearby town 48 minutes later, another drove their four-wheel-drive car down a dirt road to escape. One man took a dirt road uphill, climbing above the fire and watching as Lahaina burned. He later picked his way through the flames, smoke and rubble to pull survivors to safety.

Anonymous ID: c325d0 Aug. 24, 2023, 2:51 p.m. No.19421588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1610


Biden's alcohol czar warns Americans could

soon be told to limit themselves to just

two beers per Week under strict new booze guidelines


Daily Mail (UK), by Luke Andrews



Posted By: Imright, 8/24/2023 3:06:04 PM


Americans could officially be urged to drink no more than two beers a week as part of strict new alcohol guidelines. Biden's health czar told the USDA could revise its alcohol advice to match Canada's, where people are advised to have just two drinks per week. Dr George Koob — who admits enjoying a couple of glasses of Chardonnay a week — said he was watching Canada's 'big experiment' with interest. 'If there's health benefits, I think people will start to re-evaluate where we're at [in the US],' he told

Anonymous ID: c325d0 Aug. 24, 2023, 2:53 p.m. No.19421601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1654


Democrats Have Broken America: Where’s

the Outrage?


Real Clear Politics, by J. Peder Zane



Posted By: rememberwhen, 8/24/2023 1:17:26 PM


The Democrats have an ace in the hole in their relentless war on the Constitution – conservative America’s reverence for the concept of the rule of the law. Only their steadfast commitment to this traditional ideal explains why conservatives are allowing Democrats to flagrantly corrupt our judicial system to destroy their opponents and protect themselves. For all their huffing and puffing, conservatives have effectively taken a let the system play itself out attitude while Democrats nakedly politicize that system through their partisan indictments of former President Trump and their Potemkin Village probes of the Bidens. These are not statements of opinion. These are facts.