Anonymous ID: 9b1c46 Aug. 26, 2023, 10:53 a.m. No.19435798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19434713, >>19434726, >>19434823, >>19434904, >>19435210, >>19435228, >>19435367 The judge has DENIED bail to Harrison Floyd, He's the only one in detention there. PN


They are absolutelytrying to get one of these defendants killedto send a message, don’t fuck with us and we’ll kill anyone that gets in our way.


Thats why Trump is being asked multiple times if he’s afraid of getting assassinated.


They would do it to a black man in a majority black population city, intentionally, to keep the black community in line, so they don’t rebel, just like they did to blacks In the 1800s!


In the 1800s when blacks could serve in office when they got their rights,. The Black legislators were running under the republican party, in house and senate seats locally and nationally, they killed a lot of them and harassed and intimidated them until their will was broken, or scared to death.



Dear God,

Please, this injustice and vile persecution has to stop now! Protect our president, his family, staff, secret service, security, everyone working with and for him, all the defendants in the GA case, the J6 prisoners and every citizen in the US and WW are being threatened. And bless and protect all that support freedom including any others being treated this way with this cruel and evil persecution. Stop the threats of their very lives and livelihood. Please send your Archangels, legions of angels and Saints to our country now to protect them all, and us to defeat these demons from hell!


Bring your FiNAL judgement down on these satanists, Luciferians, NWO, Globalists and the evil demon soldiers incarnate today. God you have the ultimate Power to take them out now, we pray thee, please do it!


Not my will but thine be done. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Anonymous ID: 9b1c46 Aug. 26, 2023, 11:29 a.m. No.19435983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6006

>>19434675, >>19434662, >>19434691 Are ordinary cops now allowed to sign death certificates throughout the country? DIG! PN


If this was planned two years ago, which I have no reason to doubt, then was their incompetence planned also, just like E. Palestine? It seems to me Maui is using the same leadership plan of OH.


Perhaps they have designed and/or are using the Bidan policy on catastrophes, major crimes, illegal immigration, etc which is the complete destruction of gov to protect the country and society! They deny and lie constantly, deny all responsibility, never address anything, or answer questions, never admit anything, show fake concern but only days late, never have gov employees do their job, never hold anyone accountable for disasters they create for 100s of 1000s dying, but they have a few people resign for optics, they don’t help the survivors or country monetarily or any other way, etc etc etc. And the fucking press never holds them accountable because they are paid propagandists and have been threatened too.


After writing that, its sounds exactly what was Obama’s plan might be, to “fundamentally change America” through mass unrest, race hatred, kill the patriotic, destroy all pride in our country, etc. This sounds stupid that’s is his/theiir plan, but it makes more sense when you think of their ultimate goal, reduce the population to 1/2 billion worker drones serving Satanists.


So all of these supposed errors were baked into the cake, or will they get caught? We know they won’t get caught or punished, so this is intentional planned chaos and destruction, and they don’t give a fuck what we think!


Any comments anons, I need some feedback on the theory please


And don’t give me corrections on my grammar or language, or hows its written

Anonymous ID: 9b1c46 Aug. 26, 2023, 11:35 a.m. No.19436006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6029 >>6055


If this is their plan, this is their strategy and they used it with Covid and theywill continue to do it:


Learned helplessness


Learned helplessness is the behavior exhibited by a subject after enduring repeated aversive stimuli beyond their control. It was initially thought to be caused by the subject's acceptance of their powerlessness, by way of their discontinuing attempts to escape or avoid the aversive stimulus, even when such alternatives are unambiguously presented. Upon exhibiting such behavior, the subject was said to have acquired learned helplessness.[1][2]


In humans, learned helplessness is related to the concept of self-efficacy; the individual's belief in their innate ability to achieve goals. Learned helplessness theory is the view that clinical depression and related mental illnesses may result from a real or perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation.[3]


Later experiments


Later experiments have served to confirm the depressive effect of feeling a lack of control over an aversive stimulus. For example, in one experiment, humans performed mental tasks in the presence of distracting noise. Those who could use a switch to turn off the noise rarely bothered to do so, yet they performed better than those who could not turn off the noise. Simply being aware of this option was enough to substantially counteract the noise effect.[6] In 2011, an animal study[7] found that animals with control over stressful stimuli exhibited changes in the excitability of certain neurons in the prefrontal cortex. Animals that lacked control failed to exhibit this neural effect and showed signs consistent with learned helplessness and social anxiety.


Expanded theories


Research has found that a human's reaction to feeling a lack of control differs both between individuals and between situations, i.e. learned helplessness sometimes remains specific to one situation but at other times generalizes across situations.[6][8][9] Such variations are not explained by the original theory of learned helplessness, and an influential view is that such variations depend on an individual's attributional or explanatory style.[10] According to this view, how someone interprets or explains adverse events affects their likelihood of acquiring learned helplessness and subsequent depression.[11] For example, people with pessimistic explanatory style tend to see negative events as permanent ("it will never change"), personal ("it's my fault"), and pervasive ("I can't do anything correctly"), and are likely to suffer from learned helplessness and depression.[12]


In 1978, Lyn Yvonne Abramson, Seligman, Paul and John D. Teasdale reformulated Seligman's & Paul's work, using attribution theory. They proposed that people differed in how they classified negative experiences on three scales, from internal to external, stable to unstable, and from global to specific. They believed that people who were more likely to attribute negative events to internal, stable, and global causes were more likely to become depressed than those who attributed things to causes at the other ends of the scales.[11]…

Anonymous ID: 9b1c46 Aug. 26, 2023, 11:41 a.m. No.19436029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6037


This reminds me a point a Q commentator says, they want us to blame each and have a civil war, tp destroy the country, but so many people are waking up we will have a Revolutionary war and kick out the NWO once and fall all in America.


Remember Tucker and Trump talked about a civil war the other day, Trump answered he doesn’t know if that would happen, but he’s saying a greater rise is amazing love and the rise of anger. When Trump can’t say it won’t happen, it seems time to bring in the white hat military!

Anonymous ID: 9b1c46 Aug. 26, 2023, 12:02 p.m. No.19436100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6107

Old twitter post from May 2023, but important, Marshal service saving children, youngest one found 6 months old