Anonymous ID: d567af Aug. 26, 2023, 3:31 p.m. No.19437346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7355 >>7365


Observing how the establishment has treated Trump was an allegory and awakening in my own personal life. I always thought the World was against me, turns out, it was kind of true. Not to say there wasn't things for me to improve on my own end but I feel vindicated.


Doesn't matter what I did, in the end, it didn't even matter. My own family was against me too - the Matrix was fucking me hard. When people were harsh towards me I had to take it, but when I criticized back, even at 40% the level at which I was hit with, literally people would try to destroy me - I could feel their murderous energy through their eyes and body language. So long story short I'm basically an absolute savage now, and it makes me feel comfy inside seeing the destruction of my enemies.


Thank you Trump - you're a once in a lifetime kind of character.

Anonymous ID: d567af Aug. 26, 2023, 3:50 p.m. No.19437435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7563


Jealousy will never go away. 7 deadly sins are the gratuitous forms of the desires it describes, otherwise it's healthy to be a little bit of each.


When I feel jealous I usually just say it out loud like: "I'm actually jealous right now", it neutralizes that feeling and the people around me usually laugh and it's like a friendly reminder we're all human in the group.