Anonymous ID: 3712e0 Sept. 9, 2023, 7:54 p.m. No.19521742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1748



I had noticed, way before this story, that when the "government" wants to do something to many of us that normally would cause resistance they choose a few soft but plausible targets in order to intimidate the rest of us.


Example: Many years ago the process of obtaining newborn blood samples was instituted "to check for genetic diseases". One mother, of many children (nine as I recall) objected to this as none in her family had genetic disease and she also believed that the "shedding of innocent blood" was wrong. Meaning that even though the heel stick would not kill her baby the "shedding" of his blood was still against her religion. So what did the "government" do? They sent police to her house and ripped the nursing infant from his mother, traumatizing the entire family. Why did they do this? I think it was to make sure no one else would bother to decline the heel stick.


As a side note: The connection between the medical industry and demonic entities is unmistakeable to me. The AMA logo is literally a snake on a pole with "666" embedded. They l stab a baby's heel at birth to steal a sample of his genetic material.


Genesis 3: 14-15


I cannot imagine at this time a better representation of the sin Jesus came to deliver us from than "serpent medicine".

Anonymous ID: 3712e0 Sept. 9, 2023, 7:58 p.m. No.19521759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1764



This looks F&G to me. All pixelated and the date relative to "CORONAVIRUS" is wrong. "August 29, 2019" was WAY beforeCORONAVIRUSwould have been a separate heading at the Jerusalem Post.