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Paul Hutchinson: Trafficker Character in the Sounds of Freedom Based on His Undercover Work

192,204 views Aug 26, 2023

Modern Wisdom Episodes


Paul Hutchinson is an entrepreneur, former fund manager and undercover operative known for his role in rescuing trafficked children depicted in the film the Sound of Freedom. Transitioned from a career in real estate asset management to dismantling some of the world’s largest child sex trafficking rings.


The first time, he rented an private island to rescue around 100 children. Very dangerous, very traumatic, he saw the minor children as they were delivered ("all virgins"). Did 70 rescue missions until it became too much, decided to public instead (FOUR MONTHS AGO).


Talks about the INCREDIBLE BARRIERS ERECTED to keep The Sounds of Freedom from reaching the public and how they got around those barriers.


00:00 Paul’s Background

04:19 How Big is the Issue of Child Trafficking?

08:00 The Biggest Consumers of Child Trafficking

11:25 Why Paul Was Perfectly Equipped to Be an Operative

14:03 The Chilling Story of Paul’s First Operation

26:35 What It’s Like for Armed Forces to Storm the Operation

31:40 Living the Life of an Underground Operative

34:10 The Most Dangerous Situations Paul has Faced

39:04 The Significant Weight of Being an Operative on Life

43:47 Why The Sound of Freedom Has Attracted Controversy

48:36 Meeting Terrifying People with Terrifying Wealth

55:00 The Current State of Global Child Sex Trafficking

58:57 How Individuals Can Help