Anonymous ID: a97a57 Sept. 9, 2023, 7:36 p.m. No.19521608   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Businesses are leaving Alb. because of the catch and release policies. Hotels are unsafe to stay at if you value your property.

I have to wonder what she(they) has planned for Albuquerque if she wants to disarm the law abiding citizens for 30 days.

Anonymous ID: a97a57 Sept. 9, 2023, 7:42 p.m. No.19521642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1652 >>1677

From San Juan County, NM Sheriff.

San Juan County Sheriff's Office, NM



San Juan County,

In response to recent gun homicides our state has witnessed, New Mexico Governor Lujan Grisham issued an executive order declaring gun violence a public health emergency. Another executive health order was declared in response to our illicit drugs crisis.

Most importantly, I extend my deepest condolences to the families of these precious lives. It pains me to see how quickly our focus shifts from love and support for a grieving family to divisive arguments. Please forgive us as we try to find solutions to these senseless tragedies while preserving our freedoms. We mean no disrespect. My thoughts and prayers are with your families. I also pray for the brave dedicated law enforcement officers who are tirelessly working to find the evil persons responsible. God be with you.

After the Governor’s press conference, I was asked for my views on the orders. (Beyond being your San Juan Co. Sheriff, I also serve as Chairman of the New Mexico Sheriffs’ Association and the New Mexico Sheriffs’ Affiliate). I gave the following response.

“The New Mexico Sheriffs' Association understands the struggle Albuquerque and Bernalillo County face regarding violent crime. Many rural New Mexico counties are impacted by big city crime spilling over into our communities. The NMSA does not support the Governor's temporary suspension of legal concealed carry and open carry firearms. This will directly impact law abiding citizens. Criminals do not possess concealed carry licenses, nor do they open carry firearms. This proposal is a violation of Article II of the New Mexico Constitution that states in the first sentence; No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense. The Albuquerque area still faces a shortage of law enforcement officers and crime is rampant. We fear announcing to criminals that citizens in the public will no longer have the ability to defend themselves will have a catastrophic effect.”

We support the Governor's efforts in combating the State of New Mexico's illicit drug epidemic. We suggest the Governor's plan include strengthening our border security with Mexico where deadly fentanyl enters New Mexico and the United States. We cannot continue to ignore that fact regardless of one's political views.

Every person has a natural right to defend themselves. This right must remain solid during a time when law enforcement agencies are under-staffed and cannot be there to protect our citizens, when criminals have more rights than citizens, when criminals no longer fear justice, and judges aren’t given the authority to keep criminals off the street.

We all agree criminals shouldn’t have guns, but they do and they will. They’re criminals they don’t follow laws. Disarming the citizens will not stop criminals from possessing guns. Criminals need to be held accountable. They are not the victims.

Gun owners can do their part to keep guns away from criminals and others safe. Keep your guns secure. If you have little ones: always keep your gun next to you, lock them up and/or keep them unloaded, educate your children on gun safety. If you do not have children: lock your door when you leave your house, make sure guns aren’t visible from the outside, consider locking them up while you’re away. Please don’t leave them unattended in your vehicle. Take a firearms class: familiarize yourself with your gun, know the legal parameters on how & when to use it.

In the end we all want a safe and free New Mexico. May we never consider trading our freedoms for the lack of a criminal’s accountability. Both sides need to respectfully come to the fence in a united effort to find solutions. This is not a singular issue.

There are many issues that have got us to this point. Focusing on just one is not going to get us anywhere.

Thank you for your time and support,

Sheriff R. Shane Ferrari

San Juan Co., N.M.

Anonymous ID: a97a57 Sept. 9, 2023, 7:43 p.m. No.19521652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2074


Lincoln County Sheriff's Office


In response to the Governor's recent effort to disarm law abiding citizens in New Mexico, I offer the following message to the citizens of Lincoln County, New Mexico….

Attached is but ONE of my Oaths of Office that have been on file in the Lincoln County Courthouse for years. There is NO expiration date and No declaration that I will support unconstitutional mandates or health orders.

The Constitution will remain intact in Lincoln County, New Mexico…SO HELP ME GOD!

~Michael Wood, Lincoln County Sheriff~