>as they heal and recover.
Surely she means, as they flee to Europe and continue to rape it dry?
>as they heal and recover.
Surely she means, as they flee to Europe and continue to rape it dry?
I'm sorry, eBot's cracking me up over here kek.
What if the suffering for most people is actually punishment for being apathetic, complacent, and/or decadent for too many years without consequence? Maybe we're all pieces of shit deep down, though I don't personally want to believe it myself.
>I hope it's enough.
I agree bigly. o7
Oh, I take no pleasure in this world anymore except for shitpoasting, anon. So I'm sure I'm getting judged by someone somewhere kek.
For me, "prophets" seemed to imply the people pushing oddly specific predictions all the time, chiefly the overzealous datefags who may or may not be famefags on monetized forms of social media.
So what habbens when it was Antifa running shit ballots between the dropboxes kek?