Anonymous ID: 69ce49 Sept. 10, 2023, 7:32 p.m. No.19527520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7526 >>7533

New Mexico’s Democrat Governor Scolds Far-Left Rep. Ted Lieu, Doubles Down on Her Unconstitutional Gun Grab


Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham on Friday declared gun violence a public health emergency in response to the shooting deaths of a thirteen-year-old girl on July 28, a five-year-old girl on August 14, and an eleven-year-old boy on September 6.


“The action plan includes a suspension of open and concealed carry laws in Bernalillo County, temporarily prohibiting the carrying of guns on public property with certain exceptions. Exceptions include for licensed security guards and law enforcement officers. Citizens with permits to carry firearms are free to possess their weapons on private property (such as at a gun range or gun store), provided they transport the firearm in a locked box, use a trigger lock, or some other mechanism that renders the gun incapable of being fired,” according to the press release.


The public health order also directs:


The Regulation and Licensing Division to conduct monthly inspections of licensed firearm dealers to ensure compliance with all sales and storage laws.

The Department of Health, along with the Environment Department, to begin wastewater testing for illegal substances such as fentanyl at schools.

The Department of Health to compile and issue a comprehensive report on gunshot victims presenting at hospitals in New Mexico, which shall include (if available): demographic data of gunshot victims, including age, gender, race, and ethnicity; data on gunshot victim’s healthcare outcomes; the brand and caliber of the firearm used; the general circumstances leading to the injury; the impact of gunshot victims on New Mexico’s healthcare system; and any other pertinent information.

A prohibition on firearms on state property, including state buildings and schools. This also includes other places of education where children gather, such as parks.

The State Police to add officers in Albuquerque with funding for overtime provided.

The Children, Youth and Families Department to immediately suspend the Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative and evaluate juvenile probation protocols.

“No constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute,” Grisham said in a chilling statement during a news conference.

Even worse, Grisham admitted she is openly violating the US Constitution: “There will be a legal challenge and I can’t tell you that we win it,” she said.


Grisham’s declaration and gun grabbing was so extreme and unlawful that far-left Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu called her out. Gun-grabbing mongrel David Hogg also blasted Grisham.


Ted Lieu is a Democrat from California of all places and Grisham’s assault on the Second Amendment was even too far for him.


“I support gun safety laws. However, this order from the Governor of New Mexico violates the U.S. Constitution. No state in the union can suspend the federal Constitution. There is no such thing as a state public health emergency exception to the U.S. Constitution.” Ted Lieu said.

Anonymous ID: 69ce49 Sept. 10, 2023, 7:38 p.m. No.19527541   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vatican calls for investigation into Catholic clerics linked to sexual abuse in Switzerland


The Vatican has called for an investigation into high-ranking Catholic clergy members in Switzerland having to do with sexual abuse.


The Swiss Bishops' Conference stated that there were apparently allegations against retired and active bishops, as well as other clergy members in their handling of abuse cases, per Associated Press.


The majority of the clergy members have been accused of covering up abuse cases, but there are some who have been accused of committing sexual abuse themselves.


The conference noted that the Vatican had received a letter with the allegations listed in May. As a result, they appointed Swiss Bishop Joseph Bonnemain to lead the preliminary investigation in June, according to the report.


Bonnemain is reportedly known for investigating sexual assaults within the church.


Winnipeg Free Press reported that Father Nicolas Betticher, a priest at the Bruder Klaus church in Bern, had written the letter, which came to light earlier Sunday in a report by the newspaper Blick.


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The letter accuses six bishops of covering up abuse cases. Additionally, one bishop and three priests are accused of sexually molesting teenagers.


Betticher told the AP during a phone interview that he was motivated by a call from Pope Francis who said members of the clergy should "announce" any signs of sexual abuse or cover-up that they may come across.


“Twenty years ago, we did not have a sufficient legal basis and therefore we made a lot of mistakes,” Betticher said.


“Now, I see that for 10 years, we have continued to make mistakes and today, there is a kind of will to hide certain things, or not to be precise, and not to go through with the checks (of allegations of sexual abuse).”


“Today, we can no longer afford to simply say, ‘Ah yes, I know, but I didn’t do it quite right, but we’ll do better next time.’ That’s over,” Betticher said. “It completely discredits the Church. And that’s what disturbs me, because at the core, people tell us: ‘We don’t want to come anymore, we’re leaving the church.’ And that, for me, is unacceptable.”


The bishops' conference has informed the Swiss public prosecutor's offices "of the cases mentioned in the letter."


The revelation comes after a report earlier this year suggested that the Catholic Church had experienced a mass exodus, with more than 500,000 German Catholics leaving the church due to allegations of sexual abuse and assault.

Anonymous ID: 69ce49 Sept. 10, 2023, 7:44 p.m. No.19527563   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The case of paedophile William Landman shows why Daniel Andrews's inquiry won't 'go where it needs to go'


"The person who's running the inquiry … we've given to her the power to go where the evidence takes her."


So said Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews last Thursday, explaining the role Kathleen Foley SC will play in leading the government's recently-launched Board of Inquiry "into historical child sexual abuse in Beaumaris Primary School and certain other government schools".


Warning: This story contains details of child sexual abuse


In the case of Beaumaris Primary, where a cluster of paedophile teachers abused alarming numbers of children in the 1960s and 70s, the evidence is likely to take Foley and her inquiry on hellish journeys that sometimes end in cemeteries.


And to be clear, those who survived, the loved ones of those who didn't, and the brave few who ensured this inquiry is even taking place, certainly deserve its fullest attention and respect.


But on launch day, even the inquiry's title, trailing off into vagueness, already begged uncomfortable questions. "Certain other government schools"? Which ones? Any and all to which, using the premier's description of Foley's role, "the evidence takes her"?


To be blunt, probably not.


Even a cursory glance at the terms of reference, which Premier Andrews misidentified as "very broad", spelled out Foley's limited remit with crystal clarity. Presently, her inquiry is solely an examination of abuse perpetrated by the Beaumaris Primary offenders — at that school and 17 other government schools they were shuffled through — and the contemporaneous institutional responses to that particular abuse.


Never mind the painful, often traumatising legal ordeals such survivors have faced in recent years when they've sued the Victorian Education Department. The inquiry won't tackle those present-day indignities.


And never mind that the Beaumaris abuse represents a small fraction of the degradations inflicted on blameless children by the incalculable number of paedophile teachers who infiltrated Victoria's state school system in the 20th century. As it stands, those will go unexamined too.

Anonymous ID: 69ce49 Sept. 10, 2023, 7:53 p.m. No.19527611   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dr. Amanda J. Rothschild is a nonresident senior fellow with the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security’s Scowcroft Strategy Initiative. She is a scholar of U.S. foreign policy, international security, and diplomatic history, a national security strategist, and a former presidential speechwriter. She has served in government at the White House, National Security Council, and State Department. During the Trump administration, she was a Senior Advisor on the State Department’s Policy Planning Staff under Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and a Special Assistant to the President and Senior National Security Speechwriter at the White House. Rothschild is a recipient of the National Security Council’s Outstanding Service Award. She received her PhD in Political Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she was a member of the MIT Security Studies Program, and completed predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships at Harvard’s Belfer Center. She received her BA, summa cum laude, in Political Science from Boston College, where she was a Rhodes Scholar Finalist and member of the Division 1 varsity women’s ice hockey team. Her research and commentary on international and political affairs have appeared in scholarly and popular outlets, such as International Security, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, the New York Times, Forbes, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, and the Washington Examiner.