Anonymous ID: fba7e5 Sept. 10, 2023, 6:05 p.m. No.19527111   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7267


salvation by good works?


-Sirach 3:31

The New Revised Standard Version

31 Those who repay favors give thought to the future; when they fall they will find support.


-Sirach 3:14

The New Revised Standard Version

14 For kindness to a father will not be forgotten, and will be credited to you against your sins;


-Sirach 3:30

The New Revised Standard Version

Alms for the Poor

(Tob 4:7–11)

30 As water extinguishes a blazing fire, so almsgiving atones for sin.


Sirach 30:11–12

The New Revised Standard Version

11 Give him no freedom in his youth, and do not ignore his errors.

12 Bow down his neck in his youth, and beat his sides while he is young, or else he will become stubborn and disobey you, and you will have sorrow of soul from him.


-Sirach 30:2

The New Revised Standard Version

2 He who disciplines his son will profit by him, and will boast of him among acquaintances.


  • Tobit 12:9

The New Revised Standard Version

9 For almsgiving saves from death and purges away every sin. Those who give alms will enjoy a full life,


  • Tobit 12:8

The New Revised Standard Version

8 Prayer with fastingd is good, but better than both is almsgiving with righteousness. A little with righteousness is better than wealth with wrongdoing.e It is better to give alms than to lay up gold.

Anonymous ID: fba7e5 Sept. 10, 2023, 6:18 p.m. No.19527183   🗄️.is đź”—kun


This is from one of the books of the Apocrypha.

2 Maccabees 14:41–46:

41 When the troops were about to capture the tower and were forcing the door of the courtyard, they ordered that fire be brought and the doors burned. Being surrounded, Razisn fell upon his own sword, 42 preferring to die nobly rather than to fall into the hands of sinners and suffer outrages unworthy of his noble birth. 43 But in the heat of the struggle he did not hit exactly, and the crowd was now rushing in through the doors. He courageously ran up on the wall, and bravely threw himself down into the crowd. 44 But as they quickly drew back, a space opened and he fell in the middle of the empty space. 45 Still alive and aflame with anger, he rose, and though his blood gushed forth and his wounds were severe he ran through the crowd; and standing upon a steep rock, 46 with his blood now completely drained from him, he tore out his entrails, took them in both hands and hurled them at the crowd, calling upon the Lord of life and spirit to give them back to him again. This was the manner of his death.


What does God's Word say about suicide?

Anonymous ID: fba7e5 Sept. 10, 2023, 6:27 p.m. No.19527211   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Tobit 6:2–7

The New Revised Standard Version

2 and the dog came out with him and went along with them. So they both journeyed along, and when the first night overtook them they camped by the Tigris river. 3 Then the young man went down to wash his feet in the Tigris river. Suddenly a large fish leaped up from the water and tried to swallow the young man’s foot, and he cried out. 4 But the angel said to the young man, “Catch hold of the fish and hang on to it!” So the young man grasped the fish and drew it up on the land. 5 Then the angel said to him, “Cut open the fish and take out its gall, heart, and liver. Keep them with you, but throw away the intestines. For its gall, heart, and liver are useful as medicine.” 6 So after cutting open the fish the young man gathered together the gall, heart, and liver; then he roasted and ate some of the fish, and kept some to be salted.


The two continued on their way together until they were near Media.r 7 Then the young man questioned the angel and said to him, “Brother Azariah, what medicinal value is there in the fish’s heart and liver, and in the gall?”


Tobit 6:16–17

The New Revised Standard Version

16 But Raphaelv said to him, “Do you not remember your father’s orders when he commanded you to take a wife from your father’s house? Now listen to me, brother, and say no more about this demon. Take her. I know that this very night she will be given to you in marriage. 17 When you enter the bridal chamber, take some of the fish’s liver and heart, and put them on the embers of the incense. An odor will be given off;


More from the deleted books, that didn't even make Jesephus's list of sacred scripture.

Anonymous ID: fba7e5 Sept. 10, 2023, 6:42 p.m. No.19527273   🗄️.is đź”—kun




Tobit 11

New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition

Homeward Journey

11 When they came near to Kaserin, which is opposite Nineveh, Raphael said, 2 “You are aware of how we left your father. 3 Let us run ahead of your wife and prepare the house while they are still on the way.” 4 As they went on together, Raphael[a] said to him, “Have the gall ready in your hand.” And the dog[b] went along behind them.


5 Meanwhile Anna sat looking intently down the road by which her son would come. 6 When she caught sight of him coming, she said to his father, “Look, your son is coming, and the man who went with him!”


Tobit’s Sight Restored

7 Raphael said to Tobias before he had approached his father, “I know that his eyes will be opened. 8 Smear the gall of the fish on his eyes; the medicine will make the white films shrink and peel off from his eyes, and your father will regain his sight and see the light.”


9 Then Anna ran up to her son and threw her arms around her son, saying, “Now that I have seen you, my son, I am ready to die.” And she wept. 10 Then Tobit got up and came stumbling out through the courtyard door. Tobias went up to him, 11 with the gall of the fish in his hand, and blew it into his eyes, then took hold of him, saying, “Take courage, father.” With this he applied the medicine on his eyes, 12 and it stung.[c] 13 Next, with both his hands he peeled off the white films from the corners of his eyes. Then Tobit[d] threw his arms around him, 14 and he wept and said to him, “I see you, my son, the light of my eyes!” Then he said,


“Blessed be God.

May his great name be upon us,

and blessed be all the angels[e]

throughout all the ages.

15 Though he afflicted me,[f]

now I see my son Tobias!”


So Tobit went in rejoicing and praising God at the top of his voice. Tobias reported to his father that his journey had been successful, that he had brought the money, that he had married Raguel’s daughter Sarah, and that she was, indeed, on her way there, very near to the gate of Nineveh.


16 Then Tobit,[g] rejoicing and praising God, went out to meet his daughter-in-law at the gate of Nineveh. When the people of Nineveh saw him coming, walking along in full vigor and with no one leading him, they were amazed. 17 Before them all, Tobit acknowledged that God had been merciful to him and had restored his sight. When Tobit met Sarah the wife of his son Tobias, he blessed her, saying, “Come in, my daughter, and be welcome. Blessed be your God who has brought you to us, my daughter. Blessed be your father and your mother, blessed be my son Tobias, and blessed be you, my daughter. Come in now to your home, and be welcome, with blessing and joy. Come in, my daughter.” So on that day there was rejoicing among all the Jews who were in Nineveh. 18 Ahikar and his nephew Nadab were also present to share Tobit’s joy.[h]

Anonymous ID: fba7e5 Sept. 10, 2023, 6:56 p.m. No.19527336   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7339


[Mat 6:2 KJV] 2 Therefore when thou doest [thine] alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.