Anonymous ID: 98c36c Sept. 11, 2023, 12:22 a.m. No.19528827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8939 >>8952 >>8958 >>9252 >>9408 >>9476

There is a Rothschild in our government?


Amanda J. Rothschild

Amanda J. Rothschild is a former member of the State Department’s policy planning staff, special assistant to the president, and senior national

security speechwriter during the Trump administration.


▶ Anonymous 09/10/23 (Sun) 18:09:35d552d2 (8) No.19527130 (PB)

>19527154 >19527187


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>>19527048 (PB)

>>19527085 (PB)


Dr. Amanda J. Rothschild - The Atlantic Council

Dr. Amanda J. Rothschild is a nonresident senior fellow with the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security’s Scowcroft Strategy Initiative.


She is a scholar of U.S. foreign policy, international security, and diplomatic history, a national security strategist, and a former presidential speechwriter. She has served in government at the White House, National Security Council, and State Department.


During the Trump administration, she was a Senior Advisor on the State Department’s Policy Planning Staff under Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and a Special Assistant to the President and Senior National Security Speechwriter at the White House.


Rothschild is a recipient of the National Security Council’s Outstanding Service Award. She received her PhD in Political Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she was a member of the MIT Security Studies Program, and completed pre-doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships at Harvard’s Belfer Center.


She received her BA, summa cum laude, in Political Science from Boston College, where she was a Rhodes Scholar Finalist and member of the Division 1 varsity women’s ice hockey team. Her research and commentary on international and political affairs have appeared in scholarly and popular outlets, such as International Security, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, the New York Times, Forbes, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, and the Washington Examiner.


National Security

Politics and Diplomacy


